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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread! *Greatest Games Event 2014* (The Top 500 Games Will Now Be Chosen)

Game #35

The game of which it's announced sequel inexplicably doesn't come to the platform it sold most on.

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S.Peelman said:
Game #35

The game of which it's announced sequel inexplicably doesn't come to the platform it sold most on.

Tomb Raider?

Hint for #36:

This sixth generation game is a remake of a third generation game made to play like a fourth generation game.

Wright said:
S.Peelman said:
Game #35

The game of which it's announced sequel inexplicably doesn't come to the platform it sold most on.

Tomb Raider?

No, though I see the hint could apply to that game as well. The new Tomb Raider does come to PS4 at some point (I think), but this game... just isn't coming.

Veknoid_Outcast said:

Hint for #36:

This sixth generation game is a remake of a third generation game made to play like a fourth generation game.

I'm thinking one of the ports to GameBoy Advance of the Super Mario All-Stars NES Mario games...

Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3?

Around the Network
S.Peelman said:

No, though I see the hint could apply to that game as well. The new Tomb Raider does come to PS4 at some point (I think), but this game... just isn't coming.



Wright said:
S.Peelman said:

No, though I see the hint could apply to that game as well. The new Tomb Raider does come to PS4 at some point (I think), but this game... just isn't coming.



The one and only !

S.Peelman said:

The one and only !

I just bought it the last week for my 360, but will play it when I get the console back. I've loved every single entry in the franchise from the original RE to RE6, including Code Veronica and those (admittely a bit bad) first-person shooter ones. I have huge expectations! :)

Sup dudes.

New Clues:

37. Mona Sax vs. The Cleaners

36. In early design Little Mac still had his original character design. It is considered "unknown" when or why it was changed during this sequel's development.

Wright said:
S.Peelman said:

The one and only !

I just bought it the last week for my 360, but will play it when I get the console back. I've loved every single entry in the franchise from the original RE to RE6, including Code Veronica and those (admittely a bit bad) first-person shooter ones. I have huge expectations! :)

Then you'll likely love this one as well .

I'm not really the one to ask for an unbiased opinion on this one though, because I was blown away and loved every second of it. It's brilliant! I think it would be more fitting and fair if the sequel would also come to 3DS, but whatever I'll just get on my future PS4 then.