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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread! *Greatest Games Event 2014* (The Top 500 Games Will Now Be Chosen)

Mr_No said:
Megaoverlord12 said:
Mr_No said:

Nice and fast.

What can I say? Other than I've been here for like the past half-hour, lol. Great game, Arkham City. Arkham Origins was disappointing for me. Can't wait for Arkham Knight. I've never really been into Batman much, but the games are fantastic abd the world interests me enough that I might delve deeper sometime.

Gamertag, PlayStation Network ID, and Nintendo Network ID: Look at username. Huzzah for originality.  3DS Friend Code: 4038-6546-0886

Currently own PS3, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One, GameCube, Wii, Wii U, Switch, and 3DS

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Hint for #11:

Sir Isaac Newton and the FAA would object to this game.

#11 - Such an amazing game, with excellent gameplay, beautiful level design and environments, and an intelligent story. This was the first Bioshock game I've played, and was so enamoured with it, I decided to try the first two. Got about 2 levels into the first one, and never even attempted the 2nd. I just couldn't get into the corridor shooter world, those are my least favorite types of games. Nevertheless, it does not diminish the excellence of Infinite.


   The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

   System: Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Wii
   Genre: Adventure
   Year: 2006
   Rank last year: 11 (=)


 It was one of the best looking games of the 6th Generation and whether or not it's looks have stood the test of time is debatable, but to me Twilight Princess still looks the part. The game is also, though opinions are divided, one of the best examples of the Zelda franchise and a game of which I feel, does everything right.

The premise of a Zelda game should be clear, and the story in this game shows the familiar traits. Yet with some original elements and it makes it fresh and enjoyable enough. No less does Twilight Princess contain one of the best cutscenes of any video game in history. Where the game shines, is in true Nintendo style, the gameplay and level-design. It contains a beautiful, rich landscape and many dungeons. These dungeons are some of the best in the series with some of the best bosses. A truly epic end to the 6th Generation, and beginning of the 7th.

BraLoD said:
So it's already time to hint the top 10? Heh.

Game 10 - The last entry (in time line, not release date) yet in this series. One of the most acclaimed exclusive games of one of the big 3. The franchise was confirmed this year to be getting another game but yet no announce about when it will come or what it will be about. Epic stuff is common in this series.

God of War 3?

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Game #10

Like the very first game, with this 3rd game in the series the idea was again there for the famous protagonist to have some sort of mount. Unfortunately, it would not be until the game's successor on a new system when they finally finalized the design of this mount, which got famous in it's own right.

S.Peelman said:
Game #10

Like the very first game, with this 3rd game in the series the idea was again there for the famous protagonist to have some sort of mount. Unfortunately, it would not be until the game's successor on a new system when they finally finalized the design of this mount, which got famous in it's own right.

Super Mario Bros 3

Hint for #10

Family always sticks together especially in this gangster paradise.

Leadified said:
Hint for #10

Family always sticks together especially in this gangster paradise.


KLXVER said:
Leadified said:
Hint for #10

Family always sticks together especially in this gangster paradise.


Nope but good guess.