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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Official FINAL FANTASY XV HYPE Thread - New Info Revealed! FFXV Online?!

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Are you hyped for FFXV?

Hell yes! For the PS4! 154 85.08%
Hell yes! For the Xbox One 4 2.21%
Nope... Not hyped. 17 9.39%
Not getting it. 6 3.31%
padib said:

This is the only next gen game announced so far that fully deserves the hype. It honestly looks and sounds amazing.

But I'd prefer use my wheelchair to get there.

I'd add MGSV and Witcher 3 to that list.  I would add Batman Arkham Knight, but we haven't seen enough of it yet.

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estebxx said:
the interview was great, today i was having some doubts about the game and i was wondering if it could suffer a downgrade in graphics like watchdogs, afterall FFXV looks simply to good to be true, but after reading the interview i have confidence that it will at least look as good as it does now, since its supposedly only at 70% and their aiming to 100%, and the demo will be at 80% (better looking that the trailers).

i expect this game to release in 2016, and if we are lucky late 2015. (i really hope we are lucky).
also im kind of dissapointed that you can only control one character but oh well its one amazing character plus the game really is open world and i get to DRIVE the car so that makes it up for me.

Im thinking along the lines of XIII's release. December in Japan and then March the next year WW.

estebxx said:
the interview was great, today i was having some doubts about the game and i was wondering if it could suffer a downgrade in graphics like watchdogs, afterall FFXV looks simply to good to be true, but after reading the interview i have confidence that it will at least look as good as it does now, since its supposedly only at 70% and their aiming to 100%, and the demo will be at 80% (better looking that the trailers).

i expect this game to release in 2016, and if we are lucky late 2015. (i really hope we are lucky).
also im kind of dissapointed that you can only control one character but oh well its one amazing character plus the game really is open world and i get to DRIVE the car so that makes it up for me.

I think he's referring to the demo.

Can you add me as a brick wall in front of the car? I'd like to stop, crash and burn this hype car.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

ParryWinkle said:
estebxx said:
the interview was great, today i was having some doubts about the game and i was wondering if it could suffer a downgrade in graphics like watchdogs, afterall FFXV looks simply to good to be true, but after reading the interview i have confidence that it will at least look as good as it does now, since its supposedly only at 70% and their aiming to 100%, and the demo will be at 80% (better looking that the trailers).

i expect this game to release in 2016, and if we are lucky late 2015. (i really hope we are lucky).
also im kind of dissapointed that you can only control one character but oh well its one amazing character plus the game really is open world and i get to DRIVE the car so that makes it up for me.

I think he's referring to the demo.

I defenetly hope so.

Around the Network
ParryWinkle said:
estebxx said:
the interview was great, today i was having some doubts about the game and i was wondering if it could suffer a downgrade in graphics like watchdogs, afterall FFXV looks simply to good to be true, but after reading the interview i have confidence that it will at least look as good as it does now, since its supposedly only at 70% and their aiming to 100%, and the demo will be at 80% (better looking that the trailers).

i expect this game to release in 2016, and if we are lucky late 2015. (i really hope we are lucky).
also im kind of dissapointed that you can only control one character but oh well its one amazing character plus the game really is open world and i get to DRIVE the car so that makes it up for me.

I think he's referring to the demo.

Yeah I remeber seeing you be able to play as the whole party, albeit 1 member at a time so hopefully thats still in the game.

vivster said:
Can you add me as a brick wall in front of the car? I'd like to stop, crash and burn this hype car.

Sure, but we will simply drive through you unharmed and unscathed. Nothing can stop the hype now, NOTHING!!!

I feel like I'm going to be done with my PhD before this game is even released...

ktay95 said:
vivster said:
Can you add me as a brick wall in front of the car? I'd like to stop, crash and burn this hype car.

Sure, but we will simply drive through you unharmed and unscathed. Nothing can stop the hype now, NOTHING!!!

Pretty sure the first western reviews can stop the hype train quite abruptly^^

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

vivster said:
ktay95 said:
vivster said:
Can you add me as a brick wall in front of the car? I'd like to stop, crash and burn this hype car.

Sure, but we will simply drive through you unharmed and unscathed. Nothing can stop the hype now, NOTHING!!!

Pretty sure the first western reviews can stop the hype train quite abruptly^^