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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Screenshot Thread: Now You're Posting With Power!

That's the same way I played it. Looks amazing @ 1080p

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Some More Skyward Sword // Dolphin

Fire Emblem: Awakening // New3DS

Fire Emblem: Awakening // New3DS

Pokémon Shuffle // New3DS

My last batch of Deus Ex screenshots:

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Spoilers for Yoshi's Woolly World I guess:























































Oh Selina





Feel free to check out my stream on twitch 

Blah, seeing those Yoshi pics bums me out. Hate that NA has to wait until October -_-

Game itself looks so cute though :)

Super Smash Bros 3DS

Had some fun on the Tamagotchi Life stage

Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask (3DS)

run away! 

RavenXtra said:
Blah, seeing those Yoshi pics bums me out. Hate that NA has to wait until October -_-

Game itself looks so cute though :)

The game looks a lot better on your tv. :)

Collect everything btw! Except the stamps, those are lame.