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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Starcraft Mafia - Game Thread - Concluded

Conegamer said:
Less than 15 minutes to go. Now would be the time to say something Nickelsbe and Astrogamer.

Actually I lie. That time would have been about 2 hours ago.

you're vote isn't on either of them( yes neither is mine)

if you had to vote for one who would it be?

Around the Network
Wonktonodi said:
Conegamer said:
Less than 15 minutes to go. Now would be the time to say something Nickelsbe and Astrogamer.

Actually I lie. That time would have been about 2 hours ago.

you're vote isn't on either of them( yes neither is mine)

if you had to vote for one who would it be?

Probably Nickelsbe. After all he had my vote up until an hour or so ago. 

Astrogamer has been a little unfortunate I feel. But not defending himself concerns me too, so if either of them are lunched, I'm not going to complain. 


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Conegamer said:
Wonktonodi said:
Conegamer said:
Less than 15 minutes to go. Now would be the time to say something Nickelsbe and Astrogamer.

Actually I lie. That time would have been about 2 hours ago.

you're vote isn't on either of them( yes neither is mine)

if you had to vote for one who would it be?

Probably Nickelsbe. After all he had my vote up until an hour or so ago. 

Astrogamer has been a little unfortunate I feel. But not defending himself concerns me too, so if either of them are lunched, I'm not going to complain. 

then do it.

Vote Nickle

Issue is its 6-5. My vote would cause a no lynch. Who wants That?


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

If there is a cop I would suggest they read me. Sparks is likely scum. If not then he has been tunneling too much and focusing too much on last game to the detriment of this one.

My town reads: Wonk, Trucks, Wright, WhiteEagle, Raddish, TheProff.

Not sure: hylian but knowing his mafia play style I think he is town. Impertinence.

Everyone else should be questioned more. Especially those that jumped on my lynch train.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

Around the Network

We need someone else to vote Nickelsbe first, else he gets away for today. And even though he may be town I'd take the risk with Astro for the first day.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Damn it my browser crashed

Final Vote Count of Day 1

(6) Astrogamer - theprof00
, HylianSwordsman, WhiteEaglePL, TruckOSaurus, impertinenceNicklesbe
(1) bugrimmar - padib
(1) EricFabian - Conegamer
(5) Nicklesbe - EricFabian, spurgeonryan, SparksCarl2291, Wonktonodi
(4) Not Voting - Astrogamer, bugrimmarradishhead, Wright

Astrogamer has been lynched.  Flavor and reveal to come.  Please no more posting.

All roles with night actions may begin sending them to me.

Space Marine Erin was patroling one of the smaller side complexes that was exactly one tenth of one percent less likely to be destroyed by the impending nuclear strike.  Some terrible plague had been affecting the local sheep.  They seemed to just spontaneously explode with no explanation.  Thoughts of fiery, nuclear death and random sheepsplosion occupied the young woman's thoughts as she walked up to one of the thicker doors of the facility.  It was soundproof, airproof, bulletproof, laserproof, waterproof, and proof against at least 13 more things that she wasn't paid to know or care about.

As she reached down to the console panel and pressed the button to open the door, it made a light and pleasant ding sound before opening.  The clatter of gunfire filled the hall around the young space marine as bullets zoomed, seemingly, in every direction beyond the portal.  The corridor was awash with combat rounds, light and heavy ordinance, and men screaming and yelling.

Erin did what any young space marine would do in her shoes.  She calmly reached back to the door panel, pressed the close button, and was once again reassured by the pleasant ding sound as the door in front of her closed.  She breathed a sigh of relief but momentarily pondered why the door had taken exactly 0.4 seconds longer to close than usual.  This was, in fact, stranger than the gunfire.  Looking down at her feet she noticed something or, rather, half of a something.  Her many years of xenobiological experience combined with her own astounding powers of investigation along with slight assistance from her power armor's lifeform scanner/analyzer told her that she was looking at exactly half of a Protoss Dark Templar.

Astrogamer ( Protoss Dark Templar ) is dead.

Night 1 has begun.

Words Of Wisdom said:

Can I haz flavor?

Yes please!