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Forums - Sales Discussion - September 2014 NPD Thread! Everything is up!

OttoniBastos said:
Can you guys imagine Microsoft's frustration as they watch Bungie boost their competitor's sales?


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190k is really good. You did well Hyrule Warriors!

mornelithe said:
poklane said:
Lets have a moment of silence for all those investors who depended on Pachter's prediction.

If they're still depending on Pachter where they were influenced by that prediction, they deserve what they got lol.


OfficerRaichu15 said:

190k for hyrule warriors :)

lets hope in November when we get the October NPD we get simliar numbers for Bayonetta 2

PS4 Destiny Month > 360 Halo3 Month


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Question: how much did Halo 3 boost X360 back in 2007?

That's good for Hyrule Warriors, we will probably see more collaborations like this.


Yeap... you are looking to the only 100% accurate tracker in this generation... Amazon >>>> VGC >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pachter. 

XOne at least double from September.

If it wasn´t for the WiiU this could have been the biggest September of all time. It was 2008, wasn´t it?

Wow, PS4 did really great