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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Former Sega CEO: Nintendo should keep making hardware and bring IPs to smartphones

PwerlvlAmy said:
to be honest, i dont think Nintendo should be listening to anyone from SEGA


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shikamaru317 said:
Captain_Yuri said:

Huh, maybe hes former Ceo for a reason

He left Sega of America in 1996 because he had a disagreement with Sega's Japanese execs over the direction of the brand. He believed that Sega should have partnered with Sony, Sega Japan's execs didn't. He also disagreed with Sega Japan's decision to release Saturn early in the US when it had very few launch games ready and very few units manufactured. He was actually a pretty successful CEO, SOA's value increased from $72m to $1.5b during his years as CEO of SOA, and he was largely responsible for the success of Genesis in the US.

Just the fact that he disagreed with the absurdly suicide move Sega did that ended up having Sega banished from several retailers and just set up the path to the complete irrelevance of the Saturn in the US gives the guy some credit.

I thought Nintendo was already planning on something similar to this:

b00moscone said:

Also i believe that Iwata said he will try to bring mobile games to the 3DS for a low price, which i guess is alright for people who want all their games of one system and no ads, but i don't think they'll sell very well as people will just want the same FREE game on mobiles.

I can't see that doing so well, I mean if he floods the eshop with freemium mobile games, it will just drive away some of the hardcore users who don't want their shop spammed with bad free games, I despise what that's done to the Google play store and I wouldn't want Nintendo to cram theirs the same way.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Chazore said:
b00moscone said:

Also i believe that Iwata said he will try to bring mobile games to the 3DS for a low price, which i guess is alright for people who want all their games of one system and no ads, but i don't think they'll sell very well as people will just want the same FREE game on mobiles.

I can't see that doing so well, I mean if he floods the eshop with freemium mobile games, it will just drive away some of the hardcore users who don't want their shop spammed with bad free games, I despise what that's done to the Google play store and I wouldn't want Nintendo to cram theirs the same way.

Oh they aren't free. You will pay $10+ for them to play them on Nintendo handhelds (versus free or $1 on a phone). Apparently there is a market for it though. Angry Birds sold well on 3DS, Puzzles x Dragons is a million seller on the 3DS in Japan. 

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Captain_Yuri said:

Huh, maybe hes former Ceo for a reason

It's because he quit Sega of America after Sega of Japan completely screwed up everything that he spent years fixing.

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Nuvendil said:
Doing both would be bad. The smartphone market is all about rock bottom pricing and the absolute most they could maybe get away with charging is $15, more likely $10. This would start eroding the value of the software, which Nintendo has fought hard to keep high. The erosion of value would do harm to their home console side and handheld side and those brands would begin to be perceived as not being worth the larger investment.

so true. I was looking at my collection of software on my playstations and no matter what the title is, the value of sony software vs nintendo is not even close, and the fact that most of the sony titles are in bargin $20 bins and free plus games is enough to validate the value scale.

Chazore said:
b00moscone said:

Also i believe that Iwata said he will try to bring mobile games to the 3DS for a low price, which i guess is alright for people who want all their games of one system and no ads, but i don't think they'll sell very well as people will just want the same FREE game on mobiles.

I can't see that doing so well, I mean if he floods the eshop with freemium mobile games, it will just drive away some of the hardcore users who don't want their shop spammed with bad free games, I despise what that's done to the Google play store and I wouldn't want Nintendo to cram theirs the same way.

I agree completely, i don't want to go on the eshop to have these games shoved into my face, but i hope not many people buy it so they can fade away and Iwata can stop thinking he needs to bring apps to the 3DS. The reason why people buy the 3DS are the sweet cartridge-based or digital games that can only be found on the 3DS, like ALBW and Bravery Defualt.


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