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Girl Gamer Elite said:

Is it me or do Sony fans have the shortest memories of anyone on this planet?

2 Years Ago: "PS3 is going to KILL OFF THE NINTY FANBOYS ONCE AND FOR ALL! Motion controls? That's a gimick! Blu-Ray is the real future of gaming. The 360 won't last long either I'm sure some hardcore retards are going to keep playing it for Halo but there's no way its going to sell more than the Xbox did. PS3 has all the games and all the power! I can't wait for the next gen to get here so we can watch as Sony demolishes the competition once again!" 

I Year Ago: "Stop being so negative! One day when all the games come out, the PS3 will find its place and do well, Sony's not going anywhere! You just have to give it a chance, stop being trolls and telling us its going to die! Why can't you just let us have our opinion and respect our choice in gaming?! If we can respect yours you can respect ours."

Today: "Woooooooo! SONY DOMINATION FTW!!! 360 is dead! LOOK OUT WII! YOU'RE NEXT!!! We've been outselling the 360 by a hair sliver margin for several weeks now! ITS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME BEFORE THE PS3 OVERTAKES IT WORLD WIDE!!!"

seriously..its pretty bad imo

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!

