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Forums - Sony Discussion - The Official PlayStation 3 Exclusives list...

I am waiting for Resistance 2, Killzone 2, Metal Gear Solid 4, Little Big Planet ... fantastic list. Fantastic year.

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Aj_habfan said:
I think Naughty Dog saw how Ratchet & Clank performed, added with the PS3 fanbase, and is a bit hesitant to work on Jak.

Not that it's a bad thing though, Uncharted is amazing.

 They had already decided that Uncharted 2 would be their next project while they were still finishing up the first. Jak comes after. And Ratchet and Clank? Not doing so bad.

I think Singstar and Buzz TV quiz are very important exclusives, but I am strange like that I suppose.

Overall a good list though.

I'm just saying...

Why is sony list of exclusives so small compared to the 360/PC and wii. I thought Sony are supposed to have like the most first party game developer teams out of microsoft and nintendo put together

They must be announcing some at E3 or something or should i say a lot

obieslut said:
Why is sony list of exclusives so small compared to the 360/PC and wii. I thought Sony are supposed to have like the most first party game developer teams out of microsoft and nintendo put together

They must be announcing some at E3 or something or should i say a lot

1. They employ the most developers, but that doesn't directly translate into games (though on average they publish more than Nintendo year for year). Also, that doesn't count third party exclusives, of which the Wii is recieving plenty.

2. If you look at the 360 list, 30 of the 47 "exclusives" are also on PC, and one of them (Elveon) has even been announced for ps3, though the OP has yet to remove the game.

3. If you look at the 360 list, you'll see that it includes any and every 360 "exclusive" that might come out in '08 (even those announced for other platforms, as I pointed out before), whether they're likely to or not. In this thread, only the games that have a pretty high chance of making it out this year are on the '08 list, hence why I created a separate '09 list for games like FFXIII, Eight Days, and Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm. I'm currently considering moving Heavy Rain to the '09 list as well, despite the developers having yet to announce any delays (it's currently set for Fall '08).

4. Quantity =/= quality. Many of the ps3's exclusives are notable titles that recieve plenty of hype (MGS4, LBP, Tekken 6, Resistance 2, Killsone 2, etc.).


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Deviation59 said:
Aj_habfan said:
I think Naughty Dog saw how Ratchet & Clank performed, added with the PS3 fanbase, and is a bit hesitant to work on Jak.

Not that it's a bad thing though, Uncharted is amazing.

They had already decided that Uncharted 2 would be their next project while they were still finishing up the first. Jak comes after. And Ratchet and Clank? Not doing so bad.

 I want my Jak.

Man, it's tough>  Knowing that Uncharted 2 is coming makes me sad that Jak 4 si not, but if they had announced Jak 4 instead, I'd be said that we'd have to wait so long for Uncharted 2.  Why can't we have both?  I love Naughty Dog. :( 

Tekken's looking like its gona get released Autumn ish, with the release date of Soul 4 on 29th July.


Just to make sure, is the Naruto pic showing up in the second post?

The quality of these games are really good in my opinion. I just thought they would have had more thats all. well i guess that if we want games that are like 25-50GB. then it is the inebitable that we will get less of them to be fare.

I cant see a picture for Naruto

makingmusic476 said:
Just to make sure, is the Naruto pic showing up in the second post?

Well you'll have to change it and list the game in the first post, release has been confirmed for October 2008 in the USA, Japan and Europe get it later.