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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread! *Greatest Games Event 2014* (The Top 500 Games Will Now Be Chosen)

Hint for game #30: This last-gen game branched into two separate entries that, while having different protagonists, it was on the same setting.

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Wright said:
soulfly666 said:

33. Game that boasts something that many current games try to portray but fall short...genuine horror and fear. Based on a "snuff" film premise and made by a developer that is a household name due to another best selling series.



TRAVIS!!! said:
soulfly666 said:

Happy Holidays dudes. Clues for 35-31

35. 2nd game in series that has characters who take the form of a person from the given time period, similar to the TV show Quantum Leap.

34. The newest game on my list. Launch title for PS4 that received nearly universal acclaim for its naval battles.

33. Game that boasts something that many current games try to portray but fall short...genuine horror and fear. Based on a "snuff" film premise and made by a developer that is a household name due to another best selling series.

32. The first (and by far best) entry in a sports series that gave birth to the gamebreaker and "Stretch".

31. The first 16-bit installment in the series where usage of secondary weapons causes hearts to deplete. Makes double and triple shot handy.

34. I'm guessing Assassins Creed: Black Flag

Yes, only 35 and 32 left.

TruckOSaurus said:
soulfly666 said:

Happy Holidays dudes. Clues for 35-31

31. The first 16-bit installment in the series where usage of secondary weapons causes hearts to deplete. Makes double and triple shot handy.

31. Super Castlevania IV


Hint for #30
One of PS2's most popular early games. It launched this franchise into one of gaming's most popular.

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

Duke of Playstation Plus

Warden of Platformers

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platformmaster918 said:
Hint for #30
One of PS2's most popular early games. It launched this franchise into one of gaming's most popular.

God of War or Killzone

BraLoD said:
Game 30: First game in a loved franchise that until today still makes people want for more and believe in a possible comeback. The protagonist was widely accepted as the mascot of the platform it debuted.

Crash Bandicoot?

soulfly666 said:

Happy Holidays dudes. Clues for 35-31

35. 2nd game in series that has characters who take the form of a person from the given time period, similar to the TV show Quantum Leap.

34. The newest game on my list. Launch title for PS4 that received nearly universal acclaim for its naval battles.

33. Game that boasts something that many current games try to portray but fall short...genuine horror and fear. Based on a "snuff" film premise and made by a developer that is a household name due to another best selling series.

32. The first (and by far best) entry in a sports series that gave birth to the gamebreaker and "Stretch".

31. The first 16-bit installment in the series where usage of secondary weapons causes hearts to deplete. Makes double and triple shot handy.

35 - Timesplitters 2.

32 - NBA Street?

platformmaster918 said:
Hint for #30
One of PS2's most popular early games. It launched this franchise into one of gaming's most popular.

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

This last-gen game branched into two separate entries that, while having different protagonists, it was on the same setting.

Second hint for the #30: One of the highest rated games ever, yet tons claim is very overrated.