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Girl Gamer Elite said:
Skeeuk said:
ps3 will continue to outswell 360 this year, and going into 2009 i think the 360 will drop off.

biggest mistake was not making a hd drive in the 360

i can recall comments since launch of the ps3 things like

"its only sold 2 million consoles, its gonna do a dreamcast"

ha ha ha, with great exclusives this year and a very possible price drop, ps3 will lead for sure

Yes because what the 360 needed the most was a hardware component to make it more expensive and also appeal to people who don't buy games.

Yeah, the reason why 360 is outselling ps3 right now is because it doesn't have that useless stuff. I mean, get it together Sony and dump that shit already.

Around the Network
Girl Gamer Elite said:

Is it me or do Sony fans have the shortest memories of anyone on this planet?

2 Years Ago: "PS3 is going to KILL OFF THE NINTY FANBOYS ONCE AND FOR ALL! Motion controls? That's a gimick! Blu-Ray is the real future of gaming. The 360 won't last long either I'm sure some hardcore retards are going to keep playing it for Halo but there's no way its going to sell more than the Xbox did. PS3 has all the games and all the power! I can't wait for the next gen to get here so we can watch as Sony demolishes the competition once again!" 

I Year Ago: "Stop being so negative! One day when all the games come out, the PS3 will find its place and do well, Sony's not going anywhere! You just have to give it a chance, stop being trolls and telling us its going to die! Why can't you just let us have our opinion and respect our choice in gaming?! If we can respect yours you can respect ours."

Today: "Woooooooo! SONY DOMINATION FTW!!! 360 is dead! LOOK OUT WII! YOU'RE NEXT!!! We've been outselling the 360 by a hair sliver margin for several weeks now! ITS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME BEFORE THE PS3 OVERTAKES IT WORLD WIDE!!!"

seriously..its pretty bad imo

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



Moneybags said:
Girl Gamer Elite said:
Skeeuk said:
ps3 will continue to outswell 360 this year, and going into 2009 i think the 360 will drop off.

biggest mistake was not making a hd drive in the 360

i can recall comments since launch of the ps3 things like

"its only sold 2 million consoles, its gonna do a dreamcast"

ha ha ha, with great exclusives this year and a very possible price drop, ps3 will lead for sure

Yes because what the 360 needed the most was a hardware component to make it more expensive and also appeal to people who don't buy games.


Yeah, the reason why 360 is outselling ps3 right now is because it doesn't have that useless stuff. I mean, get it together Sony and dump that shit already.

Useless stuff? Oh, you mean Blu-Ray? The format that everyone said was going to fail but just buried HD-DVD last week? The format that all physical HD movies will use starting in March? The format that allows for developers to avoid compression and make their games bigger? You mean the format that allows me to have one game disc instead of 4? Ex. (Lost Odyssey), Sure sounds useless to me. :) But I sense you are being sarcastic because surely you noticed that PS3 was actually outselling the 360. I mean, its only the biggest PS3 news this year.  

Moneybags said:
Girl Gamer Elite said:
Skeeuk said:
ps3 will continue to outswell 360 this year, and going into 2009 i think the 360 will drop off.

biggest mistake was not making a hd drive in the 360

i can recall comments since launch of the ps3 things like

"its only sold 2 million consoles, its gonna do a dreamcast"

ha ha ha, with great exclusives this year and a very possible price drop, ps3 will lead for sure

Yes because what the 360 needed the most was a hardware component to make it more expensive and also appeal to people who don't buy games.


Yeah, the reason why 360 is outselling ps3 right now is because it doesn't have that useless stuff. I mean, get it together Sony and dump that shit already.

Yes because Sony going from #1 to #3 was worth the price and Blu-Ray. Good logic there. I'm sure the 360 would be doing even better with a couple hundred dollars more on the price tag and a dead format stuck to it.

Moneybags said:
starcraft said:
I think there will be an overall 360 lead in the USA this year, though I also think that the week to week lead will interchange a fair bit more this year between 360 and PS3 than it did last year.

All said and done, I expect the Xbox 360's NA sales to look very successful compared to the Xbox, and the PS3's to look very poor compared to the PS2.

"Gees, I see a lot of damage control for the 360. The fact that ps3 was and is outselling the 360 in NA came as a huge suprise to many people and is a huge blow to M$. This was their last huge stronghold.

We've all heard this many times but this is of course with Ps3 at a few disadvantages(price,games).

Yes, we will see the 360 once again outsell Ps3 for quite a bit this year in NA. It is unlikely that we will see the significant sales gap between the 2 that we once saw...ever(maybe only for sort periods). It may not even be able to outsell the ps3 WW ever again(not sure on that one).

So as far as continualy keeping up with the PS3 WW yes, thats over. It will get its boost here and their(and probably very soon). But those boost will be smaller, fewer and farther between as time goes on.

It is certainly not the end for the 360 but as far as keeping steady with the PS3 then yeah, you could say this is the begging of the end."

So you basically indirectly agree with this^ ,my very first post. You were clearly trolling by bringing up the shortages issue exspecialy because they didn't affect my over all assessment and the fact that you can't tell me anything I specifically said is false or very unlikely to happen.

The PS3 has had two $100 price cuts.  The Xbox 360 has had one $50 price cut.  Sony Fanboys have been telling me how great the consoles game library is for months now.

This is not the beginning of the end for anything.  It could take three full years for the PS3 to catch the 360 in unit sales given how pathetically the PS3 is doing in it's homeland.  And anything could happen to either console between now and then.

Trolling? Are you serious?  You implied that the PS3 was outselling the 360 on merit alone in the USA, I pointed out there were shortages.  My god. 

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Around the Network
Girl Gamer Elite said:
Skeeuk said:
ps3 will continue to outswell 360 this year, and going into 2009 i think the 360 will drop off.

biggest mistake was not making a hd drive in the 360

i can recall comments since launch of the ps3 things like

"its only sold 2 million consoles, its gonna do a dreamcast"

ha ha ha, with great exclusives this year and a very possible price drop, ps3 will lead for sure

Yes because what the 360 needed the most was a hardware component to make it more expensive and also appeal to people who don't buy games.

actually, the bd laser in the ps3 makes it future proof. not coz it can play bd movies, but coz it can offer more storage.  since the ps3 is capable of displaying 1080i resolutions (meh...probably 720 but hey...), for games to take advantage of this, they would need to have a large storage space.  and the bd disk is just the thing for hd game graphics.  its just like bd movies, want hd image? you nead more storage. so in the end, once game publishers have gotten the hang of the ps3s architecture, we would see better graphics on the ps3 as it can handle the additional storage requirements.

taxman said:
NYANKS said:
rocketpig said:
MS will definitely drop the price. They can't maintain sales with only a $50 price drop in 36 months.

It's pure fanboyism to think that the RRoD will affect them that much. They wrote it off in fiscal 2006. It's a done deal.

Okay, I admit I don't really understand this. Did they write off future repair costs for the next few years. It seems like RRoD is still quite a large problem. Are they not incurring debts on top of the 2006 write off for the still significant amount of failures?

To make this clear, every company that offers a warranty must set aside money to cover the future warranty cover. This will become part of the cost to manufacture a console and lower the profit margin. e.g If the 16% failure rate is correct than for every 7 consoles microsoft manufactures about 1 will fail and this means that for every 7 consoles sold, it actually costs them 8 consoles (very simplified). The write-off in 2006 was because they didn't set enough money aside for the consoles already sold, not future console sales....

Incorrect.  The $1 billion is expected to cover repair expenses for the past consoles that will fail and also for the reduced number of recently sold or sold in the future failing consoles.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

wowww,,lets not get ahead of ourselves,,,I mean I am really happy that PS3 is finally doing good and getting the attention it deserves(to be fair Sony has spent a great deal of efforts in building this console) ,but to say that it is over for 360 is just blind fanboyism..Honestly all these companies should be around and sell good,cause this competition will lead to better games and more price cuts on the consoles.

I don't see why people want another console to die so that they can enjoy their console more,,come on people we are all better than 5 years old fanboys here




ils411 said:

actually, the bd laser in the ps3 makes it future proof. not coz it can play bd movies, but coz it can offer more storage. since the ps3 is capable of displaying 1080i resolutions (meh...probably 720 but hey...), for games to take advantage of this, they would need to have a large storage space. and the bd disk is just the thing for hd game graphics. its just like bd movies, want hd image? you nead more storage. so in the end, once game publishers have gotten the hang of the ps3s architecture, we would see better graphics on the ps3 as it can handle the additional storage requirements.


LISTEN TO YOURSELF AND WAKE UP!!!! NO CONSOLE IS FUTURE-PROOF!!! Already all high-end gaming PC's can wipe the floor with PS3 and Xbox 360 graphically, EASILY. 

As for the advantages of Blu-Ray for gaming?  So far Sony have yet to prove this, as there isn't a single multi-platform game that has been made exclusive because it 'cant run on the 360.'  Additionally, the Blu-Ray drive's read speed is slower than the Xbox 360's DVD drive....... 


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

starcraft said:
Moneybags said:
starcraft said:
I think there will be an overall 360 lead in the USA this year, though I also think that the week to week lead will interchange a fair bit more this year between 360 and PS3 than it did last year.

All said and done, I expect the Xbox 360's NA sales to look very successful compared to the Xbox, and the PS3's to look very poor compared to the PS2.

"Gees, I see a lot of damage control for the 360. The fact that ps3 was and is outselling the 360 in NA came as a huge suprise to many people and is a huge blow to M$. This was their last huge stronghold.

We've all heard this many times but this is of course with Ps3 at a few disadvantages(price,games).

Yes, we will see the 360 once again outsell Ps3 for quite a bit this year in NA. It is unlikely that we will see the significant sales gap between the 2 that we once saw...ever(maybe only for sort periods). It may not even be able to outsell the ps3 WW ever again(not sure on that one).

So as far as continualy keeping up with the PS3 WW yes, thats over. It will get its boost here and their(and probably very soon). But those boost will be smaller, fewer and farther between as time goes on.

It is certainly not the end for the 360 but as far as keeping steady with the PS3 then yeah, you could say this is the begging of the end."

So you basically indirectly agree with this^ ,my very first post. You were clearly trolling by bringing up the shortages issue exspecialy because they didn't affect my over all assessment and the fact that you can't tell me anything I specifically said is false or very unlikely to happen.

The PS3 has had two $100 price cuts.  The Xbox 360 has had one $50 price cut.  Sony Fanboys have been telling me how great the consoles game library is for months now.

This is not the beginning of the end for anything.  It could take three full years for the PS3 to catch the 360 in unit sales given how pathetically the PS3 is doing in it's homeland.  And anything could happen to either console between now and then.

Trolling? Are you serious?  You implied that the PS3 was outselling the 360 on merit alone in the USA, I pointed out there were shortages.  My god. 

shortage - lack; scarcity; deficit; deficiency

plenty of arcades and halos out there is no 360 shortage.  to claim that there was a shortage would mean that there was barely to no available 360 no matter what model. but theres an abundance of arcades so there is no shortage.

and no, it had only one $100 price cut on two skus. two $100 price ctus would mean that a $599 80gig would be priced at $399 coz of two $100 price cut. but its priced at $499 so thats just one price cut.

so in summary

1. word of the day is shortage - lack; scarcity; deficit; deficiency

2. one $100 price cut is $599 to $499 which is true for the 80gig. two $100 price cut is $599 tp $499 to $399 which is not true for any ps3 sku. and no, the 40gig was introduced at $399 and no price has been cut.