1: Metal Gear Solid 5 (PS4)
2: GTA 5 (PS4)
3: Far Cry 4 (PS4)
4: Little Big Planet 3 (PS4)
5: The Order 1886 (PS4)
1: Metal Gear Solid 5 (PS4)
2: GTA 5 (PS4)
3: Far Cry 4 (PS4)
4: Little Big Planet 3 (PS4)
5: The Order 1886 (PS4)
Smash Bros. (Wii U)
Halo MCC (X1)
Xenoblade X (Wii U)
Captain Toad (Wii U)
Witcher 3 (X1)
1. The Witcher 3 (PC)
2. Bloodborne (PS4)
3. The Legend Of Zelda (WiiU)
4. Uncharted 4 (PS4)
5. Super Smash Bros. (WiiU)
Just because you have an opinion doesn't mean you are necessarily right.
1. Super Smash Bros (wii u)
2. Splatoon (wii u)
3. Pokemon OR/AS (3ds)
4. Xenoblade (wii u)
5. Watchdogs (wii u)
Pocky Lover Boy!
1. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain (PS4)
2. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (PS4)
3. The Division (PS4)
4. Batman: Arkham Knight (PS4)
5. Grand Theft Auto V (PS4)
ktay95 said:
Scrap that, I forgot a game. Here's my new list 1. FFXV (PS4) |
1. FFXV (PS4)
2. Final Fantasy Type-0: Final Fantasy XV Episode Duscae Demo (PS4)
3. MGSV: TPP (PS4) Im sorry Kojima, forgive me.
4. Persona 5 (PS4)
5. MH4G (3DS)
What will I forget next??
ktay95 said:
4. Persona 5 (PS4) 5. MH4G (3DS) |
Man, MH4G is putting a good fight, isn't it ?
VXIII said:
Haha yeah. I'm buying the New 3DS just for this game, it can't leave my 5 =P
If anything else pops up I think Type-0 (FFXV demo) is next to go seeing as it's kind of my joke pick, although I'm kind of interested in Type-0 itself.
1) Metal Gear Solid 5: Phantom Pain (PS3)
2) Persona 5 (PS3)
3) Tales of Hearts R (PSV)
4) Tales of Zesteria (PS3)
5) Persona Q (3DS)
-Dragon Age (ps4)
-witcher 3 (ps4)
-Ys (ps4)
-Persona 5 (ps4)
-FF Type-0 (ps4)
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