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Forums - General Discussion - Evolution is Religion. Big bang is a creed.

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FightingSmile said:

Science is love, science is life


enough said

Science is my waifu.

Around the Network
Soriku said:
tiffac said:

But that's kinda like the same thing, not sure but its there, so it has to be. A hunch. It doesn't need to be bad, I mean hunches are sometimes close to the truth than we think. So its cool~

Kinda like...


Okay too much of this show is maybe bad for my health lol!

It's not a hunch. Look up the definition of hunch:

a feeling or guess based on intuition rather than known facts.
Evolution and the Big Bang are based on facts.

And here I thought it was only a casual word for theory.

But the singularity where did it come from that caused the Big Bang though? And I already digested evolution it was quite tasty.

Skidonti said:
FightingSmile said:

Science is love, science is life


enough said

Science is my waifu.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

WagnerPaiva said:
Skidonti said:
FightingSmile said:

Science is love, science is life


enough said

Science is my waifu.

Lego Jesus, is there like a Church set or something? xD

tiffac said:
WagnerPaiva said:
Skidonti said:
FightingSmile said:

Science is love, science is life


enough said

Science is my waifu.

Lego Jesus, is there like a Church set or something? xD

It is custom made. Some dude made the whole Boof of Revelation with LEGOS:

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

Around the Network
WagnerPaiva said:
tiffac said:
WagnerPaiva said:
Skidonti said:
FightingSmile said:

Science is love, science is life


enough said

Science is my waifu.

Lego Jesus, is there like a Church set or something? xD

It is custom made. Some dude made the whole Boof of Revelation with LEGOS:

Aww I should have known it was not official. Then again it would probably cause some sort of scandal or whatever anyways. Sometimes people don't see the fun in things anymore.

tiffac said:
Soriku said:
tiffac said:

But that's kinda like the same thing, not sure but its there, so it has to be. A hunch. It doesn't need to be bad, I mean hunches are sometimes close to the truth than we think. So its cool~

Kinda like...


Okay too much of this show is maybe bad for my health lol!

It's not a hunch. Look up the definition of hunch:

a feeling or guess based on intuition rather than known facts.
Evolution and the Big Bang are based on facts.

And here I thought it was only a casual word for theory.

But the singularity where did it come from that caused the Big Bang though? And I already digested evolution it was quite tasty.

As far as I know there currently isn't any workable theory for anything prior to the big bang. To explain why I think I should explain a bit about scientific theory and how it works (as I understand it anyway, I could be wrong I am not a scientist) at least on a simple level. You see a scientific theory has to be based on observable phenomina and be able to make falsifiable predictions of some form of test (eg an experiment or an observation of a naturally occurring phenomena) amoung other things. Now falsifiableis a key point to note, that means that whatever test you use to verify the theory has to be able to "fail" and have a result that doesn't match your prediction. All scientific knowledge is refutable given enough evidence, it should be understood that it is the best current explination based on currently available information. But also keep in mind that any scientific theory has to be independantly verified with verifiable tests and observations, so even if it's not the necesserily complete picture it is reliable for making predictions based on the available data.

So for the Big Bang theory that posits that everything in the current observable universe originated from a central point and "exploded" out to form the universe as it currently exists. The theory began to explain why distant galaxies appeared to be moving away from the earth. The theory predicts that matter in the universe should be moving away from a central point etc. Edwin Hubble observed that the redshift effect could be used to mesure the relative distances of cosmalogical bodies (eg stars and galaxies) from the earth. This observation led to the observation that the other galaxies were moving further away from our vantage point. Which is consistant with a universe that "exploded" out from a central point. Additionally the discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation. Now that is a very simplified version, I don't even pretend to understand the full theory and there are a wide veriaty of different peices of evidence that scientists have used to verify the theory over the years. Oh and interesting side note the theory that preposed what became the big bang theory was a catholic priest and scientist named Georges Lemaître.

Now as for where the singelarity that created the big bang came from. It is impossible to observe or test anything that happened before the big bang as we currently understand it. After all as far as we currently know everything we can currently observe or test was created at the big bang. All matter, energy, and even time is belived to have been created at that point.

Now to use a relatively simple analogy as a TL:DR as this ended up far longer than I expected. Lets say that that you come home to find that your front door has been kicked in. Now you use your past experiances and the available information to make a hypothesis that someone has broken in and robbed your house. That is a safe assumption I think, but there are other possibilities so you devise a way of verifing your hypothesis. Pretty simple you just have to check your stuff to see if anything is missing. Apon entering your house you find that your TV is missing. Ok so your hypothesis accurately predicted that something was stolen from your house. Now as you didn't observe this first hand you can't be 100% sure, after all while it is possible this is all a setup for a punked style reality TV show that is increadibly unlikely. So you conclude you should call the cops and report the break in and theft. And there was no need to identify who the thief was, how they got there, or why they robbed you to use your theory to conclude you needed to call the cops.

@TheVoxelman on twitter

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Soriku said:
Soundwave said:

Would you trust a Middle Eastern goat herder from 2000 years ago to even fix your toilet? Probably not I would think (they'd probably be so amazed by your toilet that they'd start a new religion to worship it or try to have you killed for being a magical wizard with toilet magic). Then why would you trust them to understand the nature of the universe and existence?

Even if there is some kind of cosmic entity that created some part of the universe which then branched out into other things who's to say any of the human religions have any freaking clue as to what that is, the idea that is has to be some kind of space daddy/Santa Claus that actively gives two sh*ts about what you're doing on a daily basis is very much likely a human conceit. 

Yup, it's just a way to keep people in line, even when no one else is watching.

The idea that some almighty being really gives a shit about some evolved apes (us) masturbating or eating pork or something on this infinitesimal blip of the universe called Earth is so laughable.

DonFerrari said:

Not a hunch. A theory based on empirical evidence and verified through mathematical calculations. Of course all the assumptions could be wrong and with more evidence the whole theory be reffuted and we discover god, Science don't try to shelter itself or disprove god. It's just that scientific method have disproven everything in the bible everytime.

It probably wouldn't be refuted. Just some caveats to the theory would be added. I mean you can't really ignore the expansion of the universe + the cosmic microwave background radiation.

The evidence (comic microwave, expansion, cool down, etc) but the conclusion may be wrong, I don't think it is, but can't assure... to assure something won't ever be revised, changed maybe totally denied is more in the religious branch than science.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

tiffac said:
DonFerrari said:
tiffac said:

So its a hunch then? or something like that :)

Not a hunch. A theory based on empirical evidence and verified through mathematical calculations. Of course all the assumptions could be wrong and with more evidence the whole theory be reffuted and we discover god, Science don't try to shelter itself or disprove god. It's just that scientific method have disproven everything in the bible everytime.

But that's kinda like the same thing, not sure but its there, so it has to be. A hunch. It doesn't need to be bad, I mean hunches are sometimes close to the truth than we think. So its cool~

Kinda like...

Okay too much of this show is maybe bad for my health lol!

I'm not certain how can you associate observation of natural phenomenon, detail describing, mathematical models and exaustive test with "hunch" (altough sometimes the source of the first guess or where to look could have been a hunch). Cientific Method isn't a hunch, as much as Dinossaurs haven't been caried in the ark.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

DonFerrari said:
tiffac said:
DonFerrari said:
tiffac said:

So its a hunch then? or something like that :)

Not a hunch. A theory based on empirical evidence and verified through mathematical calculations. Of course all the assumptions could be wrong and with more evidence the whole theory be reffuted and we discover god, Science don't try to shelter itself or disprove god. It's just that scientific method have disproven everything in the bible everytime.

But that's kinda like the same thing, not sure but its there, so it has to be. A hunch. It doesn't need to be bad, I mean hunches are sometimes close to the truth than we think. So its cool~

Kinda like...

Okay too much of this show is maybe bad for my health lol!

I'm not certain how can you associate observation of natural phenomenon, detail describing, mathematical models and exaustive test with "hunch" (altough sometimes the source of the first guess or where to look could have been a hunch). Cientific Method isn't a hunch, as much as Dinossaurs haven't been caried in the ark.

Yeah the Dinos got left by Noah must be too big to carry at that time. Where was the Enterprise when you need it lol!

But no one is certain of the singullarity right? So that's got to be a hunch. Aliens too :)