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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Amazon US february monthly bestsellers and general Amazon based discussion

BraLoD said:
tiffac said:

Of course, it will. Its an exclusive remember.

But it also a successor for a series that gone multiplat and was loved in every system.

It would be funny if people decide now it's bad just because it's a exclusive game again.

Sadly I'm sure I'll be having to see some people saying: Demon's Souls? Trash. Dark Souls? Divine. Bloodborne? Trash. 'Cause reasons.

That is exactly what is happening on /v/ right now! They loved Demon's souls,loved dark even more cause it was on PC and now they want bloodborne to suck cause they don't want to buy a PS4!

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Aura7541 said:
The Order Collector's Edition is rising. It's now at #55. With all the craziness that has been going on the internet regarding the game, it doesn't seem that it is affecting pre-orders. Can't really say about post-launch sales until we see for ourselves.

same thing happened with watch dogs. so much gamer hate on it from forums, went on to sell 10 million. it depends more on word of mouth and reviews. 

Conegamer said:
Amazon is loading very slowly for me indeed right now...hope it's fixed soon.

no problem with me, maybe its your internet?

True ranking as of 1300 (HST) 15 FEB - Taking out all cards and accessories

1. Zelda:MM

2. Farcry 4 PS4

3. Farcry 4 XB1

4. The Order 1886

5. PS4

6. GTA 5 XB1


8. XB1

9. Shadow of Mordor PS4

10. MH 4 3DS

11. GTA 5 PS4

12. GTA5 360

13. FC 4 360

14.  FC 4 PC Download

15. Pokemon Omega Ruby

16. SSB 3DS

17. TLOU PS4

18. FC4 PS3

19.  SSB Wii U

20. COD AW PS4



Isn't looking at it this way much more interesting?

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

People saying The Last of Us remastered was the only remaster to get hate are just flat out lying or have bad memories because Tomb Raider Definitive Addition got a lot of backlash. Plus, TLOUR is the highest critic reviewed 8th gen game. The backlash from some consumers was because these games were very recent.

Destiny and Watch dogs got criticized for perfectly legitimate reasons. Destiny was ruthlessly lacking in content when it launched and had infuriating RNG on top of RNG. Some of this has been fixed but reviewers review games *at launch* at MSRP, not months later with a price drop and patches. Watch Dogs is a middling game. That's just all there is to it.

And Unity, a game with Xbox exclusive advertising, got a 70 Meta, lower than both Destiny and Watch Dogs; there's no conspiracy here. And Evolve is currently heading towards a similar Meta to Destiny. And the consumer backlash was just as bad if not in some cases worse. So yeah, no conspiracy.

And the downgrade thing is hardly only falling on Sony. Nintendo gets it constantly even when it's bollocks. The last Zelda footage? Lulz downgrade (which they could see from a few yards away with off screen footage). Every time they show Xenoblade Chronicles X? Lulz, downgradez! The Division caught some flack for being possibly downgraded this last E3. The Uncharted footage was just ill-timed since it happened right after all the drama from 2014 game launches that under delivered. But even then, it's not exclusive to Sony.

As for people in the media commenting that you shouldn't preorder it, keep in mind they have *played the game.* RAD has had multiple playable events. Now yes, it is 100% possible that they just didn't put their best foot forward. That happens; happened with Wolfenstein the New Order which turned out to be great. But it is the job of the reviewers and media in general to INFORM the consumer, not powder developers' rears. The hilarious thing is that if they just hyped the game up and then it turned out to suck, the same people complaining about what they are doing now would complain about them not being more harsh and informative pre-launch.

As for the expectations and pressures I mentioned, RAD brought them on themselves largely thank you very much. Their initial unveiling focused heavily on their engine and the graphical fidelity of the game. They talked it up in interviews for sites and magazines and their early footage/trailers focused heavily on the games beauty. So the expectation that it will be a show piece is all on them. *I* don't give two craps either way, I just want - and hope - it's good.

And as for people saying not to preorder the game, I would advise against that for most games frankly. A preorder is a vote of confidence, not a normal purchase. When you preorder, you are saying you trust the developers completely. A preorder should be carefully considered based not on trailers only but past performance and reliability and yes, information from those who have played the game if possible. Just preordering cause hype results in disappointment a lot of the time.

And lastly, there will always be trolls who go around saying x game will suck or y console is garbage. Welcome to the internet folks. Happens to Xbox, happens to PlayStation, happens to Nintendo. If you feed them it will get worse.

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BraLoD said:
OttoniBastos said:

That is exactly what is happening on /v/ right now! They loved Demon's souls,loved dark even more cause it was on PC and now they want bloodborne to suck cause they don't want to buy a PS4!

I remember before playing Demon's Souls I heard it was horrible, the graphics sucked so hard, I should just avoid it and play Dark Souls... lol.

I'm glad I don't go wirh other people shit, the game was fantastic, and after I discovered the guy was a PC only gamer, he was just spreading shit about it because he didn't wanted to get a PS3 to play it, he haven't even played the game! There where guys agreeing with him there and I'm pretty sure they haven't played it either. People say stuff they don't know a thing about for some ridiculous reasons and yeah, I'm already seeing people praying for Bloodborne to fail, because they want to play it so badly but can't without a PS4 so they have to say it's the worst game ever. They don't even respect the developers who work on that other games they say they love. I wonder if they will be happy with FS going off bussiness if Bloodborne fails hard and they don't get any more games from them because them wanted so badly to play that game.

Some ridiculous logic some people have, the don't deserve to have played a great game as Dark Souls.

There's a few flaws to your story but I won't go into because it's not the nature of the thread but...

[bolded]This is where you should just forget about a persons game opinion. Games differ in graphical ability, as is the nature of games. Wii U games looks best to me because of the art style :D 

Also, I've never played Dark Souls, but it should be fairly obvious with the critical acclaim and general fan acclaim to ignore a single persons experience of a game.

In fact one of my best friends who only owned a 360 borrowed a PS3 solely to play DS(and later repurchased it on PC)


alrightiwill said:
BraLoD said:
OttoniBastos said:

That is exactly what is happening on /v/ right now! They loved Demon's souls,loved dark even more cause it was on PC and now they want bloodborne to suck cause they don't want to buy a PS4!

I remember before playing Demon's Souls I heard it was horrible, the graphics sucked so hard, I should just avoid it and play Dark Souls... lol.

I'm glad I don't go wirh other people shit, the game was fantastic, and after I discovered the guy was a PC only gamer, he was just spreading shit about it because he didn't wanted to get a PS3 to play it, he haven't even played the game! There where guys agreeing with him there and I'm pretty sure they haven't played it either. People say stuff they don't know a thing about for some ridiculous reasons and yeah, I'm already seeing people praying for Bloodborne to fail, because they want to play it so badly but can't without a PS4 so they have to say it's the worst game ever. They don't even respect the developers who work on that other games they say they love. I wonder if they will be happy with FS going off bussiness if Bloodborne fails hard and they don't get any more games from them because them wanted so badly to play that game.

Some ridiculous logic some people have, the don't deserve to have played a great game as Dark Souls.

There's a few flaws to your story but I won't go into because it's not the nature of the thread but...

[bolded]This is where you should just forget about a persons game opinion. Games differ in graphical ability, as is the nature of games. Wii U games looks best to me because of the art style :D 

Also, I've never played Dark Souls, but it should be fairly obvious with the critical acclaim and general fan acclaim to ignore a single persons experience of a game.

In fact one of my best friends who only owned a 360 borrowed a PS3 solely to play DS(and later repurchased it on PC)


You'll...have to rethink what you're typing because there isn't a single "DS" game that is on PS3 and PC and not also on 360.

Anyway I have no time for anyone who wants a game to suck because they can't play it because they don't have the platform and don't want to bother getting the platform. Such attitudes are petty, pathetic and immature. At least people who are wishing against all evidence that a game is excellent aren't wishing something that could end up seeing a company go out of business and real people to lose jobs that cause them financial hardship. The only time I wish failure on games, movies, books etc are when those things are morally or politically bankrupt according to my views and so I hope they never see the light of day and the odious people who thought it was a good idea to produce such awful stuff would disappear into irrelevance.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


bigjon said:
It seems to me that the haters are out in full force. They hate to see it doing so well.

Either XBOX fanboys are just more bitter people in general or MS is behind this,

No need to blame microsoft, for once they did nothing. It's only the fanboys who are worse than ever, especially the Xone fanboys.

On French forums, it's ok because the Xone is way behind the ps (and wiiU), so you don't really see them a lot, but when i tried to read comments on americans/english site like eurogamer/ign/etc...I just /facepalmed X2.

It's just awful.


Anyway, Bloodborne will probably don't have The order problem, it will get very high reviews without any doubt.

The Oder #9
PS4 #11
xbone #24

seems all the hate isnt effecting the order sales. if things keep up we might see pretty strong first week sales for the order

Lol! The haters are shit talking The Order, but it climbs up the rankings on Amazon.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix