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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony Sells SOE (Sony Entertainment Online) to Columbus Nova! Going multiplatform (Xbox)

estebxx said:
so Sony just lost the console exclusivity to Planetside 2... sad day for exclusives i guess.

And H1Z1, DC Universe Online (also on PS3) and EverQuest Next

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JayWood2010 said:
Nem said:

It really isnt that big. That is PR talk. 

THey are a leader in MMO's though.  EverQuest was one of the most successful MMO's as far as I'm aware

It is odd to see Sony selling them though.  I thought they were doing well with Planetside 2, H1Z1, and the upcoming EverQuest Next which is suppose to be the largest sandbox MMO ever.

Never played the EveQuest myself but ive been patiently waiting for PlanetSide 2 to come to PS4 since i dont like using mouse/kb in multiplayer shooters

They were, they most certainly arent. Do i need to point to world of warcraft? Theres many other MMO's making more money than their biggest one. 

poklane said:
estebxx said:
so Sony just lost the console exclusivity to Planetside 2... sad day for exclusives i guess.

And H1Z1, DC Universe Online (also on PS3) and EverQuest Next

So..nothing of relevance was lost. Except maybe EQ Next.

Nem said:
JayWood2010 said:


They were, they most certainly arent. Do i need to point to world of warcraft? Theres many other MMO's making more money than their biggest one. 

"A Leader" not "The Leader"


Given the paltry sales of the listed IPs, I can't imagine Sony getting much for this. You think they would've waited for a chance to reboot, but the numbers might make the transaction more digestible.

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Makes sense to go Multiplat for those types of games
They can only survive with many players especially if their F2P with optional Microtransactions.Especially those,as long as they are optional and only then make people want to invest a good amount of money.

Though they aren't anywhere near leading in anything MMO related.
MMO includes WoW and this beast is still killing off enemies left and right easily.Everquest was huge,before WoW came into the world dominating.
Sony probably didn't see enough growth at the End and would rather have the quick money when some people are hyped for games like H1Z1 etc
Best console versions will be on Playstation anyway - Its like FF15 or KH3 being Multiplatform.It doesn't affect anything for Sony or rather the PS4 at the end.

Would be fun if they could get crossplatform gaming somehow working.
Obviously doesn't depend on them but would be nice.

Roronaa_chan said:

So..nothing of relevance was lost. Except maybe EQ Next.

Yeah, H1Z1 was getting panned a lot. You should've seen people's comments on Reddit.

Massive news for the gaming world.

However, many of you are jumping the gun in assuming that PS4 just lost 4 console only exclusives. The only information in Johns tweet said that he was excited to start making games on xbox. As far as we know, there might be contracts and deals in place that still make H1Z1, Planetside 2 and the remaining two exclusive to the PS4.

spemanig said:
Absolutely nothing could have prepared me for reading this. Sony's selling off gaming gaming divisions now. Wow. Would have absolutely never believed it.

My guess is that they couldn't develop a good strategy for integrating SOE into.the Playstation brand. With PSN, PSNow on mobiles and TVs, PS Vue etc., they probably didn't see much added value in PC gaming.

So better to take some money now which they could use to invest into PS4 or to plug corporate leaks.

Planetside 2 will probably remain PS4 exclusive for a while, as development is nearing its end.

H1Z1 will probably be delayed for a bit for a simultaneous X1/PS4 release (so probably 2017).

Sony really doesn't lose much as these F2P games are not big system sellers. They do generate a decent amount of microtransaction income for PSN, so XBL is poised to get its share of profits.

In the end, without knowing the monetary value we cannot say if Sony did well or badly, but Microsoft stands to reap some benefits with zero effort, so they definitely gained from this sale.

aLkaLiNE said:
Massive news for the gaming world.

However, many of you are jumping the gun in assuming that PS4 just lost 4 console only exclusives. The only information in Johns tweet said that he was excited to start making games on xbox. As far as we know, there might be contracts and deals in place that still make H1Z1, Planetside 2 and the remaining two exclusive to the PS4.

That is likely true but people also forget that these games were likely going to move very few consoles anyway. The hardcore MMO gamers will stay on PC. 

Nobosy bought a PS4 for Warframe but a shit load of people downloaded it because it was free and many still play. It will be the same for Planetside 2 and the others.  Many from the massive PS4 install base will download and play them but hardly anyone will buy a PS4 for these even if they remain console exclusive.