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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Starcraft Mafia - Game Thread - Concluded

Wright said:
TruckOSaurus said:
Now I would like to send out a message to either the medic or the medivac who must be out there somewhere. Considering we all have hit points, I'm going to assume that your ability restores hit points at Night. If that's the case then I hereby request your protection/healing toNight.

I'm asking this because I have very strong reasons to believe I'm going to need it. Last game I was able to postpone my death only by guilt tripping people since I arrived later as a replacement but it's not really an option this time around. I can be a very valuable asset to the Town especially if I'm allowed to live into the later Days and I would really like to make it there and reverse the trend of Mafia wins on VGC Mafia.

I'm not asking you to only consider me as a potential protectee (gotta keep the Mafia guessing after all) but I'm asking you to put me at the top of your list. I know you might be thinking I could be Mafia trying to lure Doctor protection away from the Town but let me assure you that I am Town and I'll spend the rest of Day One trying my best to demonstrate it.

Finally, VERY IMPORTANT, DON'T EXPOSE YOURSELF! Just take what I had to say into consideration and make your decision.

Thank you!

This is an interesting post.

What possible reason do you have to think you're going to be targeted?

A mix of being a veteran, being considered a good player, other veterans/big participants taking a more relaxed approach to the game, while I intend to take a proeminent place during Day One and some others reasons I'm not willing to disclose.

Signature goes here!

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As a side note, Trucks is right, if he is town, he is a huge target. He and Theprof were our biggest targets last game, We would have killed him sooner but it would have been too much of a dick move since he was a replacement and had no time in the game at that point.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

TruckOSaurus said:

A mix of being a veteran, being considered a good player, other veterans/big participants taking a more relaxed approach to the game, while I intend to take a proeminent place during Day One and some others reasons I'm not willing to disclose.

There's two things that popped into my mind here:


a) What if you're the medivac, and are trying to scare people into attacking you but rather searching for this ghost medivac?

b) And talking about ghosts, what if you're actually demanding to be healed, but turns out you're the ghost instead of townie/terran/whatever?

That is a very strange tactic Nickelsbe. Don't do something silly like this, please.

I don't really suspect you like I said but it's to get the ball rolling and you had the most suspicious activity to date. So, what we as town don't need is someone quitting right away over something like this.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Trucks call for protection smacks of the same kind of "I'm the best player town has so I'll likely be an early mafia target" that proof started out last game with. The proof was right and Trucks remembers so this plea for the medic doesn't say much, but it should be good seeing him prove over the next Day that he is town.

So trucks, how bout you start by giving your opinion on the play of Nicklesbe so far?

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To be fair, Trucks always gets killed by the Mafia pretty quickly

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radishhead said:
To be fair, Trucks always gets killed by the Mafia pretty quickly

You used to kill him, for Justice?

radishhead said:
To be fair, Trucks always gets killed by the Mafia pretty quickly

Yeah, judging from previous games he's either Mafia or is killed on the first night for not being Mafia. Poor Trucks


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Nicklesbe said:

Ok lets get this over with then. Town needs information so lets get that information. It hasn't been very long and I had hoped to get more investigating in but what I've found so far will hopefully be enough. I'm going to be a huge lynch target all game. Mafia knows it and are taking advantage of that fact.  You want your mafia, I suggest you look at Carl, trucks, cone and burger. One of them is likely mafia, then look at all those who are quiet, I would also suggest heavily suspecting anyone that is really quiet now that was town last game. Odds are they could be mafia. First vote always sucks and town needs answers so if I am going to be a huge target all game and a potential liability then lets get this over with and hope that I was able to finger some mafia in this short time.

Vote: NIcklesBe

It was nice playing with you, I hope in future games you judge me less by my play style and more by the actual information I find. I wish luck to all my fellow townies and I will keep seats warm in the graveyard.

If I could I'd revote for you. (I can't don't worry)

Two votes and two FoS and you're already giving up? Saying you'll be a huge lynch target all game long? Giving up already! What the hell?

Day One suspicions are very fickle, you should know that. Certainly nothing to permanently stain you with a "potential lynch" target for the whole duration of the game.

You really think that even if you put in the investigative work, chase down your suspects and provide your input you'll never shake off the stench of 4 people thinking you were kinda suspicions 24 hours into the game?

Signature goes here!

Wright said:
radishhead said:
To be fair, Trucks always gets killed by the Mafia pretty quickly

You used to kill him, for Justice?

I had to, Wright! I had to! :(

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~