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Forums - General Discussion - For you people that don't flush in public bathrooms...

My hobby is going into public bathrooms, throwing a family size chocolate swiss log down the pan then scattering a few peanuts and kernals of sweetcorn over the top I  depart the cubicle chuckling to myself at what the next user might think.


Not really but it's the first thing that came to mind when I read the title thread. :P

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Isn't a problem here. In the mall, toilets flush automatically. They have a sensor that detects when you leave and it flushes.

Or even better, in England, don't remember the mall name, you just wave your hand in front of the sensor to flush. So the toilet doesn't accidently flush when you're still in "buisiness".

ItsaMii said:
In the worst case scenario, do it like I do: flush it with your feet. That is a good way to avoid touching the handle.


This will only take a moment of your time. *steals your watch*

lolita said:

Isn't a problem here. In the mall, toilets flush automatically. They have a sensor that detects when you leave and it flushes.

Or even better, in England, don't remember the mall name, you just wave your hand in front of the sensor to flush. So the toilet doesn't accidently flush when you're still in "buisiness".

 i hate crappy auto flush..nothing is worse then leaning forward or starting to stand up and the toliet flushs splashing ....stuff....up on you 



why u sit on public toilets

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!

bet with *no one yet* that the combined first week of Monster Hunter 3 in america and europe will be 600k or more! winner changes looser sig and avatar for two months!

Around the Network
lolita said:

Isn't a problem here. In the mall, toilets flush automatically. They have a sensor that detects when you leave and it flushes.

Or even better, in England, don't remember the mall name, you just wave your hand in front of the sensor to flush. So the toilet doesn't accidently flush when you're still in "buisiness".

 There are a lot of those in America too but still not every place has them like the bar I go to every Sunday.  It's in an area of town that's slightly older (Deep Ellum for the people familiar with Dallas, Texas) and you're generally lucky to have a bathroom with more than one toilet.

And before people say oh well, the people are drunk so of course they forget.  Flushing should be a habit.  Even when you're drunk you still do habitual actions like flushing.  If they don't flush because they're drunk then that's just even nastier because that means they don't flush at home either. 

koopatrooper said:
why u sit on public toilets

 I was never talking about sitting, I'm just talking about sick bastards that use a toilet (number one or two) and don't bother flushing.  I would like to find just one person that doesn't flush so I could understand the reasoning.

Do they enjoy going to the bathroom in someone elses piss?  Do they think they are going to get some disease from toilet handle that they aren't going to get from the door handle? 

^the door handles are proably sicker b/c those always get touched were as the toilet handles never do


why are u so angry about it just dont use public toilets Go HOME to do that

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!

bet with *no one yet* that the combined first week of Monster Hunter 3 in america and europe will be 600k or more! winner changes looser sig and avatar for two months!

AND don't you hate it when you're standing in front of a public toilet , urinating and your package dips into the water? No? Just me? Okay then. My blessing is my curse!