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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Hypothetical: Nintendo Agrees To Support PS4, Sony Agrees To Support HDS

fatslob-:O said:
sc94597 said:

You don't think Nintendo games would give Sony an edge over Microsoft? We are talking about software in this context not hardware. 

This is not about whether or not giving Sony an egde over Microsoft ... 

This is about been a benefit for Nintendo or Sony! 

Sony gets little from this deal as the size of their console customer base is ideal enough as it is whereas Nintendo has nothing to lose on by putting their games on a console with a large userbase. For starters Nintendo doesn't have to take losses on making hardware like they did with the WII U plus there's a potential benefit for selling significantly more software too and what's more is that those are console games which have a much higher margins than their handheld games. Sony would get jack for making software on Nintendo's handheld since it's pretty clear the market doesn't value their handheld games. 

If anything there's more possible returns for Nintendo than there is for Sony in this ordeal ...

But Sony is in competition with Microsoft and any business is profit-maximizing. Having Nintendo games on their hardware would increase and cement sales even more than it already does (remember Sony isn't infallible: see PS3.) Not only that, but it would also keep their platform active. The only risk is that Nintendo games being on the platform might alienate other third parties, as they are so competitive sales-wise. 

Considering Nintendo would have to pay a platform royalty and wouldn't have full control over the hardware so that they can reduce costs of software development, there is still a burden of proof on those people who think sales would increase so much that it would make up for theis opportunity costs. I think the sales of games on the Wii is proof enough that a larger install based doesn't necessarily imply greater sales for certain franchises. 

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It could work, but before that Nintendo needs to explain to Sony how important is to make profits.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

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fatslob-:O said:
Soundwave said:

I think it's fairly even. 

Microsoft could flail their arms and try to bait Sony into price cutting/hardware losses all they want ... Sony would pretty much not have to worry about MS at all anymore. MS would not be able to launch a credible counterattack to Sony with Nintendo on their side. They would have all the best third party content and too many exclusives for MS to counteract. 

It would help the PS4 in Japan a lot too. No Nintendo IP on their own can't sell a console in Japan, but combine Sony's good third party support and Nintendo IP and you may actually have a console that sells reasonably well in Japan. 

In Nintendo's good graces if they can score deals to supply LCDs/cameras/batteries for Nintendo handhelds, that would also sure help take the sting off losing their portable business. Shareholders would be very happy too, Sony's stock would definitely rise on this news. 

Perhaps Sony could also secure other Nintendo IP for things like movies too. Win-win all around. The only loser in this scenario is Microsoft. 

Microsoft is only putting up a fight in one region so Nintendo stepping in would only makes it moderately easier to win America ...

Japan is a lost cause as it is so I doubt the PS4 would gain much from it either ... 

Even putting everything else aside I think Sony would do it just to get a supply deal win for the HDS platform. There's no downside to having more exclusives on your platform either. 

If Mario + Smash + Final Fantasy + DQ + MK etc. can't move consoles well then nothing will, but I think getting Nintendo IP on PS4 would help them push the PS4 above PS3's sales totals (about 10 million). It certainly can't hurt. 

Ultimately the death/decline of the Japanese market isn't what either Sony or Nintendo want to see. It hurts them, its hurts their third party partners. The only beneficiary to a decimated Japanese market is Microsoft because they were never gaining traction in the market anyway. 

Again the only loser in this scenario is Microsoft. Both Nintendo and Sony gain on multiple fronts. It would be huge for the Japanese industry too. 

This nintendo console/handheld isnt even out yet

unless I traveled back in time i SWEAR this thread existed 2-3months ago. even the same author im 70% sure.



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I get where ur coming from but doesn't that kinda defeat the entire purpose of the unified/fusion concept?

The whole point of making unified devices is so they don't have to make games for 2 seperate devices which allows them to significantly increase their software output. If they are making games for Playstations in addition to their Fusion platforms, that completely defeats the purpose.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

That's not as much hypothetical as it is imaginary but wouldn't happen anyway. Only sony would benefit from it.

etking said:
On my opinion, Nintendo and Sony Computer Entertainment will merge anyway sooner or later. The shrinking Japanese market is just not big enough for two console makers.

I don't ever see that happening. I think it's more likely that Nintedo goes the way of Sega. They'll do much better though because they'll have a ton of games that people will want.

If they can get MS and Sony into a bidding war over their IP's and exclusivity that would be even better.

Nintendo should go third party.

RolStoppable said:
Cobretti2 said:

unless I traveled back in time i SWEAR this thread existed 2-3months ago. even the same author im 70% sure.

You aren't mistaken. Soundwave repeatedly pitches the idea that Nintendo should form an alliance with another company, and it's shot down every time because Nintendo would get the short end of the stick in the outlined scenario. Today is Sony's turn, a couple of months ago it was Microsoft's. I think at one point Disney was also a suggestion.

I'm not the only one who realises this! Thank god.. luckily for me there are a couple users on this site who once I read their name I never read their posts for  the sake of not saying something that would get me banned

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