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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Starcraft Mafia - Game Thread - Concluded

impertinence said:
Sparks said:
How much are we allowed to talk right now? Day1 hasn't started, but I already see a possible slip.

You can talk all you want now :) Is this possible slip safe to discuss?

Funny you should ask. I was referring to this:

Yes, it's nothing concrete, but I've come to appreciate subtlety in this game. Especially after prof caught Nicklesbe in a similar situation early last game (slipped and said Daytalk was an action, it only made sense afterwards).

Carl never mentioned any of those. Yours is the first post hinting at additional knowledge about the game's setup. Informed minority?

As far as Day1 goes, I'd say this is not too bad. You and Nicklesbe are my top two at tthe moment. Catching up...

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theprof00 said:
1 do not use past experiences with players to decide their scum meta. It is unreliable.
except with trucks. He is always scum.

vote trucks

Thoughts so far:
Does it ever say in the opening that mafia exists? I read it twice and should probably read it again, but I didnt see such.
so, also an dos goes out to anyone who just assumed mafia exists.

Nickles seems like town but I can tell he's a little rattled.
Haven't read thoroughly yet, currently in japan and trying to balance my schedule and mafia.

P-edit: thats supposed to say hos not dos.

I am curious to whar makes you question if there is mafia in the game, is it purely from the flavor or is there a reasonable caste to be made that we are all town with the setup of the game?

Sparks said:
impertinence said:
Sparks said:
How much are we allowed to talk right now? Day1 hasn't started, but I already see a possible slip.

You can talk all you want now :) Is this possible slip safe to discuss?

Funny you should ask. I was referring to this:

Yes, it's nothing concrete, but I've come to appreciate subtlety in this game. Especially after prof caught Nicklesbe in a similar situation early last game (slipped and said Daytalk was an action, it only made sense afterwards).

Carl never mentioned any of those. Yours is the first post hinting at additional knowledge about the game's setup. Informed minority?

As far as Day1 goes, I'd say this is not too bad. You and Nicklesbe are my top two at tthe moment. Catching up...

So the possible slip you saw is basically just you not reading everything fully? That's a bit disappointing, I was hoping for something a little more substantial.

(1) EricFabian - Nickelsbe
(2) Nickelsbe - TruckOSaurus, Conegamer

(2) TruckOSaurus - Wonktonodi, theprof00
(1) WhiteEaglePL - EricFabian

(11) Not Voting - Astrogamer, bugrimmar, Carl2291, Fusioncode, impertinence, padib, radishhead, spurgeonryan, Sparks, WhiteEaglePL, Wright

With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.

Countdown to Night 1:

Please PM me if there's an issue with the vote count.

ok, since my vote for TOS he's been nice and active and making effort to find scum. Other than his request for protection nothing he's done makes him worth keeping my vote oh him for.

unvote trucks

Nickel was doing well at being nice and active and keeping conversation going until his meltdown. I'll go more into that in another post

I'm not a fan of bringing up past games beyond small references, but I dislike it even more when things are brought up wrong. impertinence you got two things wrong from references to last game. Carl wasn't playing and they did have daytalk

Prof your inactivity so far this game is suspect. Though I could see you being burnt out. Your vote for TOS was especially lazy. I know I did it in part to do something fun while I couldn't be active and before much went on. There has now been plenty more to go on. Also while nothing says mafia all town should know there is more than one scum player out there and although nothing states maifa and it could be all individual scum out there, with only 4 days until nuke how likely could that be? So your suspicion over that makes you a little suspicious yourself.

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Something for the new newer players. Since games like this work best when people are active. I'll start with a few questions.

Have you ever played anything like this before?

Are you going to be reading every post and in fact often rereading them again and again?

Have you at all been familiar with the mafia scum wiki? if not check it out

Also don't be afraid to ask questions but might be best to ask WOW first since you might not even know enough to know if what your asking gives something important away.

Have fun but try not to take it personally when pressure gets put on you.

and beware of theprof00 he breaks people until they cry :P

Nicklesbe said:

Ok lets get this over with then. Town needs information so lets get that information. It hasn't been very long and I had hoped to get more investigating in but what I've found so far will hopefully be enough. I'm going to be a huge lynch target all game. Mafia knows it and are taking advantage of that fact.  You want your mafia, I suggest you look at Carl, trucks, cone and burger. One of them is likely mafia, then look at all those who are quiet, I would also suggest heavily suspecting anyone that is really quiet now that was town last game. Odds are they could be mafia. First vote always sucks and town needs answers so if I am going to be a huge target all game and a potential liability then lets get this over with and hope that I was able to finger some mafia in this short time.

Vote: NIcklesBe

It was nice playing with you, I hope in future games you judge me less by my play style and more by the actual information I find. I wish luck to all my fellow townies and I will keep seats warm in the graveyard.


2 votes and you break down? come on now, it was early in the day and there was nothing at all worthy of this break down.

If you are town it is in your best interest to stay alive and get anyone who's alignment you don't know (pretty much everyone on day one) killed instead of you. While you might be a doubt in the mind of other players, that doesn't mean you would be the first one lynched if at all. Now what you did will put more attention to you and make you a more likely lynch candidate , and giving us a lift of 4 suspects this early on day one isn't very useful.

If you're scum I hate you, though I'm glad you've made yourself a good target to get scanned.

hmm Eric, bug, astro, prof, and pad. Are having very low to now activity. Though prof seems to be in Japan for a while on vacation so that would explain reduced activity.
Padib hasn't even check in yet
two of the other three are new for sure and I'm not sure of astro's mafia experience.

Since I strongly feel that a very inactive town makes it easy for scum to hide I'll want to be putting presure on them ore any other lurkers/ low content posters

for the moment
Vote Astro

Wonktonodi said:
ok, since my vote for TOS he's been nice and active and making effort to find scum. Other than his request for protection nothing he's done makes him worth keeping my vote oh him for.

unvote trucks

Nickel was doing well at being nice and active and keeping conversation going until his meltdown. I'll go more into that in another post

I'm not a fan of bringing up past games beyond small references, but I dislike it even more when things are brought up wrong. impertinence you got two things wrong from references to last game. Carl wasn't playing and they did have daytalk

Prof your inactivity so far this game is suspect. Though I could see you being burnt out. Your vote for TOS was especially lazy. I know I did it in part to do something fun while I couldn't be active and before much went on. There has now been plenty more to go on. Also while nothing says mafia all town should know there is more than one scum player out there and although nothing states maifa and it could be all individual scum out there, with only 4 days until nuke how likely could that be? So your suspicion over that makes you a little suspicious yourself.

I could ofcourse have looked up the previous game to see if Carl played or not, but I didn't. I asked the two players I knew had played the game thoguh for their read on him because I didn't know how much mafia Carl has played and I was wondering if he's flavor quotes could be a severe slip up. As it turns out, Trucks gave the answer I was lookig for, and digging any further into Carl based on the conformation part of the game was fruitless. I got what I needed basically.

As for day talk or no day talk, I suggest you read posts more carefully and you'll find that I never said they had daytalk in the last game, in fact I said just the opposite.

Since you are not a fan of meta analysis (or Day one fluff for that matter) I won't bring up why I think prof is playing so differently this time around, but I have noticed his inactivity as well. I have also noticed that both he and sparks came out of hiding not too long after I made a comment about them being scum buddies. Oh well, more Day One fluff I'm afraid, do with these observations as you see fit.

impertinence said:

So the possible slip you saw is basically just you not reading everything fully? That's a bit disappointing, I was hoping for something a little more substantial.

This was before WoW's post about the perpetrator and bomb. At the time, your post was the first and only mention of zergs/protoss regarding them possibly being mafia. I remember because it was never mentioned by WoW in the OP or thread, and I thought to myself, where did he get that from, then?