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Forums - Sales Discussion - September 2014 NPD Thread! Everything is up!

wii us over 100k! (50% up over august 2014 sales so 118k :)  )

smash sells 750k in 2 days

190k for hyrule warriors :)

1.2 million for mario kart

3ds sales doubled


(Won)Bet with TechoHobbit: He(Techno) says 10 million by January 1,2014 I say 9 million by then. Winner gets 2 weeks of sig control.

(Lost)Bet with kinisking: I say Ps4 will win April NPD while he says Xbox One will win it; winner gets 1 week of avatar control.

Raichu's First Series:

First RPG?

First Fighter?

First Racer?

First Shooter?

First MMO?

First Horror?

Official Ni No Kuni Fanboy:

Familiars Captured:37

Game Beaten: 2 times almost

Times I got teary during some scenes: 3

Around the Network

500k+ is one of the highest selling non-holiday months for a single console. Congratz Sony.

Of course, you still have a ways to go before you beat the Wii's record of 803K in October of 2008 (hey, I'm a Nintendo fan, let me at least hold on to that little bit of joy *goes into corner and cries*)

Edit: Wii U over 100k you say? *leaves corner and starts partying*


1. If the Wii U sells closer to 10 million LTD by 1/3/2015 I win. If it sells closer to 9.5 million LTD by 1/3/2015 OfficerRaichu15 wins (winner gets 2 weeks of avatar control)--Lost.

It would make sense that standalone sold better on Xbone considering anyone who wanted Destiny and the PS4 would've gotten it with the Bundle which doesn't count.

There's only 2 races: White and 'Political Agenda'
2 Genders: Male and 'Political Agenda'
2 Hairstyles for female characters: Long and 'Political Agenda'
2 Sexualities: Straight and 'Political Agenda'

For the Destiny's hater that said to me nobody is playing it.

"This is an amazing stat: Destiny isn't only PS4's most-played game; it's being played five times more than anything else on the console."

Lets have a moment of silence for all those investors who depended on Pachter's prediction.

Around the Network
poklane said:
Lets have a moment of silence for all those investors who depended on Pachter's prediction.

If they're still depending on Pachter where they were influenced by that prediction, they deserve what they got lol.

Stolen from GAF.

LOL Patcher is wrong (again)

OfficerRaichu15 said:

190k for hyrule warriors :)


Boutros said:
OfficerRaichu15 said:

190k for hyrule warriors :)


check this link


(Won)Bet with TechoHobbit: He(Techno) says 10 million by January 1,2014 I say 9 million by then. Winner gets 2 weeks of sig control.

(Lost)Bet with kinisking: I say Ps4 will win April NPD while he says Xbox One will win it; winner gets 1 week of avatar control.

Raichu's First Series:

First RPG?

First Fighter?

First Racer?

First Shooter?

First MMO?

First Horror?

Official Ni No Kuni Fanboy:

Familiars Captured:37

Game Beaten: 2 times almost

Times I got teary during some scenes: 3