haha throwback. tagged. i'll upload some until dawn and Tales of Zestria later
haha throwback. tagged. i'll upload some until dawn and Tales of Zestria later
I was waiting to have a PS4 to post in this thread.
Metal Gear Solid 5 photos?
It's a shame DD is out of focus.
Mr_No said: It's a shame DD is out of focus.
Looking good! Still need to get this.
"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" - Thoukydides
Here's another one.
theres no new action on this thread so...
some old pictures of Cod AW
Yeah, let's revive this thread.
It's definitely not anywhere near the best, yet for $20 I still had a lot of fun with The Crew. Round trip through the USA in just under 70 minutes (real time) reaching speeds upto over 400 km/h. The map is huge. Nice draw distance too and great skies.
And this is the best. Bikes DLC is a lot of fun.
Too bad its still limited to 720p capture and heavy compression. Was too busy to take screenshots.
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