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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Do you think Watch Dogs and Projects Cars for Wii U will get cancelled?

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Yes, they'll both get cancelled 47 17.87%
Watch Dogs will, Project Cars won't 47 17.87%
Project Cars will, Watch Dogs won't 10 3.80%
Neither will be cancelled 159 60.46%

At this point they almost seem like the Loch Ness Monster...

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I don't think they will. They're most likely too far in financially to cancel them. They might as well cut their losses and release them at this point.

NNID: TheCCluc

No, but they will flop hard

I think Project Cars will remain ambitious. I cannot attest to Watch Dogs, however.

It would be a wise choice but I think they will still release and go out on a decent effort.

Around the Network

Again with this? Neither will be canceled.

cycycychris said:
Watch Dogs is not canceled. Ubisoft has said this so many time that I don't even know why people even bother questioning it.

Well, we still haven't gotten a release date, screens, footage, or any tangible proof of its continued existence, and Ubisoft have been known to lie to us.

lord_of_flood said:
They're most likely too far in financially to cancel them. They might as well cut their losses and release them at this point.

I hope you're right.

No. They seem to be working hard to make it look comparable to the X1 and PS4 versions.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

I expect them to release. However, I wouldn't be surprised if they do get cancelled.