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ok, since my vote for TOS he's been nice and active and making effort to find scum. Other than his request for protection nothing he's done makes him worth keeping my vote oh him for.

unvote trucks

Nickel was doing well at being nice and active and keeping conversation going until his meltdown. I'll go more into that in another post

I'm not a fan of bringing up past games beyond small references, but I dislike it even more when things are brought up wrong. impertinence you got two things wrong from references to last game. Carl wasn't playing and they did have daytalk

Prof your inactivity so far this game is suspect. Though I could see you being burnt out. Your vote for TOS was especially lazy. I know I did it in part to do something fun while I couldn't be active and before much went on. There has now been plenty more to go on. Also while nothing says mafia all town should know there is more than one scum player out there and although nothing states maifa and it could be all individual scum out there, with only 4 days until nuke how likely could that be? So your suspicion over that makes you a little suspicious yourself.