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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon US Monthly bestsellers tracking thread November - Updated 29/11 - GTAV bundle in at 17

JayWood2010 said:
biglittlesps said:
JayWood2010 said:


That isnt what i was implying at all.  

What you mean? XB1 SO and Standalone may out of stock to go down but XB1 AC still same position like before but PS4 is moving up. So PS4 selling better than last few days and its moving up (moved 4/6 places).

EDIT: Seems like amazon intentionally not stocking standalone XB1 as they are redirecting them to XB1 AC bundle from standalone page. We know that SO is limited bundle and wont probably stocked more like standalone and they are depending more on AC bundle. 

GAMING is not about spending hours to pass/waste our time just for fun,

its a Feeling/Experience about a VIRTUAL WORLD we can never be in real, and realizing some of our dreams (also creating new ones).

So, Feel Emotions, Experience Adventure/Action, Challenge Game, Solve puzzles and Have fun.

PlayStation is about all-round "New experiences" using new IP's to provide great diversity for everyone.

Xbox is always about Online and Shooting.

Nintendo is always about Fun games and milking IP's.

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biglittlesps said:
JayWood2010 said:
biglittlesps said:
JayWood2010 said:


That isnt what i was implying at all.  

What you mean? 

I already told you

And no.  Theyre redirecting because it is out of stock and they have another xbox that people can buy. They restock the xbox sku on the 15th.


biglittlesps said:
JayWood2010 said:
biglittlesps said:
JayWood2010 said:


That isnt what i was implying at all.  

What you mean? XB1 SO and Standalone may out of stock to go down but XB1 AC still same position like before but PS4 is moving up. So PS4 selling better than last few days and its moving up (moved 4/6 places).

EDIT: Seems like amazon intentionally not stocking standalone XB1 as they are redirecting them to XB1 AC bundle from standalone page. We know that SO is limited bundle and wont probably stocked more like standalone and they are depending more on AC bundle. 

It's funny that the standard would be out of stock but not the bundle? MS must have had Amazon take them down because I know they have not actually sold out.This is a ploy by MS to create hype for the console this month by making people think they are selling well lol.This is something that they would do as every other retailer has plenty of standard consoles and Sunset bundles.So everyone is only buying onsoles on amazon? Doubt that.

SpaceWalker said:
biglittlesps said:

What you mean? XB1 SO and Standalone may out of stock to go down but XB1 AC still same position like before but PS4 is moving up. So PS4 selling better than last few days and its moving up (moved 4/6 places).

EDIT: Seems like amazon intentionally not stocking standalone XB1 as they are redirecting them to XB1 AC bundle from standalone page. We know that SO is limited bundle and wont probably stocked more like standalone and they are depending more on AC bundle. 

It's funny that the standard would be out of stock but not the bundle? MS must have had Amaon take them down because I know they have not actually sold out.This is a ploy by MS to create hype for the console this month by making people think they are selling well lol.This is something that they would do as every other retailer has plenty of standard consoles and Sunset bundles.So everyone is only buying onsoles on amazon? Doubt that.

Please remove the tin foil hat.

jlmurph2 said:
SpaceWalker said:
biglittlesps said:

What you mean? XB1 SO and Standalone may out of stock to go down but XB1 AC still same position like before but PS4 is moving up. So PS4 selling better than last few days and its moving up (moved 4/6 places).

EDIT: Seems like amazon intentionally not stocking standalone XB1 as they are redirecting them to XB1 AC bundle from standalone page. We know that SO is limited bundle and wont probably stocked more like standalone and they are depending more on AC bundle. 

It's funny that the standard would be out of stock but not the bundle? MS must have had Amaon take them down because I know they have not actually sold out.This is a ploy by MS to create hype for the console this month by making people think they are selling well lol.This is something that they would do as every other retailer has plenty of standard consoles and Sunset bundles.So everyone is only buying onsoles on amazon? Doubt that.

Please remove the tin foil hat.

So Best Buy,Walmart and Target are wrong?

You would have to be blind to not think it;s odd that a standard console is sold out but a bundle is not.I can walk into the store right now and see all of them,but maybe they did not have much in stocl to begin with as they were not selling well.Take off those Xbox blinders kid.

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SpaceWalker said:
jlmurph2 said:

Please remove the tin foil hat.

So Best Buy,Walmart and Target are wrong?

You would have to be blind to not think it;s odd that a standard console is sold out but a bundle is not.I can walk into the store right now and see all of them,but maybe they did not have much in stocl to begin with as they were not selling well.Take off those Xbox blinders kid.

MS is not deciding who and what shipments come in. Retailers do. The standard console is out of stock because Amazon didn't order enough. The Sunset Bundle is out of stock because it sells well. 

You can use anecdotal evidence all you want but that site there shows facts. Also be careful with who you're calling kid. This isn't Youtube.

Can anyone explain why Amazon has the basic WiiU list at 324? Why would anyone buy it Amazon?

I should think it is more likely that the standard is sold out due to the fact that Amazon is in no hurry to order in more of the unit that is selling the least.

Nuvendil said:
I should think it is more likely that the standard is sold out due to the fact that Amazon is in no hurry to order in more of the unit that is selling the least.

The standard was not selling the least. It was actually selling very well considering it had no game with it.

JayWood2010 said:
biglittlesps said:

What you mean? 

I already told you

And no.  Theyre redirecting because it is out of stock and they have another xbox that people can buy. They restock the xbox sku on the 15th.

I expect people aren't especially waiting for the vanilla Xb one to come into stock, because you get the ACU bundle for exactly the same price, and if you don't want AU you can sell the DL code and effectively get yourself an even cheaper console. So when the vanilla sku becomes available it probably won't change the Amazon chart all that much. Even when it was in stock is never got ahead of the PS4 in the hourlies. And now that the first week's excitement of the price cut is over it will struggle to get into the top 30 until the Unity bundle is all gone.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix