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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Amazon US february monthly bestsellers and general Amazon based discussion

Aura7541 said:
X1 is stubbornly holding on, I see. The PS4 was gaining ground on the X1 yesterday though it was at a very slow pace. We might have to wait a while until the PS4 takes the lead again.

Seems so.  Of course, I doubt the sales are that far apart.  Unlike on Gamestop, where there are two SKUs of PS4 above the 1st XBO SKU.  It's also ahead at Best Buy.  On Walmart, the XBO is ahead, but considering the PS4 has 4 SKUs (currently #2, #3, #7, and #8) vs XBO's 3 (currently #1, #4, and #9) in the Top 10, I think sales are either nexck and neck or the PS4 may have a slight lead. 

After last Xmas season, I'm actually surprised at how well the $399 PS4 with 1 game  is holding up against a $349 XBO with 2 games.  I guess this at least let's MS know what they need to do to get ahead of the PS4, now.  Either be $100 cheaper or be $50 cheaper and pack in 3 games and 2 controllers.  I actually think it would cost them less to just drop to $299, then to pack in all of that.  Especially if they are 3rd party games.

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Insidb said:
DannyDanger89 said:

How do you check monthly?

Open the yearly bestsellers (It will default to 2014.), go to the hyperlink, and change the year to 2015 and add the month (-0X).

For reference:


thismeintiel said:
Aura7541 said:
X1 is stubbornly holding on, I see. The PS4 was gaining ground on the X1 yesterday though it was at a very slow pace. We might have to wait a while until the PS4 takes the lead again.

Seems so.  Of course, I doubt the sales are that far apart.  Unlike on Gamestop, where there are two SKUs of PS4 above the 1st XBO SKU.  It's also ahead at Best Buy.  On Walmart, the XBO is ahead, but considering the PS4 has 4 SKUs (currently #2, #3, #7, and #8) vs XBO's 3 (currently #1, #4, and #9) in the Top 10, I think sales are either nexck and neck or the PS4 may have a slight lead. 

After last Xmas season, I'm actually surprised at how well the $399 PS4 with 1 game  is holding up against a $349 XBO with 2 games.  I guess this at least let's MS know what they need to do to get ahead of the PS4, now.  Either be $100 cheaper or be $50 cheaper and pack in 3 games and 2 controllers.  I actually think it would cost them less to just drop to $299, then to pack in all of that.  Especially if they are 3rd party games.

Yeah, the PS4 is quite something despite being more expensive than the X1. After what we saw the effect with the Value Bundle, we now have a very good idea of what lengths Microsoft needs to take in order to go toe-to-toe with the PS4. Either MS needs to pack in more than two games or even better, pack the X1 with Sunset Overdrive & MCC.

However, we need to take into account that the PS4 has not received a proper price cut yet. We know that it will definitely happen this year. The questions are when and by how much. If Sony decides to cut the price from $399 to $299, sales will skyrocket and likely kill whatever momentum the X1 has.

Amazon, you gotta ask yourself something: how much does the streak mean to you? Are you willing to throw it all away just make a quick buck?

Aura7541 said:
thismeintiel said:
Aura7541 said:
X1 is stubbornly holding on, I see. The PS4 was gaining ground on the X1 yesterday though it was at a very slow pace. We might have to wait a while until the PS4 takes the lead again.

Seems so.  Of course, I doubt the sales are that far apart.  Unlike on Gamestop, where there are two SKUs of PS4 above the 1st XBO SKU.  It's also ahead at Best Buy.  On Walmart, the XBO is ahead, but considering the PS4 has 4 SKUs (currently #2, #3, #7, and #8) vs XBO's 3 (currently #1, #4, and #9) in the Top 10, I think sales are either nexck and neck or the PS4 may have a slight lead. 

After last Xmas season, I'm actually surprised at how well the $399 PS4 with 1 game  is holding up against a $349 XBO with 2 games.  I guess this at least let's MS know what they need to do to get ahead of the PS4, now.  Either be $100 cheaper or be $50 cheaper and pack in 3 games and 2 controllers.  I actually think it would cost them less to just drop to $299, then to pack in all of that.  Especially if they are 3rd party games.

Yeah, the PS4 is quite something despite being more expensive than the X1. After what we saw the effect with the Value Bundle, we now have a very good idea of what lengths Microsoft needs to take in order to go toe-to-toe with the PS4. Either MS needs to pack in more than two games or even better, pack the X1 with Sunset Overdrive & MCC.

However, we need to take into account that the PS4 has not received a proper price cut yet. We know that it will definitely happen this year. The questions are when and by how much. If Sony decides to cut the price from $399 to $299, sales will skyrocket and likely kill whatever momentum the X1 has.

Lmao, will never happen this year.

That's the downside of owning the leading console. No good deals, no pricecuts, nothing.

I like desperate Nintendo more than winning Nintendo. :p

It's fun getting games like Super Mario 3D Land, Wind Waker HD and Pikmin 3 for free.

When I wanted to buy a Wii the only bundle available was Wii Sports, a game I didn't care about.

Around the Network
Insidb said:
Amazon, you gotta ask yourself something: how much does the streak mean to you? Are you willing to throw it all away just make a quick buck?

Haha, I think Amazon still profited from that "Value Bundle". They probably compared pros and cons between keeping the AC Bundle the way it was for higher profit margins vs. selling the Value Bundle for smaller margins, but selling significantly more units. Ultimately, Amazon thought that the latter was a more profitable option and indeed, sales increased substantially.

@ Samus. A $100 pricecut is possible, but not guaranteed to happen. "Never" is an overstatement.

Nice to see The Order actually going up in the ranks by a couple of places. The Week 1 legs on this game, on Amazon at least, have been pretty good, though bundling with the PS4 has no doubt kept it in the top 30 while it's very possible that without that bundling it would be in the bottom 50 or even out of the top 100 by now. At least these sales will be counted in NPD as it's not an official bundle.

Amazing that PS4 and Xb one are stubbornly joined at 8 and 9 and have been that way for several hours.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


Samus Aran said:
Aura7541 said:

Yeah, the PS4 is quite something despite being more expensive than the X1. After what we saw the effect with the Value Bundle, we now have a very good idea of what lengths Microsoft needs to take in order to go toe-to-toe with the PS4. Either MS needs to pack in more than two games or even better, pack the X1 with Sunset Overdrive & MCC.

However, we need to take into account that the PS4 has not received a proper price cut yet. We know that it will definitely happen this year. The questions are when and by how much. If Sony decides to cut the price from $399 to $299, sales will skyrocket and likely kill whatever momentum the X1 has.

Lmao, will never happen this year.

That's the downside of owning the leading console. No good deals, no pricecuts, nothing.

I like desperate Nintendo more than winning Nintendo. :p

It's fun getting games like Super Mario 3D Land, Wind Waker HD and Pikmin 3 for free.

When I wanted to buy a Wii the only bundle available was Wii Sports, a game I didn't care about.

Agreed I'm loving desperate MS even though I haven't benefited from it I'll probably get an X1 end of this year. Probably black friday deals.

kirby is holding :)


(Won)Bet with TechoHobbit: He(Techno) says 10 million by January 1,2014 I say 9 million by then. Winner gets 2 weeks of sig control.

(Lost)Bet with kinisking: I say Ps4 will win April NPD while he says Xbox One will win it; winner gets 1 week of avatar control.

Raichu's First Series:

First RPG?

First Fighter?

First Racer?

First Shooter?

First MMO?

First Horror?

Official Ni No Kuni Fanboy:

Familiars Captured:37

Game Beaten: 2 times almost

Times I got teary during some scenes: 3

Samus Aran said:
Aura7541 said:

Yeah, the PS4 is quite something despite being more expensive than the X1. After what we saw the effect with the Value Bundle, we now have a very good idea of what lengths Microsoft needs to take in order to go toe-to-toe with the PS4. Either MS needs to pack in more than two games or even better, pack the X1 with Sunset Overdrive & MCC.

However, we need to take into account that the PS4 has not received a proper price cut yet. We know that it will definitely happen this year. The questions are when and by how much. If Sony decides to cut the price from $399 to $299, sales will skyrocket and likely kill whatever momentum the X1 has.

Lmao, will never happen this year.

That's the downside of owning the leading console. No good deals, no pricecuts, nothing.

I like desperate Nintendo more than winning Nintendo. :p

It's fun getting games like Super Mario 3D Land, Wind Waker HD and Pikmin 3 for free.

When I wanted to buy a Wii the only bundle available was Wii Sports, a game I didn't care about.

on the contrary, a $100 price drop is almost certain to happen. Sony has said they are more interested in increasing market share than on making profits on the box. That doesn't change the fact that the box has been making profits since February last year and also slashing $100 off becomes easier to do when you know you can do it at at a time where you already have 25-28M people who already own your console.