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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Amazon US february monthly bestsellers and general Amazon based discussion

GribbleGrunger said:
thismeintiel said:

No one is suggesting that.  This XBO Value Bundle was done by Amazon, not MS, so Sony doesn't really have anything to respond to.  The only thing Sony is going to do in the US, besides throwing in TLOU, is the price cut this year.  I'm thinking it's only going to be $50.  Though, Sony may keep with their long history and make their first cut $100.  Either way, that's really all that is needed to insure the PS4's victory.

What I don't understand, and never have, is this obsession with ONE territory. Sony are winning and have been winning WW every single week, so to even suggest they 'need to do something' is silly in my opinion. They don't need to do anything other than to make sure momentum doesn't slow too much. Only when that happens will they consider a price drop. It won't be because of something MS are doing.

I think  it's like that because US is the best territory xbox one has so everytime xbox one is ahead of ps4, all of a sudden US = the world.  Remember as well that ps4 is the underdog in US after xbox 360 dominated that country against ps3.  Maybe some ps4 fans are tired of some people downplaying the rest of the world using as an argument that US sell the most software or all you need is the US market.  IMO I don't mind seeing ps4 losing US but should fight for at least 50% of the marketshare (ps4/xbox only), that way they will have a respectable software sales in that market which is the one that sells the most software.

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TiagoCosta said:
Kerotan said:

I still don't fully understand their system! 

What is weird about it? titanfall is owning the charts.

at that price it fucking should! im seriously tempted to get it. 

TiagoCosta said:
Kerotan said:

I still don't fully understand their system! 

What is weird about it? titanfall is owning the charts.

X1 winning the hourly for days yet it drops for the monthly compared to ps4.  And at 5 dolla it's not surprising titanfall got a boost. 

eva01beserk said:
DonFerrari said:

Have I gone too low?

No such thing as to low

Lol, she was my neighbor growing up. Fun fact: she was bought, not bred.

GribbleGrunger said:
thismeintiel said:

No one is suggesting that.  This XBO Value Bundle was done by Amazon, not MS, so Sony doesn't really have anything to respond to.  The only thing Sony is going to do in the US, besides throwing in TLOU, is the price cut this year.  I'm thinking it's only going to be $50.  Though, Sony may keep with their long history and make their first cut $100.  Either way, that's really all that is needed to insure the PS4's victory.

What I don't understand, and never have, is this obsession with ONE territory. Sony are winning and have been winning WW every single week, so to even suggest they 'need to do something' is silly in my opinion. They don't need to do anything other than to make sure momentum doesn't slow too much. Only when that happens will they consider a price drop. It won't be because of something MS are doing.

When Sony cuts the price it will be everywhere, not just the USA. Most people who are talking about SOny price cuts might say $100 (as in USA) but the meaning includes and equivalent cut everywhere else in the world. And prople talkinng about PS4 price cuts are talking about the likely effect of the price cut in the USA vs Xb one because that's the only meaningful market (no offence to the UK) where there is much competition. It's not obsession with one market, it's just that there is only one market where there is anything interesting happening competition-wise. Should we talka about what will happen with a price cut in continental Europe? That would be more like cruel and unusual punishment than meaningful discussion. And of course there would be no engagement from Xbox fans because there is nothing particularly hopeful to talk about for them.

There are a small minority who think SOny should react to Xb one pricing and deals now, to keep the boot on the throat, so to speak. If SOny actually wanted to crush Xbox and firce Xbox out of the Console market then crushing it in the USA would be a legit tactic. I doubt Sony actually has that end goal, but I'm sure some PS fans do and would like to see it. So in terms of their personal hopes and dreams calling for a Sony response to Xb one being competitive in the USA is consistent with ther internal logic.

I see monthly has updated, though not for the final time for Feb,and Titanfall has pushed in between PS4 and Xb one. I have no doubt that the numerical gap has narrowed even though the ranking gap has widened. It is more about TF sales than relative PS4/XB one sales. In the Final monthly TF will probably be ahead of Xb one. But I don't expect the appearance of the $349 extra controller bundle will change the ranking over the next 24 hours. Amazon is really keen to de-stock the ACU bundle and I think that is as much a sign that the ACU bundle is coming to the end of its run as that Amazon might have over-ordered on ACU bundles.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


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Oh yeah, and The Order being in the Top 40 to the end of Feb is much better than expected. But helped of course by the bundle.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


binary solo said:
Oh yeah, and The Order being in the Top 40 to the end of Feb is much better than expected. But helped of course by the bundle.

I'm not sure you understood what I meant with my other comment. I'm talking about people that actually 'truly' believe that the US is the only market that matters. These are the same people who scratch their head when they see the PS4 is growing that lead.


The PS5 Exists. 

Kerotan said:
Aura7541 said:
Huh... The X1 actually went down on the monthly rankings to #12 (previously #11). The PS4 remains #9.

I still don't fully understand their system! 

Me neither. The X1 was ahead all week long and yet, it fell back albeit just slightly.

Aura7541 said:
Kerotan said:

I still don't fully understand their system! 

Me neither. The X1 was ahead all week long and yet, it fell back albeit just slightly.

Already explained in my above post. The latest monthly chart is all about TF moving up the ranks and has nothing to do with Xb one and PS4. To illustrate: say the gap between ps4 and Xb one at the previous monthly update was 200 units. And at this latest update the gap is 150 units. But that the TF sale caused TF to only be 100 units behind Ps4. That would put TF between ps4 and Xb one and thus make Xb one drop in the monthly ranking even though the sales gap between ps4 and xb one has narrowed.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


Hiku said:
eva01beserk said:
DonFerrari said:

Have I gone too low?

No such thing as to low

You are correct actually. There is no such thing as "to" low. :p

Anyway, is FF Type 0 really doing that well? I see it on #55 on monthly, and #22 on houerly. Has it only been available for pre order for a short time or something?

FF Type 0 is currently the only way to get the demo for FFXV.  That has probably helped a lot.  Although I think it is a mistake on Square's part.  FFXV is in a position to draw in a new crowd with its style.  A demo could help hook a lot of wait-and-see types.  But by packaging it with another FF game that this new crowd likely is not interested in completely hamstrings its effectiveness as a marketing tool for FFXV.  I really hope it becomes available on its own for free or super cheap later.