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starcraft said:
Moneybags said:
starcraft said:
I think there will be an overall 360 lead in the USA this year, though I also think that the week to week lead will interchange a fair bit more this year between 360 and PS3 than it did last year.

All said and done, I expect the Xbox 360's NA sales to look very successful compared to the Xbox, and the PS3's to look very poor compared to the PS2.

"Gees, I see a lot of damage control for the 360. The fact that ps3 was and is outselling the 360 in NA came as a huge suprise to many people and is a huge blow to M$. This was their last huge stronghold.

We've all heard this many times but this is of course with Ps3 at a few disadvantages(price,games).

Yes, we will see the 360 once again outsell Ps3 for quite a bit this year in NA. It is unlikely that we will see the significant sales gap between the 2 that we once saw...ever(maybe only for sort periods). It may not even be able to outsell the ps3 WW ever again(not sure on that one).

So as far as continualy keeping up with the PS3 WW yes, thats over. It will get its boost here and their(and probably very soon). But those boost will be smaller, fewer and farther between as time goes on.

It is certainly not the end for the 360 but as far as keeping steady with the PS3 then yeah, you could say this is the begging of the end."

So you basically indirectly agree with this^ ,my very first post. You were clearly trolling by bringing up the shortages issue exspecialy because they didn't affect my over all assessment and the fact that you can't tell me anything I specifically said is false or very unlikely to happen.

The PS3 has had two $100 price cuts.  The Xbox 360 has had one $50 price cut.  Sony Fanboys have been telling me how great the consoles game library is for months now.

This is not the beginning of the end for anything.  It could take three full years for the PS3 to catch the 360 in unit sales given how pathetically the PS3 is doing in it's homeland.  And anything could happen to either console between now and then.

Trolling? Are you serious?  You implied that the PS3 was outselling the 360 on merit alone in the USA, I pointed out there were shortages.  My god. 

uu..starcraft...are you ok? If ps3 launched at $2000 and had 3 $400 price cuts it would still be at a price disadvantage. Did you say Fanboys told you the library was great? Don't listent to them. The library isn't very good(I've only bought one ps3 game). The ps3 taking 3 years to catch up? It could take that long. But that's my point it WILL catch up for sure. Did I say the ps3 was out selling the 360 in NA on merit alone? Nope,sorry. But I did say it was out selling it. Wether it's because of BR or shortages.I don't know. But its a blow to M$ either way. I also this would not continue. This is too easy. anything to say now? Just keep it coming.