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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony: EA Access Doesn't "Represent Good Value To The PlayStation Gamer"

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Mr Puggsly said:
method114 said:
Mr Puggsly said:


You're concerned about EA Access being an additional subscription. But its just an option for people to get games from a publisher they enjoy.


They can already get these games without EA access. 

Can they have access to all those games for $30 a year? Unlikely.

Once again, just an option.

You know this Sony just doesn't want the competition. Its not because its a bad deal.

Yea I guess thats a good deal. With the games they are offering right now I don't think it's a good deal at all I think it's horrible in fact. Not one of those games would I play. So really how good a deal this is depends on what else they choose to offer.

Honestly though I have no idea how they expect this service to do well when they start off by offering such a horrible selection. All those games they offered will have already been purchased by the people who wanted them.

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ChaosPlanet said:
sales2099 said:

Meanewhile PS4 gamers have to PAY those ridulous prices to to try the beta.

To all PS fans here: You guys enjoying 1st place yet? ;P.

No one os FORCING anyone, just like choice wasnt an issue with MS drm, Kinect plans right?

Actually it was a issue.....that's why it has been changed. lol.

Sony now removing choice from consumers and overcharging for their own services. And you are defending them for it. Go figure.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


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Hi Weazel!

Does PSNow even offer current gen games?

method114 said:
Mr Puggsly said:

Can they have access to all those games for $30 a year? Unlikely.

Once again, just an option.

You know this Sony just doesn't want the competition. Its not because its a bad deal.

Yea I guess thats a good deal. With the games they are offering right now I don't think it's a good deal at all I think it's horrible in fact. Not one of those games would I play. So really how good a deal this is depends on what else they choose to offer.

Honestly though I have no idea how they expect this service to do well when they start off by offering such a horrible selection. All those games they offered will have already been purchased by the people who wanted them.

Not necessarily. I have always had a passive interest in BF but never took the jump. Same goes for FIfa. I like the sport but wouldn't pay for yearly installments.

For $30 per year, having access to those and more is a nice deal.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


sales2099 said:

Actually it was a issue.....that's why it has been

Sony now removing choice from consumers and overcharging for their own services. And you are defending them for it. Go figure.

I truly dont understand how anyone could defend Sony on this one.

If sony fans really wanted it, they should start complaining. I'm sure Sony could change their decisions as long as people start whining about it.

All EA games are nothing but a DLC ripoff and not worth the money. I would not even pay one cent.