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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Pachter: "There is no place for Nintendo hardware". Thoughts?

There is one point I agree with, and it's that (seemingly) Nintendo is unwilling to learn from others. For example, it's not that region free "should be" the standard, it's that region free IS the standard now. More or less. Blu-ray films should also be region free after a while, like DVD turned out to be.

I don't think they should go third party, I just think they should make better consoles. And while I'm almost perfectly happy with my 3DS and Wii U, there's just these small things that really grinds my gears.


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amak11 said:
TheGoldenTriforce said:
STOP posting things about PACHTER!!! Please :)

So if you have nothing better to in your live than wasting your time to post things about a Pachter who is an absolutly idiot than fine, it's your live ;)

AZWification said:
TheGoldenTriforce said:
STOP posting things about PACHTER!!! Please :)

Listen to this man! He knows what he's talking about!

Thanks ;)

ExplodingBlock said:
kinisking said:
ExplodingBlock said:
I think he is an idiot. If there isn't room for any console it would Xb1 since it is just to similar to PS4 while PS4 is better


Ehh not really I mean if XB1 didn't exist all of its exclusives would be on PS4 since they are all made by third parties

All? You do realize halo is being made by first party?, Max the curse of brotherhood, Loco cycle, gears, Kinect sports rivals, fable, and honestly much more but I don't feel like spelling them all out for you. Research yourself

Ltd predictions by the time 9th Gen comes out


Xbox one :75 million( was 65) 

Wii u: 20 milliion

Patcher is talking bollocks as per usual. VR is going to continue to drive gaming next generation for new consoles. We're at least 5 years if not longer than that away from the world and his wife having the internet speeds capable of making cloud computing viable, and you won't see any of the platform holders going near it until it's actually READY, not viable.

As for Nintendo pulling out of hardware and going third party that's not going to happen. Out of the three platform holders you're more likely to see Microsoft pulling out and going third party with the Xbox One flopping the way it has so far.

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It would be an idiotic business decision to just abandon hardware completely. They still have the option of making a single system and dedicate all of their resources to that platform.

I can't believe how many people hope that Nintendo stops making hardware sad.

I bet the Wii U would sell more than 15M LTD by the end of 2015. He bet it would sell less. I lost.

TheGoldenTriforce said:

So if you have nothing better to in your live than wasting your time to post things about a Pachter who is an absolutly idiot than fine, it's your live ;)

So if you have nothing better to do in your life than waste your time and read things about Pachter who's and absolute idiot, it's your life. ^_-

amak11 said:

A friend of mine showed me an article off gamenesia talking about the infamous ( and always wrong) Michael Pachter's recent comments on Nintendo.

They are more than a decade behind the curve, and they are so insular that there is no desire internally to learn from others. Nintendo hardware goes away. There is a place for their content. There is no place for Nintendo hardware. Nobody cares. They will have to abandon hardware. — Michael Pachter 

Pachter for a long time has always dumped on Nintendo hardware, and quite frequently has been wrong about every prediction (Vita being successful, 3DS and DS failing, Wii failing, Wii U failing, PS3 failing (though i would call the last two a late success story)). Correct me if I'm wrong on the DS part, it's been some time since I have talked about him. 

So what are your guy's thoughts? What do you think of Pachter? Do you agree with everything he says about every console? Do you agree with his current sentiments regarding Nintendo and him being certain with himself that Nintendo will go third party and that cloud gaming will take over your living room?

I promise I wont get upset at any opinions :) 

pachter is hardly, if ever right about anything, how he still gets payed is beyond me, hell he even said that there would be no PS4 or X1 that the ps3 and 360 was going to be the last gen of consoles and that all games would be in the cloud or whatever.  He is a joke and you literally could bet on the opposite of what he says and be right more then him.

Guys there is no such thing as a complimentary console or a secondary console. That's anti-consumerism. Companies shouldn't force you to buy more than one to play your favorite games.

Would it make sense for you to buy a Mac and a PC to play different computer-based games? No it doesn't.

Nintendo is becoming obsolete and irrelevant in the hardware industry.