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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Mafia Round 70 - Smash Brothers - Wahahaha! Wario Wins! (And Mafia Too I Guess...)

HylianSwordsman said:
Clyde32 said:
Just going to mention that spurge was claiming that theprof would give a mafia this power. Thinking about it again, he could be claiming falsehoods as a way to say that a mafia is trying to get a townsfolk out.

Just a thought. You'll find a lot of arguments of him trying to "debunk the source" as some may call it.

Got a link for that? I think you're right, but I want to be sure. You know who else is making arguments like that? Astro and Khan.

Here and here. He tries some damage control here. And later he feigns innocence by saying he doesn't know what his role is

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HylianSwordsman said:
Nicklesbe said:

You make a point to say khan and Astro are team mates. If Astro is his team mate he would likely say there is no suspicion on khan and that you were wrong. I did read your analyses. I did not respond to it because I am watching others and gathering notes. I do agree with it. More evidence for it would be khan voting for padib, giving white a free pass once again and seemingly ignoring spurg that is also very suspicious and playing like he did last game.

So you're saying you thought there wasn't much suspicion on Khan because my argument draws on Astro being his team mate? There were other things in there as well, like the claim building flavor posts reminiscent of the FE game, the low contributions for most of the game, and the early defense of White's doctor fishing.

His interactions with Astro and me could be seen as scummy even independent of Astro being on his team. Whether he was distancing with his scum buddy or not, there was no interaction between the two over Khan's vote on Astro, and Astro did nothing impressive to warrant removing the vote, nor does it even seem like Astro acted because of Khan's vote. Astro had already appeared before Khan's vote, so it's not like Khan even got him to move. The whole vote and unvote seems meaningless and empty. Not much reason to vote, not much reason to unvote, no interaction between voter and voted like you usually see with votes made to get a reaction. And regardless of what you think about the non-playable character argument, I had good reason to think it was a stupid argument, and I had good logic with Astro. We might have a non-playable character with Master Hand, but to assume such without knowing and to suggest even items might be in the game is uncalled for and defies Occam's razor, simply adding to confusion. So to suggest that Astro casting suspicion on me over a gut feeling against me for calling out his poor logic is actually the best reasoning in the game? That's scummy, whether he's on Astro's team or not. He's uncomfortable with my aggressive strategy, just as we were uncomfortable with prof, and was looking for a way to get at me. He may also have been defending a teammate, if Astro is his scum mate, which I suspect may be true. But still, it's scummy either way. And the stuff you pointed out is also scummy regardless of who his teammates are.

Your interaction with spurge was really interesting though. I say it's only fair we do oblige spurge and avoid hammering until tomorrow when he returns, because it's in our best interest to get the most out of this. However, I'm thinking he might be a good second choice. He really doesn't seem to be paying attention to the thread at all. Voting time limit when it does nothing at this point, actually falling for Noctis' "you have three votes on you!" even after you called it that he didn't at the time, flat out plugging another thread as though he knows he'll be leaving this one soon, all sorts of things point to that. Between that and the panic that looks just like last game's panic, he's probably scum too.

By the way, I'm sure you know this, but be on the lookout for people who change how they play now that they're not vulnerable.

No Im not saying that at all. I assume you read my analyses of Khan? I assume so and you would know that I also pointed out his post where he said "Who else has a fast character" Which is identicle to the FE game where he said 'Who else has a father in the military". I said there wasn't much suspicion on khan to astro to see what astro would say. Again I believe if Astro was on his team he would likely say there was no real suspicion on khan. Instead he said there was quite a bit. Again I agree with your analyses of Khan. At this point I'm unsure what to think about Astro. Khan does seem scummy, conversly so does Spurg and Noctis who seem to be exhibiting team behavior. Spurg is voting for khan, Noctis will also likely vote for khan, then there is you who again will likely vote for khan.

Now I know I could very well be wrong about spurg and Noctis and they may be town. On the other hand I could be right and if I am then a mislynch has been set up by hylian. Which would likely mean Hylian SPurg and Noctis may be team mates. However I am inclined to trust hylian at this point in time and consider that all 3 are town.

So I propose a test. Spurg is currently voting for Khan, Noctis will likely vote for khan and Hylian wants to vote for khan. Khan is scummy so lets lynch khan. If khan comes up town then we have several mafia tied up neatly in a bow. If he comes up mafia then we may have 3 confirmed town along with my self. I am undoubtedly town. For the sake of town and so Noctis and Spurg quit acting like fools and trying to undermine me I am going to reveal and prove I am town but I need help from town to do so.

I am Jigglypuff. I have the ability to knock someone out and make thier vote meaningless and I also have duece votes. Currently 9 votes are requierd to lynch I can prove my ability by being the 8th vote and it ending the lynch because it would count as 8 and 9. All I ask is that I am allowed to be the hammer votes so I am protected at night. I don't have to be the hammer vote I can prove it simply by there being 8 votes instead of the required 9, I am simply asking for the hammer so I am safe. I will likely be targeted in both part due to my investigations and if Noctis and Spurg are town I will likely be killed to cast suspicion on them, or if I am right they will try and kill me for being on to them. The choice is yours town. For now.

Unvote: Spurg

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

Nicklesbe said:

No Im not saying that at all. I assume you read my analyses of Khan? I assume so and you would know that I also pointed out his post where he said "Who else has a fast character" Which is identicle to the FE game where he said 'Who else has a father in the military". I said there wasn't much suspicion on khan to astro to see what astro would say. Again I believe if Astro was on his team he would likely say there was no real suspicion on khan. Instead he said there was quite a bit. Again I agree with your analyses of Khan. At this point I'm unsure what to think about Astro. Khan does seem scummy, conversly so does Spurg and Noctis who seem to be exhibiting team behavior. Spurg is voting for khan, Noctis will also likely vote for khan, then there is you who again will likely vote for khan.

Now I know I could very well be wrong about spurg and Noctis and they may be town. On the other hand I could be right and if I am then a mislynch has been set up by hylian. Which would likely mean Hylian SPurg and Noctis may be team mates. However I am inclined to trust hylian at this point in time and consider that all 3 are town.

So I propose a test. Spurg is currently voting for Khan, Noctis will likely vote for khan and Hylian wants to vote for khan. Khan is scummy so lets lynch khan. If khan comes up town then we have several mafia tied up neatly in a bow. If he comes up mafia then we may have 3 confirmed town along with my self. I am undoubtedly town. For the sake of town and so Noctis and Spurg quit acting like fools and trying to undermine me I am going to reveal and prove I am town but I need help from town to do so.

I am Jigglypuff. I have the ability to knock someone out and make thier vote meaningless and I also have duece votes. Currently 9 votes are requierd to lynch I can prove my ability by being the 8th vote and it ending the lynch because it would count as 8 and 9. All I ask is that I am allowed to be the hammer votes so I am protected at night. I don't have to be the hammer vote I can prove it simply by there being 8 votes instead of the required 9, I am simply asking for the hammer so I am safe. I will likely be targeted in both part due to my investigations and if Noctis and Spurg are town I will likely be killed to cast suspicion on them, or if I am right they will try and kill me for being on to them. The choice is yours town. For now.

Unvote: Spurg

I'll agree to your test because I do think Khan's interactions were weird with Astro and out of the players we are now allowed to hammer, I think he's probably the most suspicious (Radishhead is still my number one because I think his comment about knowing motives is just plain scummy). There is one thing I don't agree with however;

Surely you realise they wouldn't be confirmed town in the slightest? A textbook mafia strategy is to throw a scum mate under the votewagon if it looks like their going down to try and remove suspicion from your self.


Also, this is classic Spurge behaviour, makes the game more fun hence my earlier comments about it not being a true game of mafia without Spurge around :P I remember him basically giving up like this before when he was the town doctor because he thought it would make people back off because he gave up too easily.

Yoshiya said:

I'll agree to your test because I do think Khan's interactions were weird with Astro and out of the players we are now allowed to hammer, I think he's probably the most suspicious (Radishhead is still my number one because I think his comment about knowing motives is just plain scummy). There is one thing I don't agree with however;

Surely you realise they wouldn't be confirmed town in the slightest? A textbook mafia strategy is to throw a scum mate under the votewagon if it looks like their going down to try and remove suspicion from your self.


Also, this is classic Spurge behaviour, makes the game more fun hence my earlier comments about it not being a true game of mafia without Spurge around :P I remember him basically giving up like this before when he was the town doctor because he thought it would make people back off because he gave up too easily.

That's why I said may have 3 confirmed town. I've only seen Spurg as scum once and he didn't try to throw any of his team under the bus. Noctis may do so but I've never played with him, I do know he is a fan of hatz which means it's likely in his wheelhouse. Hylian has been on khan pretty hard and from my experiance he wouldn't do that and with the conrext of events until now I don't think it's very likely any of them are on the same team as Khan. That is assuming Khan is mafia.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

I love this twist from prof, it throws a very interesting wrinkle into the game. It narrows the list down to people that maybe I wouldn't have as first choice for a vote, but it will be interesting to see how people react to such a small field of suspects.

A lot have been said about the people in the arena, I've tried to re-read them all and I'm not sure I have gotten any closer.

First of all, in going over WhiteEagle again and his peculiar play I don't think he is scum. Or, I don't have a good scum read on him I should say. I think his whole misstep with Cone was just that. I know some people tried to read it as him trying to pin down Cone for a possible counter claim, but I don't think that is the case either. When I went through the whole thing again just now, I get the feeling he was just confused and didn't realize how badly he was playing. Anyway, of the four people, he is the one I see least reason to lynch because of the inherent risk.

So, on to padib. He is a difficult read for me. He starts out the game with some light hearted joke posts and engaging in the Smeagness of the first few days, and his first real interaction is to cast a vote on WhiteEagle for his play. Back when this happened I was very suspicious of what White was doing as well, so I didn't find that too peculiar at the time. In re-reading I am starting to see more why Radish felt it was jumping on a case. That said, the whole case Radish tried to build against padib based on that first vote seemed pretty forced. At best it looks like a Day 1 attempt to shake something lose, at worst it looks like a chainsaw defense of White. In fact, the best scum read I have on White so far is how Radish jumped to his defense. Padib makes the same observation ( but it's hard for me to take that whole exchange as anything other than Day 1 mud flinging. All in all, a null read on padib for me.

Spurge next. Well, no one can say he doesn't play the same way as he usually does. Spurge is one of my favorite posters on this board for his randomness and unpredictability. It's great in all threads except in mafia. Trying to read him is frustrating because he's style is so unfocused. I honestly don't know what to believe. The whole thing about Master Hand being a mafia role used to force a vote on town seems pretty far fetched. I guess it's technically possible that the game has so many town power roles that prof has gifted scum a mis lynch, but it seems highly unlikely. Then we have the fact that he seems to not pay any attention to the thread. He (appears) to bit on Noctis' three vote trap, and more weird follows Smeags' obvious joke about Hylian being in the group of four and seems oblivious to the fact that he is not an alternative. He seems like he is playing with total abandon, he says he barely is playing anyway and I guess coming in as a replacement he might be less than fully committed, but still. Usually I think not payin much attention to the thread is a possible scum tell, but with this guy, who knows? If I was forced right now to decide scum or town I'd lean scum, but I am not very confident in that read.

Finally, Mr Khan. Not a ton of activity, but these are the things I have noticed about his play: He tried to call out town for being too inactive, but didn't do anything to drive activity himself. Only play was to vote Astro with little reasoning, basically piggy backing my observations about how Astro was playing. Other than that it was very slim picking up until today. He did defend White's terrible play concerning Cones role with some pretty weird reasoning ( Seems like he was content to let people dig for one of the most important power roles. Then of course, perhaps the weirdest moment of the game, when he called Astro's post about spurge being town and Hylian's case against him for the best reasoning in the game so far. My notes next to that link simply says "What the hell??". When I go through what I have for him, it's basically null reads and scum reads, I see almost now town play from him.

I am not going to vote right now, but I am leaning Khan. I don't want to place the vote without having the votals in front of me, and I don;t want to set up a situation where Nickles gets the immunity he is pining for without giving town a proper chance to discuss how we want to handle that situation first.

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Ugh, theprof00 is going to be angry with some of you guys. Not voting at the end of the post, and not voting for one of the four allowed.

Got to run to a lecture but will post further thoughts shortly.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Nicklesbe said:
I'm curious to see who will vote for an extension next if anyone. I know it is in towns best interest to get more time so more notes can be shared and people can share more insight or simply post more before time ticks away. It is also only fair that we give Stefl more time to catch up since we have the ability to do so this game.

@Stefl What do you think spurg meant when he said "Mafia has changed"? Also what do you think of his defending of Noctis? I see you gave Noctis an FOS, mind elaborating why? In that post you only quoted white. Also Have you seen Noctis's posts yet? There are only a few so far. Is there anything strange about them, anything that stands out?

Prolly that WoW handled games a lot differently than other mods... I have honestly no fucking clue what can change in 2 games so drastically.

Spurge being forgiving irks me a lot, but I just know he has a history of taking games not serious enough, which makes him a horrible person to read for me  - also, from his overreaction to the little proding going in his direction I think he is town (which will cause me to remove my vote at some point) - which ultimately shouldn't affect my stance on Noctis.

You and Noctis had a minor misunderstanding in regards to the postcount, which then escalated quite a lot, so far, that his defense he tried to put up made him look rather panicy. I personally think that discussing post counts beyond a certain point by the offender isn't something that is contributive really, he should just redeem himself by actually trying to contribute by posts. Overall, I deemed it enough (in combination with the fact that Spurge said "he is acting scummy") for an FoS, though I still haven't put all my time to it.

Too make it clear what is strange about them: He is overreacting when he could just clarify his own statement instead, his focus on the postals is overly ridiculous, specially if he had so little time to post. Overall the posts are a null-contribution to town.

Overall I haven't read parts of page 7 and 8 yet (@50pp), haven't gone too much into detail analysing anything yet and I have read up to this post on whatever is currently happening (I have took a glimpse on the fact that spurge seems to be all flippin' again)

WhiteEaglePL said:
Stefl1504 said:

[WhiteEaglePL post]

FoS Noctis, FoS WhiteEagly

why are you even asking something like this?



Already explained to someone later that it was meant to get posts going after 1+ of inactivity. It worked and a new discussion happened quickly.

There are so many possibilities of why so and so could do so and so because the characters have soooo much stuff lol, it would be almost if not absolutly pointless to guess what could someone do if they are this or that character.



Yeah, but after your first discussion for role-fishing you just go at it again... only maybe a bit more subtle...

Smeags on the other hand is really distracting in this case D:

Nicklesbe said:
AstroGamer said:
Anyhow this power is very clearly town. if the power works as you choose the players and then they are the only ones who can be voted, then we can use this to help weed out who is town and scum

What if it doesn't work like that? How do we know the user gets to choose? What if it randomly chooses 2 town players and 2 mafia players to fight against each other?

If it is random, but would choose two mafia and two townies and the user of the ability would know what the ability chooses it would be disgustingly OP for town... I simply assume whoever has this ability is able to choose x and something like votal leader is added... or choose x + votal leader + one random... or completely random... or choose all, but in the end, I do not think that this would hold any valueable information about scumminess

spurgeonryan said:
How is the power clearly town? They could have seen a bunch of townies being voted for and then ent for it.

Well,  if you are able to freely choose the targets of the ability it would be horendously OP on scum side - maybe if always one random scum got added it could be a power for scum... (then even the 2 scum inside solution becomes much more likely - but I guess that would be too much chance of backfiring)