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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread! *Greatest Games Event 2014* (The Top 500 Games Will Now Be Chosen)

5. Dragon Age: Origins + Awakening expansion (PC also on 360 & PS3)


A spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate, 5 years in the making and includes a unique spin on your typical fantasy RPG by incorporating 6 different Origin stories. The Origin stories vary in quality, but all offer extra insight into a deep fantasy world full of political intrigue, racial tensions and fear of magic (which goes on to form a core component of Dragon Age II). Of particular note are the two Dwarven origin stories which are both intriguing as is the Mages guild storyline that paints an interesting picture of the role of magic in this deeply involving world Bioware have created. The Awakening expansion was also fairly good, although not quite as entertaining as the main game. Unfortunately, the sequel (Dragon Age II) was pretty poor by comparison, should have really been marketed as a spin-off and actually helps to highlight everything the makes this game great.


The story is your basic modern fantasy fare; apic and Tolkien-like but much darker with all the politics, scheming, intrigue and prejudices you would normally expect from such a setting. However, what it lacks in narrative originality it makes up for in old-school tactical gameplay and a mix of interesting party characters ranging from the stereotypical (Alistair) to the downright bizarre (Morrigan, Zevran). The Origin stories were an especially ambitious route to take with some rather unique twists for each one. These factors meant that whilst the story wasn't the most original, it was told in a way that was both enthralling and enchanting.

As Bioware moved away from D&D, it also gave them a bit of freedom in how they implemented certain abilities and stats into the game. The level of customisation options appears simple at first but as you play through the game the variety of abilities in how to setup your party become apparent. It's actually one of the few pure fantasy RPGs which gives mage characters the freedom to play as they want whilst still using magic. For instance, your mage can even serve the role of tank if you use the right sub-class and abilities.

Very few games are quite as ambitious as Dragon Age Origins and fewer still manage to implement such ambition into such a brilliant package. A great RPG from Bioware and probably the best pure RPG of the last decade. I suspect Dragon Age Inquisition will be fairly high up in my list next year.

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4. Mass Effect 2 (PC, also on 360 & PS3)

Another sequel where the original doesn't make the list but the sequel is ridiculously high up! Mass Effect 1 was good, but was plagued with poor shooting mechanics, a clunky RPG interface and some rather horrible bugs. ME2 fixed all that and then refined the experience to become more of a shooter/RPG hybrid than an RPG with tacked on shooter controls. Guess what? It worked brilliantly. 

Rather than focus on weapon customisation and RPG-levelling, the RPG focus was shifted more towards character development and story-telling that helped to bring the player into the Mass Effect universe. The shooting elements were also changed so reloading and ammo conservation now became important. Gone were the numerous bugs that plagued the original. All these aspect, when combined together produced one of the best RPG/shooter hybrids on the market. 

The characters were some of the most intriguing seen in a video game. Mordin was brilliant and hilarious, Thane was deep and philosophical with Miranda loyal and ideological (it also helped that Yvonne Strahovski was in the game). However, summing up these characters in a couple of words doesn't really do them justice. The vast majority of missions were based on the characters as you built your team and new layers were added as you did each mission. Discovering motivations and each characters personal story, as well as managing interactions between crew members were all part of what makes this game so amazing. The main story itself was actually relatively simplistic, but the smaller character stories were what made the game. Mass Effect 3 improved on the mechanics from this game, but I placed it lower because the hub areas, the missions and the characters in ME2 have an extra level of polish, thought and refinement that seems to be absent from 3. 

Add into the mix that all the decisions you made in ME1 are carried over to ME2 and you get a truly great RPG experience.

padib said:
Smeags said:

8. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Wii (2011)
Nintendo EAD 3

Now that the next installment of The Legend of Zelda has been announced, hopefully The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword gets the love and credit it deserves (as the Zelda cycle states that the most recent Zelda game is given undue criticism while the Zelda before is loved in a brand new light). Skyward Sword is a more focused, back to basics entry to the franchise, offering a brand new look at combat and control while offering the best dungeons and boss battles in the entire series of legendary games. It also takes a more intimate look at the characters of Hyrule, giving us a Princess Zelda that wore the guise of childhood friend (or even more than that) instead of a stoic regal damsel in distress. Heck, Skyward Sword offered the best characterization (outside of perhaps Wind Waker Ganondorf) in the entire series (including... GROOSE!). There's so much that this game got right, with its fantastic art style and gameplay diversity... Skyward Sword separates itself from the rest of the franchise in the best ways possible. Kew kew kew...

I'm beating it after so many years of procrastinating. I can't help but think of you when I see those creatures.

I'm playing it now for the first time as well and I've put ~10 hours so far. By the way, the guy who decided that Link should drop his guard after swinging his sword deserves a kick in the butt.

Hints for Top 3:

3. I never ask for this. If you wanna make enemies, try to change something.

2. Innovative sequel to an innovative game that helped revolutionise a genre.

1. Just check my post history, this game comes up a fair bit. But a more conventional clue...

The game features all 3 of these quotes:

"If there was no God, It would be necessary to invent him." - Voltaire

"Yesterday we obeyed kings and bent our necks before emperors. But today we kneel only to truth..." - Kahlil Gibran

"Better to reign in Hell, than to serve in Heaven" - "Paradise lost", John Milton

Still not guessed eh? I'll add a little something, seeing as that's how it goes nowadays.

Game #2

This game features a cutscene titled: "Revelation". A title well deserved, because when I played this game for the first time, this certainly was, a revelation. It's also a title fitting to an important character.

Wright would get this game wright.

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S.Peelman said:

Still not guessed eh? I'll add a little something, seeing as that's how it goes nowadays.

Game #2

This game features a cutscene titled: "Revelation". A title well deserved, because when I played this game for the first time, this certainly was, a revelation. It's also a title fitting to an important character.

Wright would get this game wright.


Signature goes here!

TruckOSaurus said:
S.Peelman said:

Still not guessed eh? I'll add a little something, seeing as that's how it goes nowadays.

Game #2

This game features a cutscene titled: "Revelation". A title well deserved, because when I played this game for the first time, this certainly was, a revelation. It's also a title fitting to an important character.

Wright would get this game wright.


Nope. To clarify, the title of that cutscene fits with the name of said important character.

S.Peelman said:
TruckOSaurus said:
S.Peelman said:

Still not guessed eh? I'll add a little something, seeing as that's how it goes nowadays.

Game #2

This game features a cutscene titled: "Revelation". A title well deserved, because when I played this game for the first time, this certainly was, a revelation. It's also a title fitting to an important character.

Wright would get this game wright.


Nope. To clarify, the title of that cutscene fits with the name of said important character.

Wild guess but: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic?

Scoobes said:

Wild guess but: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic?

A guess not wild enough. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is correct !

"Revelation" is the title of the cutscene shown halfway through the game when antagonist Darth Malak reveals to you, the player, that you are, in fact, Revan, former Dark Lord of the Sith!

Scoobes said:
Hints for Top 3:

3. I never ask for this. If you wanna make enemies, try to change something.

2. Innovative sequel to an innovative game that helped revolutionise a genre.

1. Just check my post history, this game comes up a fair bit. But a more conventional clue...

The game features all 3 of these quotes:

"If there was no God, It would be necessary to invent him." - Voltaire

"Yesterday we obeyed kings and bent our necks before emperors. But today we kneel only to truth..." - Kahlil Gibran

"Better to reign in Hell, than to serve in Heaven" - "Paradise lost", John Milton

I'm feeling...

#2: Half Life 2?

#1: Deus Ex?