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method114 said:
Mr Puggsly said:

Can they have access to all those games for $30 a year? Unlikely.

Once again, just an option.

You know this Sony just doesn't want the competition. Its not because its a bad deal.

Yea I guess thats a good deal. With the games they are offering right now I don't think it's a good deal at all I think it's horrible in fact. Not one of those games would I play. So really how good a deal this is depends on what else they choose to offer.

Honestly though I have no idea how they expect this service to do well when they start off by offering such a horrible selection. All those games they offered will have already been purchased by the people who wanted them.

Not necessarily. I have always had a passive interest in BF but never took the jump. Same goes for FIfa. I like the sport but wouldn't pay for yearly installments.

For $30 per year, having access to those and more is a nice deal.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles.