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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread! *Greatest Games Event 2014* (The Top 500 Games Will Now Be Chosen)

Conegamer said:
#41 was correctly identified to be The Last Story (well done Trucks!). Whilst it might not be of the same quality as, say, Xenoblade, TLS is still an excellent game in it's own right. Running around the hub city never got old, either

Of course you can't compare TLS's quality yo Xenoblade. TLS is much better.

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2Quick said:
hint for game # 42:
This game received @gamer magazine's top wii game for 2012.

Hint 2: @gamer is owned by best buy

Xenoblade Chronicles?

Wright said:
Conegamer said:
#41 was correctly identified to be The Last Story (well done Trucks!). Whilst it might not be of the same quality as, say, Xenoblade, TLS is still an excellent game in it's own right. Running around the hub city never got old, either

Of course you can't compare TLS's quality yo Xenoblade. TLS is much better.

Not this again ¬_¬

You got the other hint then?


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Conegamer said:

Not this again ¬_¬

You got the other hint then?

Your hint is way too vague. I'm thinking of The Urbz.

Wright said:
Conegamer said:

Not this again ¬_¬

You got the other hint then?

Your hint is way too vague. I'm thinking of The Urbz.

My hint is too vague? That's rich coming from some of yours! 

Alright, it involves plenty of water.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

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Conegamer said:

My hint is too vague? That's rich coming from some of yours! 

Alright, it involves plenty of water.

Wind Waker?

Wright said:
Conegamer said:

My hint is too vague? That's rich coming from some of yours! 

Alright, it involves plenty of water.

Wind Waker?

Wind Waker? This low down the list? Ha!

If you still don't know it I'll give you another hint a little later. 


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Ka-pi96 said:

Hint for my #40:
The first game in a formerly PS exclusive series to be multiplatform, although still released on PS the year before other platforms.

Metal Gear Solid 2?

My hint for #40:


Golf is certainly chaotic.

Ka-pi96 said:
Wright said:
Ka-pi96 said:

Hint for my #40:
The first game in a formerly PS exclusive series to be multiplatform, although still released on PS the year before other platforms.

Metal Gear Solid 2?

Nope, not Metal Gear Solid.

Crash Bandicoot: Wrath of Cortex?

This was PS exclusive, but became multiplat with this game. It was still released on PS2 first, before GC and XBox, but I'm not too sure about the timing. Was a great game indeed, worthy of being named along the original three PS games for sure .