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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Starcraft Mafia - Game Thread - Concluded

spurgeonryan said:
WhiteEaglePL said:
""""""WhiteEagle....Was your first vote a retaliation vote or a real vote for real reasons? Will you flip flop anymore this first day? Also, besides some quick posts here and there will you be interrogating anyone?"""""""""

First was retaliation. I think I may flip flop not just this day, I don't know.

I don't plan to interrogate anyone at the moment. I ONLY did that once last game anyway, with Sparks.

So when someone jumps on you they can expect the same treatment in the future or have  you calmed down? Where did that interrogation get you last game?

I am calm.....


The interagation basically led me to lean Town, with me being conifdent he is town after he explained himself - hours before he got lynhced. And why so many questions for me may I ask?

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radishhead said:
theprof00 said:

vote: impertinence

I knew it!

But...well, mind explaining what your thought processes are here? Or is this top-secret stuff?

care to explain the i knew it?

impertinence is another I'm seeing in a new light since my reread. particularly from his interactions with nickle.
Both had gone after carl over his quotes in the pre day 1 check in phase.

his thought of it being only town vs a ghost, seemed like a possible slip. if he's mafia he wouldn't have had the town win condition in his pm to go off of and could think something that far out is possible.

He does go after nickle on many points but only give him the finger

not long after radish points out that that finger could be scum helping fellow scum and the follow up discussion between the raish and impertinence is when nickle votes himself

imp does vote for nickle but them takes it back after seeing his number 2 has the same vote. (yet he has no problem having a vote for the same player as his #1?? Also he's now going after someone who he couldn't "fathom scum playing that way"

after prof votes for imp. Nickle says way to much on why he won't follow prof's instincts this time. fun thing I just noticed early in the game one thing nickle said the odds of prof being mafia were just as likely as him being town.

WhiteEaglePL said:
""""""WhiteEagle....Was your first vote a retaliation vote or a real vote for real reasons? Will you flip flop anymore this first day? Also, besides some quick posts here and there will you be interrogating anyone?"""""""""

First was retaliation. I think I may flip flop not just this day, I don't know.

I don't plan to interrogate anyone at the moment. I ONLY did that once last game anyway, with Sparks.

why don't you interrogate people?

Carl2291 said:
Conegamer said:
You know, every time I get ready to post a big post I get called away to do something else. I move in 2 days; so things are a little hectic. But if/when I find the time to sit down with a nice long post, I'll do so. What I don't want to do is say "you, you and you are suspicious" without reasoning, because what benefit does that provide?

Im also calling bullshit on this, because your recent post history tells me that you have been online and posting a lot over the course of the day.

To be precise, 44(!) posts in the last 16-17 hours.

You have made some great points against cone. I think that actually calls for a vote. I'm am curious why you haven't voted at all this game though.

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Conegamer said:
You know, every time I get ready to post a big post I get called away to do something else. I move in 2 days; so things are a little hectic. But if/when I find the time to sit down with a nice long post, I'll do so. What I don't want to do is say "you, you and you are suspicious" without reasoning, because what benefit does that provide?

we don't know. What we do know is you are plenty active and not saying anything. so it leaves us with questions. Are you an uncaring townie? a mafia who doesn't want to have to call out your scum buddies?

all the same you should be in here posting.


Vote Conegamer

So, quick not on Nicklesbe and some thoughts I have about his play

Overall feeling is he is trying very very hard to get people to see his point of view. Seems hellbent on getting lynched to root out scum and if it is indeed a gambit it's a really high stakes one. Then again, his signature is proof he is willing to crank this game up to 11.

I'm conflicted on him, one one hand I think the push to get lynched is so hard now that it would be almost too reckless to push it and flip scum. The town vibe I get is mostly because of this.

So to the things I don't like:

The whole case against Carl's is very weak. I see one legitimate complaint in there and that was when Carl read the conversation about EricFabian as to be about himself. That point didn't even come from Nickles, but I brought it up and as I said then Carl being paranoid town is as possible a reason as him being scum. Other than that the whole case against Carl is just a lot of hot air and nitpicking and generation a lot of words for very little. It looks a lot like the type of 'going nowhere' arguments and cases that filled tons of pages last game but didn't get town anywhere.

Another point that really doesn't make sense for me is the initial vote he put on himself. The explanation of trying to weed out scum is a legit tactic, but the timing of it is so weird. First of all there really was no lynch train going yet. Second it was very early in the game, third he almost immediately let everyone know that he did it to catch scum. As in "watch this lynch train guys, when I die mafia will be on it!" Of course, unless we have completely retarded mafia this game they are not going to bite on that scum trap. So that behavior is counterproductive to what he claims to want to be doing. It can almost be seen as a way to so obviously give away the 'secret tactic' that is serves as a warning to other scum to stay away from the lynch.

Also, by adding to his own lynch train he takes away one needed vote to the lynch. He has referenced the rules about majority vote rules for lynches so he knows full well that if no one else votes as of the moment when he made his play he could get lynched with no one else voting. In essence he reduced (or eliminated) the need for mafia to vote at all.

When I think about it, the way he has played makes the most sense if he has some sort of role that would flip town no matter what. I know the reverse role exsists (town that flips scum) but a scum role that flips or scans town seems like it would be unfair. Experienced players feel free to fill in thoughts on how feasible that kind of role would be. (The thinking being if Nickles gets lynched, without mafia on his lynch train and flips town it will give scum free reigns for a few Days). Final flavor point: Ghosts in StarCraft has an ability called cloaking. I don't know what that means but sounds like it could possibly be an ability that would prevent scans or maybe affect the flip like I was talking about.

Finally. It is possible that the many obvious attempts to point out that people voting him will be scum is just a gamble to scare people from placing a vote on him and thus lead to someone else getting lynched while he basks in the towniness of his attempted self sacrifice. A risky gamble indeed if true.

I am not caught up in my notes yet, but one thing I realize when I look over what I have noted so far is that I have almost nothing related to Wonktonodi. That is strange of course since he has been active lately, so I will for sure go back and re-read everything again. But when I think about it I realize that I have almost subconsciously assumed that he is town.

So town read on wonk from me I guess, conflicting evidence would be appreciated.

Wonktonodi said:
EricFabian said:
yes guys, I was lazy yesterday. I'm human. Is not everyday I have the strength

that's understandable. It can be a chore to be rereading it all so much

well, I read everything now. And no, is not understandable. I'm not everyday in front of my pc or with smartphone. 

Click HERE and be happy 

Wonktonodi said:
Conegamer said:
You know, every time I get ready to post a big post I get called away to do something else. I move in 2 days; so things are a little hectic. But if/when I find the time to sit down with a nice long post, I'll do so. What I don't want to do is say "you, you and you are suspicious" without reasoning, because what benefit does that provide?

we don't know. What we do know is you are plenty active and not saying anything. so it leaves us with questions. Are you an uncaring townie? a mafia who doesn't want to have to call out your scum buddies?

all the same you should be in here posting.


Vote Conegamer

I have been in here posting. I've made plenty of posts but less so the past couple of days because of the move and other family events. I apologize if that's an issue with you; particularly considering the fact there have been plenty of users who have posted far less than I for reasons that they have said in some cases (and why are you willing to believe them rather than I?) and some who haven't provided any reasons. 

It's somewhat insulting to me that you're trying to suggest that I'm not caring because it's difficult to post long replies on a phone and also when I'm pulled away every 5 minutes. But since you're all so fucking suspicious because I have other stuff going on irl I'll post my opinions; in alphabetical order:


Astrogamer - Very difficult to get a good read on the guy. Posted saying he's reading through the thread, but aside from that he's barely been here. That's somewhat suspicious, as you yourself suspected

Total posts (this does not include posts made before the game starts): 2 (Two!)

Current suspicion - Neutral, could be town but he doesn't hold enough suspicions to post. That said he should up his activity to avoid suspicion if possible. However, I do have my suspicions of him (namely his lack of large posting incase he trips up one of his scum friend, making a slip for them both).


Burgrimmar - A similar scenario to Astrogamer. However, in this case he's made it obvious that he's not overly familiar with the game, suggesting this is his first game. It's quite possible that he's simply overwhelmed, but he does bandwagon on the Nickelsbe lynch train (sarcastic maybe?) He does subsequently get defensive when there's accusations coming his way, but rather than defending himself he just clams up and plays the victim. That's a little concerning for me, but I'd like to hear more from him.

Total posts: 4

Current suspicion - Town, a newbie who's got a little overwhelmed by the whole thing. 


Carl2291 - An interesting case. Initially under fire for his flavour posts before the game even started, but that's all it is for me. It is a shaky start, sure, but he's played before and he's not going to make such a mistake so obviously and so early on. Then goes after Nickelsbe, then is attacked by Nickelsbe last night, which makes sense. He completely destroys Nickels' argument, which is a good sign for town. A lot of good posts, a lot of investigations and obviously someone who is paying attention. He's been under fire, but he's defended himself well. He does go quiet for a while, but I understand why and it's not something that can be held as any evidence either way. He's still paying attention, though, even checking activity outside of the thread. That's good to see. Whatever you say about Carl, he's done a lot of good for town at this point and is perhaps one of the best players so far. He's looking at all possible angles and all possible suspects, and knowing Carl as a fellow moderator I know he's good at this kind of thing. Definitely one to watch.

Total posts: 22

Current suspicion - Town, doing his best to keep up with the thread and, whilst he's been under fire from Nickelsbe a fair bit, he's done a good bit of investigation. One to watch for sure.


Conegamer - Well, I'll let you guys fill this bit in. I'll start. Starts off with following the advice of WoW and trusts his instincts to vote Nickelsbe; something which has yet to change. Still has suspicions of EricFabian, though. Provides advice to encourage posting, tries to learn from the mistakes in the previous game by asking questions (which was picked up on by others), looks for potential slips as well to show he's learning more as well. He does claim on a couple of occasions that he'd post his suspicions, but didn't follow through. He claims that he's busy and will be more active when he's finished moving, though.

Total posts: 20 including this one

Current suspicion - There's only so much I can say to convince you I'm town. It's up for you guys to decide and I wouldn't have it any other way.


That's about all I've got time for right now. It's taken me pretty much 45 minutes to get all the posts together, even for a brief summary like this. And yes, posting on other threads via phone is greatly different to doing something like this. Will try to finish it up later today or tomorrow, moving on Saturday and then the day is over so will see what I can do. But I can assure you; I'm paying attention. I'm following what's going on and I'm sorry for not posting much the past day or so, but I really have been busy and doing posts like this on your phone is damn tough. Do not for a single second think I do not care, though. 

Hopefully this helps you out somewhat, Wonktonodi. 


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.