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Forums - Sony Discussion - An objective opinion about Sony's refusal of EA Access

It's simple. Sony is trying to sell PlayStation not EA.

Sony says you own a PS4 a Vita, and a PS3 and you give me $3.99 per month and I will give you 6 free games per month plus discounts on certain new games. And this applies to all consoles currently supported by the PS family. $3.99 per month grants you the + library on all of our consoles.

EA says give me $5 per month and I will only give you 3 games on your PS4 along with some discounts. Give me an additional $5 per month and you get Access on your PS3, and an additional $5 will get Access on the Vita.

Compare the 2 programs and you see that a person that owns all 3 PS consoles (this is what Sony wants) is not getting anywhere near the same value with EA:A.

They would have to pay over 3 times the current PS+ cost to EA to get Access on all 3 consoles.

After fine tuning the PS+ value proposition for so long, how can Sony turn around and say hey we now support less value for a higher price, please buy EA:A.
Supporting EA won't be consistent with PS message of value.
Sony have 3 consoles on the market not 1.