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How many post per page do you guys have it set at, cause for me it's 25, with the discussion having started on page 49. Go back and find my post where I asked why Jizz's name was channged and read from there! This link might help, idk if you'll have to change to 25 post per page first though.

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Alright, here are my thoughts:

- First and foremost, I believe Jizz_Beard_thePirate to be a very good user, among the best on these forums. We are not asking him to leave. We are not forcing the name Wizz_Beard_thePirate on him. He's free to choose any SFW username he desires. I'm finding it hard to believe that there's not a username out there that he would be happy with.

- Asking people to change usernames is nothing new, but it's usually caught very early (when the user has less than 100 posts). In the case of Jizz, we messed up, I'm not sure why he flew under the radar for so long but when the issue of his name was brought up in the mod chat, he was close to 1,000 posts. With us not having the power to change usernames, it was deemed unfair to ask him to create a new account so we decided to live with it. 

- The image associated with the name Jizz_Beard and a face full of sperm. There reason many users don't mind it is because after seeing it for so long we've stopped associating Jizz_Beard with that sexually explicit image and instead associated it with the great user who contributes a lot to the community. The thing to remember here though is that for new users or people checking our forums the first time, it's the face full of cum they'll be thinking about since they don't know the user and that might turn away potential new users. 

In summary, we value Jizz_Beard the user, the fun guy who likes anime but we don't feel Jizz_Beard the username is suitable for the forums. I sincerely believe that he is able to come up with a new name that he'll love.

Signature goes here!

JayWood2010 said:

I think he is a great user and hope he doesnt but thats his choice.  I think he should try and understand why his name was changed in the first place.  A lot of places would have flat out banned him completely.  He is allowed to be mad or upset, after all it was allowed for a year or something.  BUt it was always a poorly made name 

But you should never give into somebody because they threaten you.  In this case would be him leaving.  That just promotes others to do the same and makes you look weak as a leader

I'm against this if it means him leaving ... 

A community is only as strong as it's members are ... 

It may have been a poor name but him been a great user and all is what counts the most so in this case I think the mods should give into his plea ...

Ka-pi96 said:
RolStoppable said:
Einsam_Delphin said:

Revolution? xD

Indeed. You'll be our leader, so get a mass-PM ready.

oh noes, another mass PM


If that were to happen again (which it might just so everyone knows the real issue), it wouldn't be the same PM to everyone all at once again.

fatslob-:O said:

Dont you think he should try and understand why its changed though?  


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JayWood2010 said:

Dont you think he should try and understand why its changed though?  

He should but it's not right on the mods part to cut off a great user on this community either ...

RolStoppable said:
TruckOSaurus said:

(...) we value Jizz_Beard the user, the fun guy who likes anime but we don't feel Jizz_Beard the username is suitable for the forums.

That would go well with my latest post on his profile. It's not his name that made him what he is, it's the content of his posts. Meaning that the name is disposable.

No, the name is not disposable. It's a huge part of who you are and the name is the only thing that is static in one's profile. 


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fatslob-:O said:
JayWood2010 said:

Dont you think he should try and understand why its changed though?  

He should but it's not right on the mods part to cut off a great user on this community either ...

Just a clarification, he won't be cut off (no bans here). He's keeping his account, his posts, his threads, his friends, his wall posts, everything. What we're asking is a change of name to anything he wants that's SFW.

Signature goes here!

fatslob-:O said:
JayWood2010 said:


Nobody is forcing him to leave.  Thats his choice.  Mods have nothing to do with that


So i have a question. How is it that we change our names? Or does that have to go through mods?

Im not going to, just wondering