People saying The Last of Us remastered was the only remaster to get hate are just flat out lying or have bad memories because Tomb Raider Definitive Addition got a lot of backlash. Plus, TLOUR is the highest critic reviewed 8th gen game. The backlash from some consumers was because these games were very recent.
Destiny and Watch dogs got criticized for perfectly legitimate reasons. Destiny was ruthlessly lacking in content when it launched and had infuriating RNG on top of RNG. Some of this has been fixed but reviewers review games *at launch* at MSRP, not months later with a price drop and patches. Watch Dogs is a middling game. That's just all there is to it.
And Unity, a game with Xbox exclusive advertising, got a 70 Meta, lower than both Destiny and Watch Dogs; there's no conspiracy here. And Evolve is currently heading towards a similar Meta to Destiny. And the consumer backlash was just as bad if not in some cases worse. So yeah, no conspiracy.
And the downgrade thing is hardly only falling on Sony. Nintendo gets it constantly even when it's bollocks. The last Zelda footage? Lulz downgrade (which they could see from a few yards away with off screen footage). Every time they show Xenoblade Chronicles X? Lulz, downgradez! The Division caught some flack for being possibly downgraded this last E3. The Uncharted footage was just ill-timed since it happened right after all the drama from 2014 game launches that under delivered. But even then, it's not exclusive to Sony.
As for people in the media commenting that you shouldn't preorder it, keep in mind they have *played the game.* RAD has had multiple playable events. Now yes, it is 100% possible that they just didn't put their best foot forward. That happens; happened with Wolfenstein the New Order which turned out to be great. But it is the job of the reviewers and media in general to INFORM the consumer, not powder developers' rears. The hilarious thing is that if they just hyped the game up and then it turned out to suck, the same people complaining about what they are doing now would complain about them not being more harsh and informative pre-launch.
As for the expectations and pressures I mentioned, RAD brought them on themselves largely thank you very much. Their initial unveiling focused heavily on their engine and the graphical fidelity of the game. They talked it up in interviews for sites and magazines and their early footage/trailers focused heavily on the games beauty. So the expectation that it will be a show piece is all on them. *I* don't give two craps either way, I just want - and hope - it's good.
And as for people saying not to preorder the game, I would advise against that for most games frankly. A preorder is a vote of confidence, not a normal purchase. When you preorder, you are saying you trust the developers completely. A preorder should be carefully considered based not on trailers only but past performance and reliability and yes, information from those who have played the game if possible. Just preordering cause hype results in disappointment a lot of the time.
And lastly, there will always be trolls who go around saying x game will suck or y console is garbage. Welcome to the internet folks. Happens to Xbox, happens to PlayStation, happens to Nintendo. If you feed them it will get worse.