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Forums - Sales Discussion - June 2014 NPD Thread! PS4: 269k, XBO: 197k, Wii U: 140k

Ben, ignore the haters and please continue to post the numbers. People who don't comment value what you have to say, and I'd like to think the majority of the posters who care about sales do as well. I mean obviously you can't look at the whole picture, but you provide a nice piece of the overall picture. Thank you for your contributions to the website and please continue posting :)">"><img src="

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Ka-pi96 said:
jnemesh said:

Do you REALLY need me to spell it out for you?  If you make a product, and it's being outsold by it's direct competitor by a margin of TWO TO ONE, you are failing!

If, after lowering the price, it is STILL getting outsold over 2:1 and you can't even overtake your competitor in your HOME MARKET, you are failing!

It's not just about selling a few million consoles, bub.  It's about seeding the market enough that in the NEXT 5 YEARS you have the momentum to GROW your sales!

With the Xbox DECLINING in sales globally, and failing to close the gap with Sony even in the US, more customers will choose the box that their friends already own, DECREASING future sales for the Xbox and INCREASING them for the PS4!  Additionally, more developers will target the PS4 and ignore the Xbox because they have MORE POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS on the PS4.  And that also makes it MORE EXPENSIVE if Microsoft want's to buy exclusivity, either timed or not.

Now, you can stick your head in the sand all you want.  It's not going to change the reality of what is happening this gen.  As I said before, it's all over but the crying.

Well I guess ExxonMobil might as well close down as well. Because despite making a $32 billion profit last year, they were outsold by about 2:1 by Saudi Aramco.

Your logic, not mine.

Well, your analogy is just as bad as his overreaction to less than 1 year into the generation. You cant compare a small margin division of a company with an entire corperation in a nonrelated market with completely different market history, future, and economic segment. He isnt saying MSFT should shut down. It would be like if ExxonMobile made lawnmowers or cars to use their gas and that division was being destroyed.


Ganted, the posted youre referencing is reaching when we are soooooo early into this generation so even the analogy i proposed is proposterous. But so is your rebuttle to him :)

Ka-pi96 said:
jnemesh said:
Actually, the Xbox didn't do "pretty well". It did horribly, considering the new lower priced model. If they couldn't beat Sony in sales, IN THEIR HOME TERRITORY, after a MASSIVE drop in price, when will they? Answer? NEVER. It's all over but the cryin', folks.

There is no shame in losing to the PS4. As long as Xbox One gets decent sales, these could be better of course but certainly aren't bad, it is doing well.

"is doing well'? I think one month and one country doth not success make. We can say Xb one did well in June in the USA, and that gives some hope for ongoing performance. But it's way to early to say "is doing well" as some kind of ongoing pattern.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


Kresnik said:
I realise I've already put a stop to one part of the commotion in here, but please calm down.

And also stop quoting each other without shortening the quote trees first. Conegamer is having a heart attack in mod chat.

This just made my day! Thank you xD

If you're interested in Nintendo content and understand german, maybe you want to take a look at my youtube channel! :)

Ka-pi96 said:


Poor Conegamer's suffering made your day?

Yeah! He is way too obsessed with the quote trees!

If you're interested in Nintendo content and understand german, maybe you want to take a look at my youtube channel! :)

Around the Network
RealGamingExpert said:
Kresnik said:
I realise I've already put a stop to one part of the commotion in here, but please calm down.

And also stop quoting each other without shortening the quote trees first. Conegamer is having a heart attack in mod chat.

This just made my day! Thank you xD

So my suffering is what pleases you? Similarly me trying to help the community?

Damn. Maybe I should have a break from this site then. It's bad for me. (Broken symbol removed)


In all seriousness though; quote trees are quote trees. It's a dumb rule, sure. But it's a rule nonetheless. And sadly that means it needs to be enforced as uch as any other rule. So watch out!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Conegamer said:
RealGamingExpert said:
Kresnik said:
I realise I've already put a stop to one part of the commotion in here, but please calm down.

And also stop quoting each other without shortening the quote trees first. Conegamer is having a heart attack in mod chat.

This just made my day! Thank you xD

So my suffering is what pleases you? Similarly me trying to help the community?

Damn. Maybe I should have a break from this site then. It's bad for me.

I thought it was pretty funny!

Noooo! You cant go! Who is going to watch the quote trees then!? :o

If you're interested in Nintendo content and understand german, maybe you want to take a look at my youtube channel! :)

The hell just happened to this topic?

BenV never claimed to be predictor or to have data on the whole market. And he basically said that by june 16th x1 was slightly ahead so to simplify call it a tie.
If ps4 sold 269 on june averaging 54k weekly that would put it at 108k around that frametime.
X1 sold 77k on may averaging 19k, so let's say first week it sold 15k because some more hold for kinectless (it isn't a price cut so there is no reason to think less than this for people holding) then it would need to sell 93k on second week to tie. The other 89k for the rest of the month averages 30k for 3 weeks so 35-30-25k for next weeks. That all seems reasonable with pent up demand.
Besides that his storechain can sell more than average ratio for x1 since ms have deals there.
and since the main reason your attack is because he said x1 was slightly ahead and he preffers xbox. But that don't invalidate his numbers since he also said wd and destiny were adding great pre-order on ps4 and august or september would be a bloodbath.
BenV please don't stop giving us the info. It is the good stuff. How has TLOUR been doing there?

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Ka-pi96 said:
binary solo said:

"is doing well'? I think one month and one country doth not success make. We can say Xb one did well in June in the USA, and that gives some hope for ongoing performance. But it's way to early to say "is doing well" as some kind of ongoing pattern.

eh maybe it isn't doing so good and maybe it is. Sales aren't the most important factor. We will find out properly in about 4 days when Microsoft release their latest financials

Without sales there's no revenue and without revenue there's no profit and without profit there's no company. So sales are the most important factor. But the most important factor in sales is profit margin. And the financials in 4 days will tell us what we already know. Xbox is a very small piece of MS revenue and profits, and given Xbox 360 remains the driver of software revenue for now, and probably has better profit margins on the hardware the extent to which Xb one is contributing to Xbox division's profits is going to be small.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix