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Forums - General Discussion - For you people that don't flush in public bathrooms...

Now, every where I go, they have these robot toilets -flushing automatically, even when I'm not finished. Sure, it's sanitary, BUT AT WHAT PRICE?!?

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This thread should have a *FECES* warning. I feel dirty now. Shame on you Tommy.

This thread stirred up some memories of the most awful bathrooms I've ever been in. I've been in some awful places and awful places ALWAYS have awful bathrooms. Stuff too disgusting to mention so I will not. Perhaps AoA will start a thread "What's the most awful WC you've gone in?" Not me though. Nope, not me.

I flush everytime I use the toilet.

People are just lazy. So lazy, they also forget to wash their hands at times when they are done using the toilet or the urinal. Believe me, I've seen it several times.

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twesterm said:
fagarcia75 said:
Simple. People are taking a crap, then using the same hand (perhaps) that they just wipped there crap with are then touching the flusher.

I ain't touching it! Although I still usually do flush, I use my foot to work the flusher.

 It's not even just craps, people don't even flush after taking a piss.  I really just can't wrap my head around the sick people that don't flush.

I think he meant people don't touch it because others who took a crap touched it, not that they were.

Anyways, I try to avoid public toilets, and especially stalls, but the simple answer is they don't want to touch the toilet.

fagarcia75 said:
Simple. People are taking a crap, then using the same hand (perhaps) that they just wipped there crap with are then touching the flusher.

I ain't touching it! Although I still usually do flush, I use my foot to work the flusher.

I guess that only works with US toilets where you have to pull down instead of up or there's a button instead. For Others take toilet paper, wrap it around the flusher, flush and throw away paper in the bin.

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In the worst case scenario, do it like I do: flush it with your feet. That is a good way to avoid touching the handle.

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"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."

Joeron said:
fagarcia75 said:
Simple. People are taking a crap, then using the same hand (perhaps) that they just wipped there crap with are then touching the flusher.

I ain't touching it! Although I still usually do flush, I use my foot to work the flusher.

I guess that only works with US toilets where you have to pull down instead of up or there's a button instead. For Others take toilet paper, wrap it around the flusher, flush and throw away paper in the bin.

 Oh, I thought you had those toliets!


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I am Sinistar!
Beware, coward!
I hunger!



 At least 62 million Wii sold by the end of 09 or my mario avatar will get sad

AHhahaha omfg^^

i want that tolient

@Copycon: wow never ever saw that toilet around here, even it's called a belgian toilet. I've been to asian toilets before though.

In Singapore they flush automatically!
In the Philippines and other poorer asian countries there's no paper and you have to bring your own. You can always ask for a small bucket of water to wash your ass. Or there will be sprinkling hoze in the CR.

Joeron said:
@Copycon: wow never ever saw that toilet around here, even it's called a belgian toilet. I've been to asian toilets before though.

In Singapore they flush automatically!
In the Philippines and other poorer asian countries there's no paper and you have to bring your own. You can always ask for a small bucket of water to wash your ass. Or there will be sprinkling hoze in the CR.

Sprinkler FTW!!! From my experience the bucket of "water" is... not a good thing :)


A real chinese toilet! 

Beware, I live!
I am Sinistar!
Beware, coward!
I hunger!



 At least 62 million Wii sold by the end of 09 or my mario avatar will get sad