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starcraft said:
ils411 said:

actually, the bd laser in the ps3 makes it future proof. not coz it can play bd movies, but coz it can offer more storage. since the ps3 is capable of displaying 1080i resolutions (meh...probably 720 but hey...), for games to take advantage of this, they would need to have a large storage space. and the bd disk is just the thing for hd game graphics. its just like bd movies, want hd image? you nead more storage. so in the end, once game publishers have gotten the hang of the ps3s architecture, we would see better graphics on the ps3 as it can handle the additional storage requirements.


LISTEN TO YOURSELF AND WAKE UP!!!! NO CONSOLE IS FUTURE-PROOF!!! Already all high-end gaming PC's can wipe the floor with PS3 and Xbox 360 graphically, EASILY. 

As for the advantages of Blu-Ray for gaming?  So far Sony have yet to prove this, as there isn't a single multi-platform game that has been made exclusive because it 'cant run on the 360.'  Additionally, the Blu-Ray drive's read speed is slower than the Xbox 360's DVD drive....... 


This is true but this is because the 360 is limiting the PS3. Developers need to make money and the best way to do that is to make it dumbed down on PS3. Here is a quote from:

 "Where the real problem stem is in the two system’s processors.  While Xbox games can be tweaked to move up to the PS3, the reverse is not always the case.  Due to the PS3’s advanced processor, games developed for the Sony backed platform sometimes can’t be downgraded to the the 360’s chip. 

With the 360 being in the range of 2 years old now, it is said they have used about 90% of the systems resources, which allows for some PS3 games to be ported over, but it will become rarer as time goes on.  As they push the PS3’s performance, they will finally surpass the abilities of the 360 completely."

And yes PC's have always been the top of the food chain in terms of technology. The only problem is no one buys PC games.

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ils411 said:
Girl Gamer Elite said:
Skeeuk said:
ps3 will continue to outswell 360 this year, and going into 2009 i think the 360 will drop off.

biggest mistake was not making a hd drive in the 360

i can recall comments since launch of the ps3 things like

"its only sold 2 million consoles, its gonna do a dreamcast"

ha ha ha, with great exclusives this year and a very possible price drop, ps3 will lead for sure

Yes because what the 360 needed the most was a hardware component to make it more expensive and also appeal to people who don't buy games.

actually, the bd laser in the ps3 makes it future proof. not coz it can play bd movies, but coz it can offer more storage.  since the ps3 is capable of displaying 1080i resolutions (meh...probably 720 but hey...), for games to take advantage of this, they would need to have a large storage space.  and the bd disk is just the thing for hd game graphics.  its just like bd movies, want hd image? you nead more storage. so in the end, once game publishers have gotten the hang of the ps3s architecture, we would see better graphics on the ps3 as it can handle the additional storage requirements.


Oh god where is the bingo board when you need it? Please tell me you're not serious?

I guess now you're going to tell me that the 360 isn't doing well because people aren't willing to work two jobs for it? Is the 360 not true "4D gaming"?

Oh yes and Blu-Ray offers so much storage, just ignore all the data you have to preload onto your PS3 to make games play, hope you either bought the 80GB or don't plan on owning that many games, lol!

starcraft said:
ils411 said:

actually, the bd laser in the ps3 makes it future proof. not coz it can play bd movies, but coz it can offer more storage. since the ps3 is capable of displaying 1080i resolutions (meh...probably 720 but hey...), for games to take advantage of this, they would need to have a large storage space. and the bd disk is just the thing for hd game graphics. its just like bd movies, want hd image? you nead more storage. so in the end, once game publishers have gotten the hang of the ps3s architecture, we would see better graphics on the ps3 as it can handle the additional storage requirements.


LISTEN TO YOURSELF AND WAKE UP!!!! NO CONSOLE IS FUTURE-PROOF!!! Already all high-end gaming PC's can wipe the floor with PS3 and Xbox 360 graphically, EASILY. 

As for the advantages of Blu-Ray for gaming?  So far Sony have yet to prove this, as there isn't a single multi-platform game that has been made exclusive because it 'cant run on the 360.'  Additionally, the Blu-Ray drive's read speed is slower than the Xbox 360's DVD drive....... 


dude, what are you talkin about? i said future proof for games that would need larger sotrage space. then you go out sprouting nonsense about graphics? plese storage space, not hardware but game storage space. ok?

and sony doesnt have to prove this. its actually fact. you want better graphics? you need more storage space. because better graphics would take up more space and if you use dvd9s, you'd have to sacrifice game length for graphics. not to mention sounds and music. so yeah, it is a given that the bd can offer better graphics with out sacrificing game length or anything else coz of its storage capacity.

starcraft said:
Moneybags said:
starcraft said:
I think there will be an overall 360 lead in the USA this year, though I also think that the week to week lead will interchange a fair bit more this year between 360 and PS3 than it did last year.

All said and done, I expect the Xbox 360's NA sales to look very successful compared to the Xbox, and the PS3's to look very poor compared to the PS2.

"Gees, I see a lot of damage control for the 360. The fact that ps3 was and is outselling the 360 in NA came as a huge suprise to many people and is a huge blow to M$. This was their last huge stronghold.

We've all heard this many times but this is of course with Ps3 at a few disadvantages(price,games).

Yes, we will see the 360 once again outsell Ps3 for quite a bit this year in NA. It is unlikely that we will see the significant sales gap between the 2 that we once saw...ever(maybe only for sort periods). It may not even be able to outsell the ps3 WW ever again(not sure on that one).

So as far as continualy keeping up with the PS3 WW yes, thats over. It will get its boost here and their(and probably very soon). But those boost will be smaller, fewer and farther between as time goes on.

It is certainly not the end for the 360 but as far as keeping steady with the PS3 then yeah, you could say this is the begging of the end."

So you basically indirectly agree with this^ ,my very first post. You were clearly trolling by bringing up the shortages issue exspecialy because they didn't affect my over all assessment and the fact that you can't tell me anything I specifically said is false or very unlikely to happen.

The PS3 has had two $100 price cuts.  The Xbox 360 has had one $50 price cut.  Sony Fanboys have been telling me how great the consoles game library is for months now.

This is not the beginning of the end for anything.  It could take three full years for the PS3 to catch the 360 in unit sales given how pathetically the PS3 is doing in it's homeland.  And anything could happen to either console between now and then.

Trolling? Are you serious?  You implied that the PS3 was outselling the 360 on merit alone in the USA, I pointed out there were shortages.  My god. 

uu..starcraft...are you ok? If ps3 launched at $2000 and had 3 $400 price cuts it would still be at a price disadvantage. Did you say Fanboys told you the library was great? Don't listent to them. The library isn't very good(I've only bought one ps3 game). The ps3 taking 3 years to catch up? It could take that long. But that's my point it WILL catch up for sure. Did I say the ps3 was out selling the 360 in NA on merit alone? Nope,sorry. But I did say it was out selling it. Wether it's because of BR or shortages.I don't know. But its a blow to M$ either way. I also this would not continue. This is too easy. anything to say now? Just keep it coming.

PS3 HD games are already notoriously handicapped in length and now they require preloading large amounts of data onto the harddrive just to handle all the data that is on the disc. Great logic there!

Is that you Jack Thompson?

Around the Network
Girl Gamer Elite said:
ils411 said:
Girl Gamer Elite said:

Yes because what the 360 needed the most was a hardware component to make it more expensive and also appeal to people who don't buy games.

actually, the bd laser in the ps3 makes it future proof. not coz it can play bd movies, but coz it can offer more storage.  since the ps3 is capable of displaying 1080i resolutions (meh...probably 720 but hey...), for games to take advantage of this, they would need to have a large storage space.  and the bd disk is just the thing for hd game graphics.  its just like bd movies, want hd image? you nead more storage. so in the end, once game publishers have gotten the hang of the ps3s architecture, we would see better graphics on the ps3 as it can handle the additional storage requirements.


Oh god where is the bingo board when you need it? Please tell me you're not serious?

I guess now you're going to tell me that the 360 isn't doing well because people aren't willing to work two jobs for it? Is the 360 not true "4D gaming"?

Oh yes and Blu-Ray offers so much storage, just ignore all the data you have to preload onto your PS3 to make games play, hope you either bought the 80GB or don't plan on owning that many games, lol!

umm, yes, i am serious. i'm talking about games ok? not hardware but games.  as i already said, hd graphics would need more storage space hence the bd. bd disks can offer better graphics/resolutions without sacrificing game length or anything else because of its storage capacity. 

you can easily upgrage your ps3s hd. sony evan has a tutorial on how to do it. or maybe you didnt know that lol!

plus, ever heard of uninstall? sure sure youd argue that its troublesome to install and unstiall a game over and over again. and my respond to that is so what? i get hd quality graphics and little to no load time.

The installs should be optional. A simple fix. I do prefer an install over 5 discs though. I can only find one of my FF7 discs and I really want to play it again.

ils411 said:

shortage - lack; scarcity; deficit; deficiency

plenty of arcades and halos out there is no 360 shortage. to claim that there was a shortage would mean that there was barely to no available 360 no matter what model. but theres an abundance of arcades so there is no shortage.

and no, it had only one $100 price cut on two skus. two $100 price ctus would mean that a $599 80gig would be priced at $399 coz of two $100 price cut. but its priced at $499 so thats just one price cut.

so in summary

1. word of the day is shortage - lack; scarcity; deficit; deficiency

2. one $100 price cut is $599 to $499 which is true for the 80gig. two $100 price cut is $599 tp $499 to $399 which is not true for any ps3 sku. and no, the 40gig was introduced at $399 and no price has been cut.

Actually there is a significant shortage of Pro models and Elites.  As the Pro model is the most popular, and the Elite the second most popular, many consumers are unable to purchase the Xbox 360 model they want due to an inherant SHORTAGE andare therefore WAITING or buying a PS3.

As for the price cuts, there were two.  Before you became a member, there was a big thread discussing them.  For a period of time after the 20gb was officially dropped but the 80gb hadn't received a price drop, the lowest official entry price for the PS3 was $599.  It then dropped to $499.  And then it dropped again to $399.

Thanks for playing. 

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

ils411 said:

dude, what are you talkin about? i said future proof for games that would need larger sotrage space. then you go out sprouting nonsense about graphics? plese storage space, not hardware but game storage space. ok?

and sony doesnt have to prove this. its actually fact. you want better graphics? you need more storage space. because better graphics would take up more space and if you use dvd9s, you'd have to sacrifice game length for graphics. not to mention sounds and music. so yeah, it is a given that the bd can offer better graphics with out sacrificing game length or anything else coz of its storage capacity.

Shorter games? Have you played Heavenly Sword???

Sony have to prove that BR is NECESSARY for gaming if they want people to pay the highly inflated console price to have it.  Given Mass Effect is graphically impressive, up to 40 hours long, and comes on one disk, I'd say Sony are a long way from proving this wouldnt you? 

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

starcraft said:
ils411 said:

dude, what are you talkin about? i said future proof for games that would need larger sotrage space. then you go out sprouting nonsense about graphics? plese storage space, not hardware but game storage space. ok?

and sony doesnt have to prove this. its actually fact. you want better graphics? you need more storage space. because better graphics would take up more space and if you use dvd9s, you'd have to sacrifice game length for graphics. not to mention sounds and music. so yeah, it is a given that the bd can offer better graphics with out sacrificing game length or anything else coz of its storage capacity.

Shorter games? Have you played Heavenly Sword???

Sony have to prove that BR is NECESSARY for gaming if they want people to pay the highly inflated console price to have it.  Given Mass Effect is graphically impressive, up to 40 hours long, and comes on one disk, I'd say Sony are a long way from proving this wouldnt you? 

Killzone 2. :)