Hint for game #30: This last-gen game branched into two separate entries that, while having different protagonists, it was on the same setting.
Hint for game #30: This last-gen game branched into two separate entries that, while having different protagonists, it was on the same setting.
Wright said:
TRAVIS!!! said:
34. I'm guessing Assassins Creed: Black Flag |
Yes, only 35 and 32 left.
TruckOSaurus said:
31. Super Castlevania IV |
Hint for #30
One of PS2's most popular early games. It launched this franchise into one of gaming's most popular.
platformmaster918 said: Hint for #30 One of PS2's most popular early games. It launched this franchise into one of gaming's most popular. |
God of War or Killzone
BraLoD said: Game 30: First game in a loved franchise that until today still makes people want for more and believe in a possible comeback. The protagonist was widely accepted as the mascot of the platform it debuted. |
Crash Bandicoot?
soulfly666 said: Happy Holidays dudes. Clues for 35-31 |
35 - Timesplitters 2.
32 - NBA Street?
platformmaster918 said: Hint for #30 One of PS2's most popular early games. It launched this franchise into one of gaming's most popular. |
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
This last-gen game branched into two separate entries that, while having different protagonists, it was on the same setting.
Second hint for the #30: One of the highest rated games ever, yet tons claim is very overrated.
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