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Forums - Movies & TV - Super Official Anime Discussion Thread

Go people, watch Macross Delta! Look at what a perfect pilot episode looks like. Gotta give props for the perfect execution by the director.
And I don't even give a shit about Macross, mechs or space battles.

The first episode is like Symphogear, but fun!

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

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pokoko said:
Aeolus451 said:

Ah so you're kinda a hipster on this?  

Not at all.  I think it has more to do with the main female often being a standardized girl that's built to appeal to the most people, which, unfortunately, sometimes translates into a 'safe' choice with fewer quirks that catch my interest.  The female lead just doesn't seem to align very often with what I prefer, especially if they're the clingy type.

Give this man a bigger megaphone! Side girls are best girls. Animes with likable MCs are indeed very rare. They're usually outshined by their side characters.


But just to show that that's not the rule, Koutetsujou no Kabaneri seems to have 2 very likable MCs. A very strong female lead and a male MC that for once is not a complete moron. It's Steampunk Attack on Titan but with better characters.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Here's all the contestants of the poll. Was gonna add the "other" girls too, but this was enough work as it is D:













We voting just based on looks? I can't do that.

I Love Playstation, but my uncle works at Nintendo.


iamRockman said:
We voting just based on looks? I can't do that.

Nah, I just do it just in case people know the face, but not the name. Most people here have seen it. Some try to deny their love for them.(Glares at Uran)

Wait, so you haven't seen monster musume? If not should give it a shot, since it's pretty good.


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Ka-pi96 said:
iamRockman said:
We voting just based on looks? I can't do that.

Watch the anime, then you won't have to vote just based on looks

I did watch it, that's why i voted Suu, but for people that haven't seen it, that's what they would have to do.

I Love Playstation, but my uncle works at Nintendo.

I Love Playstation, but my uncle works at Nintendo.


iamRockman said:
Here is a prime example of a series with only 1 episode and someone has written a review,, giving the entire series a 10....

(Not sure if troll or not though)

I just watched that.  Has to be a trolling.  I mean, it wasn't the worst thing I've ever seen but ... a 10?

Ka-pi96 said:
Shadow8 said:

Nah, I just do it just in case people know the face, but not the name. Most people here have seen it. Some try to deny their love for them.(Glares at Uran)

Wait, so you haven't seen monster musume? If not should give it a shot, since it's pretty good.

Yeah, still waiting for him to move past that denial phase. Oh well, I'm sure it's only a matter of time

LOLOL Yea there is no denial phase. You seem to forget that I have watched a ton of harems and while this is not the worse, it is the one where the females will never be able to appeal to me because they are a TURN OFF not a turn on.

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The thread has really gotten really lively, nice to see that :)
Putting Uran's denial to the side for now, new Space Patrol had Over Justice again, so 10/10 again, although Trigger romance is kinda weird.
Can't wait for episode 3 of Jojo! "The Hand" will be there ;)