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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Mafia Round 70 - Smash Brothers - Wahahaha! Wario Wins! (And Mafia Too I Guess...)

Conegamer said:
HylianSwordsman said:
Conegamer said:
So am I not allowed to be busy? I do apologise but I've been trying my best to post here and keep up

No you're allowed to be busy. I wasn't suspecting you for it, just saying it's true. I think spurge was too.

That's fair enough; not really sure what to think of Spurge. He seems to be acting similarly to the previous game which concerns me but on thee other hand, apparently this is his normal play (?) so who knows.

Also, I wouldn't be surprised if Mafia are trying to get a time extension in order to frame one of the other lynch candidates for a mislynch. Just a hunch, could be nothing, but I'm not sold on the feasibility of the time extension right now. We still have another day to go and the extension will only make it a bit of a day longer. The work needs to be done now and the votes need to be made, rather than focusing on a time extension and waiting it out because even if we do, we won't have the time.

Yeah, I was worried about that too. I'm sure at least one of the five voting for the extension are mafia, maybe more.

To me, padib and White are wild cards. Spurge and Khan are the only people with a significant case for them. I'd hate for it to turn out that the wild cards are the only scum, but I'm thinking this group has two scum in it, so I doubt both wild cards are scum. I don't like that Khan wants to ignore the only good case we have that isn't him, and I don't like his reasoning on the wild cards.

Around the Network

Where is Eric Fabian? Last we heard from him it was election day. He'd better get on before the end of the Day, or I'm going to feel silly giving him such a strong town read. Also I want to see what he thinks of all this.

Smeags said:
Clyde32 said:
Smeags said:
There's a rumbly in my tumbly...

Kirby it is then. 

Kirby sucks.

Are you going to get that Kirby?

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

But I'm civilised.

Conegamer said:
Nicklesbe said:
Conegamer said:
Hmm very interesting indeed. So this confirms what Khan was suspecting that not every character may be a playable character. But he wouldn't choose himself to be voted for, surely?

Wonder who used this power then? We could logically write off the four included surely.

I don't know if it confirms it or not. It is quite interesting. it could simply be an item. Perhaps a draw back of that item is that he is included in the list. That is if it was khan that did it. Who on that list do you feel least comfirtable voting for? Who on the list should everyone consider voting for first?

I was thinking this also, but right now we should assume that it's someone selecting these four people and maybe expand from there.

I'd vote for either WhiteEagle (role fishing for the doctor, was told to stop several times by several people, then tried again with a different role sits very badly) or Spurge (he's acting very similarly to the previous game right now which is a bad sign)

Here you say WhiteEagle or Spurge are the best of the four.

Conegamer said:

You can't edit. 

Also shame to hear Carl; you were great last game. Hope things improve soon. And Stefl, as much as a time extension would be useful this thread is dead enough as it is and there's no real discussion coming (as is oft the case during the first day). We still have near enough 2 days; that should suffice. But we do need to start looking for targets. Khan and WhiteEagle seem like good bets right now for reasons I've mentioned previously.

But earlier you said Khan and WhiteEagle. Why the change of heart?

Around the Network

"again with a different role sits very badly)"


I'm not explaining that ever again.......look for it yourselves.

HylianSwordsman said:
Conegamer said:

I was thinking this also, but right now we should assume that it's someone selecting these four people and maybe expand from there.

I'd vote for either WhiteEagle (role fishing for the doctor, was told to stop several times by several people, then tried again with a different role sits very badly) or Spurge (he's acting very similarly to the previous game right now which is a bad sign)

Here you say WhiteEagle or Spurge are the best of the four.

Conegamer said:

You can't edit. 

Also shame to hear Carl; you were great last game. Hope things improve soon. And Stefl, as much as a time extension would be useful this thread is dead enough as it is and there's no real discussion coming (as is oft the case during the first day). We still have near enough 2 days; that should suffice. But we do need to start looking for targets. Khan and WhiteEagle seem like good bets right now for reasons I've mentioned previously.

But earlier you said Khan and WhiteEagle. Why the change of heart?

Spurge still unsettles me greatly, but right now he's put up the best defense (even if he's been a bit OTT in places which is concerning), and I'd be willing to give him one more chance because of it. And only one, it should be said. It's still very much a "next best thing" but Khan has continued his shady no-content play, up until that point ofcourse. I'm feeling better about Khan now slightly after some more recent posts, and my opinion of WEPL is unchanged, so if I had to choose there's only one option for me.

Vote - WhiteEagle


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Ugh, I'm not comfortable voting White in case he's what we're fearing he is, but I don't like his behavior since he's been put in the hot seat by Smash mode. Still, I guess we should consider all our options, so here goes.


Here he defends his role speculation on Jigglypuff, saying it caused more discussion, but also says it's pointless to guess who does what. Okay...

Here he says Smeags is funny. That's all you have to say while you're in the hot seat eh?

Here asks for votals. A few posts later he gets them.

Here votes for a time extension and padib. Gives no reasoning for either.

Here does an odd flavor post. Joking with Smeags now of all times? I doubt it means anything, just him enjoying the flavor.

Here he makes what I believe is another joke in response to me calling him a wild card.


And that's it. For someone who has a 1 in 4 chance of being lynched, he's not saying much. Maybe that's because everyone is giving him the clear, but he's being even more quiet than usual. Meanwhile he votes with Khan without providing any reasoning and more or less lays low. No contributions, even though all the other three are contributing somewhat. Just a brief comment where he says he tried to cause more discussion, by initiating what he admits is a pointless discussion.


Though he just now left this cryptic message. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be looking for...


All in all, I'm beginning to wonder if Khan's defense of White and White acting with him suggest they're on a team. So the case against White is that he fished for the doctor, then fished for other roles, and is voting with Khan with no reasoning, trying to lay low. He could still be what we were thinking he might be if he were town, but I feel like he'd try to defend himself more if he were. He's never been shy about defending himself before when he was town. It feels weird.

Regardless, I'm still not confident about voting him. Just saying, if Khan is scum, and there are two scum in this pool, White might be the other scum.


Not trying to incriminate town here, but we can't just spend the rest of the time looking at Khan and spurge, and Cone seems to think White is worth looking at. As far as I'm concerned, we'd best look at everyone.

I left that "Cryptic messafe" since I explained iit 3 times already and no time for more.

HylianSwordsman said:

Ugh, I'm not comfortable voting White in case he's what we're fearing he is, but I don't like his behavior since he's been put in the hot seat by Smash mode. Still, I guess we should consider all our options, so here goes.


Here he defends his role speculation on Jigglypuff, saying it caused more discussion, but also says it's pointless to guess who does what. Okay...

Here he says Smeags is funny. That's all you have to say while you're in the hot seat eh?

Here asks for votals. A few posts later he gets them.

Here votes for a time extension and padib. Gives no reasoning for either.

Here does an odd flavor post. Joking with Smeags now of all times? I doubt it means anything, just him enjoying the flavor.

Here he makes what I believe is another joke in response to me calling him a wild card.


And that's it. For someone who has a 1 in 4 chance of being lynched, he's not saying much. Maybe that's because everyone is giving him the clear, but he's being even more quiet than usual. Meanwhile he votes with Khan without providing any reasoning and more or less lays low. No contributions, even though all the other three are contributing somewhat. Just a brief comment where he says he tried to cause more discussion, by initiating what he admits is a pointless discussion.


Though he just now left this cryptic message. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be looking for...


All in all, I'm beginning to wonder if Khan's defense of White and White acting with him suggest they're on a team. So the case against White is that he fished for the doctor, then fished for other roles, and is voting with Khan with no reasoning, trying to lay low. He could still be what we were thinking he might be if he were town, but I feel like he'd try to defend himself more if he were. He's never been shy about defending himself before when he was town. It feels weird.

Regardless, I'm still not confident about voting him. Just saying, if Khan is scum, and there are two scum in this pool, White might be the other scum.


Not trying to incriminate town here, but we can't just spend the rest of the time looking at Khan and spurge, and Cone seems to think White is worth looking at. As far as I'm concerned, we'd best look at everyone.

The bolded part is very accurate, but unfortunately I disagree. I understand why you may have reservations with voting for White, and perhaps voting Khan and him getting a Mafia flip would leave WE as the next logical target (and vice versa).

However we have all of 20 hours and as of right now we have votes and opinions all over the place. It's best to focus on people who are possible to vote for right now for the remainder of the day, see what happens at night and then come back tomorrow with more evidence. That's my take on what should be done, but ofcourse we can't just let others off the hook (Eric and his lack of activity, same with Noctis for example) ofcourse. It's a tricky situation for sure though.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.