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Forums - Movies & TV - Super Official Anime Discussion Thread

Since Trigger can't save anime this season Symphogear is stepping up again boldly to fill the void.

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Really? No one watching the new season?

Apparently anime is dead anyway.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

vivster said:
Really? No one watching the new season?

Apparently anime is dead anyway.

The new season started? I'll have to catch up after I finish binging my pleb real people shows.


I just finished OreImo, all 25 episodes and the 7 OVAs...that were apparently canon and mandatory to understand what was happening. Nice use of my four-day vacation...*wind blows*

Overall...I liked it a lot. Wasn't perfect by any means, and certain parts felt a bit rushed (Ayase and Saori's arcs in particular), but it had a generally lovable cast of characters that I kept wanting to see more of. Did some things I don't see in harem comedies often, like having the MC actually date someone other than the final girl and actually give the last two love interests a fist fight, and I liked that the MC was more than your typical nice-guy sponge you see in these shows. I liked that the dude actually acted human, like watching porn on his sister's computer, flirting with her friend, and needing others to help him rather than being Mr. Hero for everyone like these stories usually go.

Biggest issue I had was with the ending...which I'm still trying to decide if I like or not. Waifu war aside (I suppose it's hard to segregrate that...probably bothered me less since I liked the main girl), it seemed like the creators went all in on the story they wanted to write...only to get cold feet right at the finish line. I guess the way it was presented made sense...just not really a fan of inserting realistic issues into fantasy stories like this. It doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would (I soft-spoil myself on most finished romance anime I try)...but I still feel it could have been handled better.

Anyhoo...I'm aware of the reputation this anime had, and wanted to decide for myself what to think of it. Was expecting something cute and dumb like Eromanga-sensei...ended up with something that will probably stick with me for a long time.

That's all for now. Probably going to watch Little Witch Academia next now that it's finally on Netflix...though I'm bummed it's only the first cour. Avoiding piracy is hard. Maybe I'll buy an Akko Nendoroid to make myself feel better about it.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

LuckyTrouble said:

The new season started? I'll have to catch up after I finish binging my pleb real people shows.

Obligatory Better Call Saul recommendation. Last season was...*stares*

Also Breaking Bad if you still haven't seen that. One of the best live action anime out there.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

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So This season has started for me and I've seen a few shows. I'll start with the ones that have peaked my interest most thus far.

Koi to Uso: even though I have yet to watch it, I've read the manga and I' hoping it does it justice cause its pretty nice.

Nana Maru San Batsu: Just finished episode 1 and I have to say this is off to a great start. The MC is very similar to Onoda form yowapeda down to the glasses XD. I honestly like the show and the way it shows off his way of thinking. My only gripe is the main girls voice.... its..... urgh. She could have used a different VA for real.

Tsurezure Children: This is a short.... 12 minutes is not enough. This is hilarious especially the student council president and his girl. I love the romance already and the comedy is on point. Loving this.

Aho Girl: Its alright I guess.....

I picked up to the two sols That Versy is gushing about but... I'm not expecting to like them very much tho I see some potential in the youkai apartment one.

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Been a little slow on anime lately, due to extensive playing of FFXIV. Should have a bit more balance soon.

I watched Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid. Overall it was okay. Favorite goes to Fafnir and the mock dark souls on screen.

Started My Love Story. Also okay, and awkward first few episodes. Rest of show might be a bit too boring if I start another show before long. Still a cheerful show for a good laugh every now and then.

Versus_Evil said:

We have our easy best girl already. Fastest Finger First episode 1 was a great opening episode. Love the ED/OP/characters and premise. 

her voice is bad tho....

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It's getting an adaptation. It's actually happening. Now if the manga finally gets updated for once. 

Aura7541 said:

It's getting an adaptation. It's actually happening. Now if the manga finally gets updated for once. 


Anime is saved!

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