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Forums - General Discussion - Say something about the person posting above you (II)

From what I see he likes FF and sony.

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Seraphic_Sixaxis said:

Has a really big sig, and i can only assume is a 360-only owner and enjoys its exclusives.



sorry sir but you are wrong i am a nintendo owner and fan i like my 360 more


Has over 6k posts (Whoa, O_O just noticed.) and is fond of blue hair. :P @ ctk.


Just add him as a friend :)

i like blue hair?


Around the Network

Like Olimar.

Likes blue hair, apparently

stop speaking this forign tounge!

It's not foreign!...not for me, at least



Thinks I like blue hair,which is somehow true.

Who doesn't like blue hair?
Most good anime/game characters have blue hair

Thinks my avatar is similar to okey.