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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz Greatest User Tournament 2014 - Stage 1 - Round 3

5p - Ryuu

4p - FusionCode

3p - Starcraft

2p - DerNebel

1p - Clyde

Around the Network

5p - starcraft (Game or user, starcraft is awesome)
4p - Clyde32
3p - FusionCode
2p - Ryuu
1p - DerNebel

Signature goes here!

5p - Ryuu96
4p - Fusioncode
3p Dernebel
2p - StarCraft
1p - Clyde32


1. DerNebel
2. Fusioncode
3. Clyde32
4. Ryuu - only posts in the XB thread but posts a LOT
5. Starcraft

The One and Only

5p - Ryuu96
4p - StarCraft
3p - Shikamaru
2p - Seece
1p - Daredevil Shark

Around the Network
FrontlineJaguar said:
5p - Ryuu96
4p - StarCraft
3p - Shikamaru
2p - Seece
1p - Daredevil Shark

That's .... not how it works lol


Ka-pi96 said:
BraLoD said:
Seems like this one is getting a lot of different lists from people, cool.

Yeah, it also seems to have had more votes so far than the previous rounds which is a good thing as well

Because it drew some XB Empire guys out of their hole:

The One and Only

Looks like I messed it wait this is the correct list thanks Ka-pi96 and Seece

5p - Ryuu96
4p - Starcraft
3p - Clyde32
2p - Fusioncode
1p - Dernebel

Ka-pi96 said:

 I guess there are more users than I thought in Xbox Empire then...

Nah, only 1% ;P  That % equates to about 4000 views a day too o.O  Lord Jiggly slap me down



Will PM Trucks/Moreno instead!