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Forums - Sales Discussion - October 2014 NPD Thread!

Ninsect said:




What did Xbox One do on Dec 2013?

Around the Network
What do I win?

my respect lol


BTW nice try Aqua( i know you're seeing this.)


That great

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m

Ninsect said:


So by leaking the numbers y'all do realize that you're risking never being able to have NPD numbers again, right?

Around the Network

"Since it hasn't been mentioned at all in this thread, I would like to take this opportunity to highlight the optimistic sales of NBA 2K15, the #1 seller of the month. It has done well, taking advantage of next-gen momentum to grow the franchise.


Believe it or not, NBA 2K14 (its predecessor) actually launched in September 2013, selling approximately 0.6 million units opening month.


It only had 5 days in the September tracking period, with the remainder realised in the 4-week October 2013 tracking period (approx. 0.95 million between September and October).



NBA 2K15 managed 1.1 million units in the October 2014 4-week tracking period, which was 17% above the combined September 2013 (5 days) + October 2013 sales of NBA 2K14.



NBA 2K14 was -23% from NBA 2K13, so to see the franchise grow 17% this year is a positive sign."

The One and Only

Hiddenderek said:
So by leaking the numbers y'all do realize that you're risking never being able to have NPD numbers again, right?

Gaf will always thirst for numbers.

The One and Only

Ninsect said:
Hiddenderek said:
So by leaking the numbers y'all do realize that you're risking never being able to have NPD numbers again, right?

Gaf will always thirst for numbers.

I am genuinely worried that we might not get numbers from NPD ever again. Maybe next time, just give hints? For instance, PS4 outsold X1 by "X" amount without giving their actual sales numbers.

Really Ninsect? You had to do that? Without Aqua, we wouldn't even have those numbers. You even posted the graph she said not to disclose. Way to be a massive dick.

Won bet with t3mporary_126 - I correctly predicted that the Wii U's LTD at the end of 2014 would be closer to 9 million than 10 million.

Hiddenderek said:
So by leaking the numbers y'all do realize that you're risking never being able to have NPD numbers again, right?

>implying that aqua and cream will give up of all the ass kissing and pandering neogaf users keep doing for them...