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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Starcraft Mafia - Game Thread - Concluded

Conegamer said:
So we've started, then? This nuclear attack thing sounds rather concerning as well! I'll also be using my early vote:

Vote Nickelsbe 

No offence but you're already acting somewhat unusually with a lot of flip-flop voting and also a very defensive attitude, similar to that which you used in the previous game where it was revealed you were scum. It's just my gut instinct, but we need to get the ball rolling somewhere.

Also EricFabian, care to explain your reasoning for voting WhiteEagle? He's not even done anything yet! I find that concerning and would like to hear more about it as well because I'm not making much of a connection between his "joke" and his vote.

Finally it seems like there's a good chance being attacked at night is far from being killed. So there's probably a fair few attacking parties out there to try and make it fair

I can't fault ya for that vote. Tho I did say I would play about the same no matter what team I was on. I am glad tho that you are trying to learn from last game and using that experiance. Something I am trying to do as well. Are there any other points from last game you think will be/are important for this game? Have you noticed any other suspicious/strange behavior other than what you've mentioned? What are your thoughts on the flavor?

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

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Wonktonodi said:

Since day one has really started.

Vote: Trucks

He's scum more often then not, so I like my chances a little better than and that would have been the other way I'd have decided my first vote.


With everone with hit points and the rules saying players might not die after a night acttack I imagine there will be more than just one killing faction out there. Killing in this case meaing people with roles that allow them to attack other players, most likely at night but possible during the day.

Any other behavior you think was strange? Have any top suspects so far other than Trucks? What do you think of the flavor so far. Is it possible that there could be a third faction made up of 1 person that is reponsible for the nuke? Or is it simlply just flavor that doesn't mean anything?

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

nothing seems really strange for me at this point. Though I tend to see day one as mostly a fluff day. Thus one little different. Joke and flavor posts with most of the usual things that follow.

Considering the game ends day 5 unless the perp is caught. It seems very likely there will be more than just town and mafia. Though I already said as much in the post you quoted. To expand upon it though I do that there is a faction out there that wins on day 5 if not stopped and I could see it as one person so that even mafia will be trying to find him.

Nicklesbe said:

I think it would be a mistake to assume that it is a ghost. Especially after how WoW's last game played out. I think you are right tho there is likly only one person responsible. Have you ever played in a game like this before? The flavor suggests that one person is responsible and that we will all die if they arn't caught. So does that mean that both town and mafia are forced to work together in order to find who is reponsible?

This is a first for me too. I guess that until the nuclear bomb threat is dealt with both Town and Mafia will have the same goal but that's not to say we shouldn't lynch Mafia should we find one!

Nicklesbe said:
Also a lot of what happened last game was allowed to happen because town thought otherwise it would be unfair or unbalanced for town. A theory the mafia readily took advantage of so I don't think we should make that mistake here.

I agree we shouldn't dismiss too much because we were promised a crazy game but we still have to rule out things that would make the game unwinnable for a faction.

Signature goes here!

Conegamer said:
bugrimmar said:
I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do.... >< I'm stuck in limbo here. Help!

Just ask questions; read through the posts in the thread thus far looking for anything suspicious. If you see something unusual then ask a question as I did and others did above. The other guy will probably reply and then you can take it from there.

If someone looks particularly "unusual" to you, either before or after questioning, then you may vote for them. The user with the most votes will be lynched at the end of the day.

Similarly in your role PM that WordsOfWisdom sent, he may have mentioned certain "abilities". If these are usuable during the day, then you may use them (be it via a PM or, if it states so, here in the thread). I'd advise not sharing that information now though, it didn't really work out too well for me when I accidentally did last time

Unusual huh?

In that case, I vote Nickelsbe. :P

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Sorry Wright, there are too many units for me to give a description for each one really xD

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

radishhead said:
Sorry Wright, there are too many units for me to give a description for each one really xD

Can't you do it...for Justice?

Just tagging as the co-host. Don't mind me. #^_^#

Wright said:
radishhead said:
Sorry Wright, there are too many units for me to give a description for each one really xD

Can't you do it...for Justice?

...Damn it, I can't refuse it for Justice D;

Okay, I have some spare time :p Bear with me!

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

Okay, so here are the Terran units- Terran doesn't necessarily mean town (what with the Ghost and all that), but they're generally the human "good guys" in the game.

SCV: Collects resources and sends them back to the base. low HP, low Attack, no armour

Marine: Basic cannon-fodder bio-units. Can be boosted with stimpack (+attack, - hp) or combat shield (+hp). No armour, low hp/attack

Marauder: The other main bio-unit. Tankier and fights with a grenade launcher. medium hp, fairly high attack (especially against armoured units), some armour. Has a more violent cousin called the Firebat who attacks with a flamethrower.

Medivac: Flying unit that heals bio units (marines/marauders) (can carry units around too). Can't attack.

Ghost: Sneaky units, can cloak and drain EMP from Protoss units, as well as launch nuclear missiles. low hp, fairly high attack (especially against non-armoured units), no armour.

Reaper: Small, quick ground unit that has a jetpack to fly up ledges for increased mobility around the map. low hp, low attack.

Hellion: Fast scouting unit that drives around in a buggy. Attacks with a flamethrower. Med-high HP, high attack against marines and small units.

Siege Tank: Quite a cool tank unit that can lock down into place to increase range and attack. Very high attack when locked in place, some armour, fairly high HP.

Thor: Huge mechanical walking unit. Huge HP, huge attack, armoured. (Slow!)

Banshee: Solid air unit that is great at destroying buildings and armoured ground units. Pretty high HP and attack stats, no armour

Viking: Unit that can transform between an air unit (good anti-air) and a ground unit (decent ground force).

Raven: Terran support air unit that can detect cloaked units (useful for spotting hidden Ghosts!).

Battlecruiser: The ultimate Terran air unit. Huge HP, heavy armour, pretty high attack.

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~