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Forums - Movies & TV - Super Official Anime Discussion Thread

areason said:
Jranation said:

You might like Ajin. One of my favourite Antagonist in Anime! He was like the only character I really like. You might get turned off by its animation......

Re Zero is VERY GOOD! The fight scenes are not bad, but the psychological aspect of it is awesome! 

Hmm Ajin looks like it has an interesting plot, guess i'm going to start it thanks!

Though i coudn't find Re Zero on myanimelist.

here you go


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New demi chan was nice, especially enjoyed the nomming :3


Yes! More Yuri and softcore porn on Ep 4 of Kuzu no Honkai!!!!! I really love all the characters! Even the sensei! 

Pocky Lover Boy! 

So how's everyone's season been so far?

Decided to give Scum's Wish a shot and it's pretty good. Brings my shows to lucky number 8.

Konosuba 2 Still funny, just like S1, if not moreso and Kazuma continues to be the scumbag I'd probably be in his shoes. AOTS contender
Masamune kun no revenge A nice harem anime that has an interesting twist of the mc wanting to take revenge on main girl. The plan isnt going as smoothly as he'd hope, but oh well. Also, there's a trap thats always nice to have.
Blue Exorcist Kyoto Arc Favorite Arc being adapted, glad they gave the show another shot and they're delivering so far with everything and it's gonna be flashback time soon.
Scum's Wish One word: Broken. That describes most of the cast and the writing behind it is great, definetly makes the show feel real, an AOTS contender for me too.
Little Witch Academia One word: Trigger. You know what you're getting from this, it's a lot of fun, hopefully they can keep it going considering it's gonna be a long-ish show.
Fuuka Good music anime with a love triangle in the middle, nothing tragic has far so good. I've grown fond of the characters so hoefully nothing to bad happens...
Interview with Monster Girls Very thought out show, that's deeper than you think at first glance thanks to the subtle way it handles situations, very likeable cast and humor. AOTS contender, but in the lead for now.
Akiba's Trip the Animation Fun show, doesn't take itself seriously just like the game.


Konosuba is the only anime I'm watching that literally makes me laugh out loud. It's quite a feat. I find Kazuma and Aqua the funniest, though the rest of the cast is great too. The part last episode where Aqua just summons a bunch of fish out of nowhere, and Kazuma is amazed, just killed me.

Demi-chan is my biggest surprise this season. I ruled it out originally for reminding of Monster Musume (*shivers*), but this anime is actually well-written. I don't like the occasional harem tease in this, since I find the age difference kinda uncomfortable, but the relationship between the girls and the individual stories are fun to watch.

Masamune-kun....this is the only show I'm watching where I find myself daydreaming about other shows. I don't have anything against tropes...but I don't really like any character in this yet, so I have a tough time getting fully invested. I should drop it..but eh...

Ao no Exorcist has cemented itself as my AOTS. It's time for the coolest priest around to get some backstory focus. *fires his rifle at a bunch of demons*

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

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I may have to change my vote for best girl mid season. I'll give Akko one more chance to prove herself.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Now the whole gang is back together in LWA.


Im happy that it was a boy! I am loving them doujinshi!

Pocky Lover Boy! 

The Milky Holmes movie is absolutely amazing. It certainly captures the feel of the first two seasons perfectly. Screw Kimi no na wa, Milky Holmes was the best movie of 2016.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

I just finished rewatching Kill la Kill. Because Trigger is god damn magnificent.