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Forums - Sales Discussion - Global Up! 31st May 2014

DolPhanTendo said:
kljesta64 said:
can someone explain why ps4 got a boost an x1 did not ?

Thank you! reason why i think its way overtracked. Look at the sales comparison software wise pretty close in numbers but one gets a huge and doesnt Hmmmmmm?

PS4 version is superior, added content, exclusive marketing, and has both an install base and sales rate advantage. Easy to see the win.

As for VGC, PS4 is always slightly undertracked or nearly on target for 2014. XBO is regularly overtracked, sometimes by HUGE margins. We may well see the PS4 numbers stick within single digits, and see XBO numbers from NPD show that VGC OVERtracked XBO (yet again). THAT would be hilarious.

Then again, maybe VGC simply figured out how to fix the formula, and these XBO numbers are right on the money.

Either way, there's no reason to believe that XBO should be doing better than it is. Every angle on this has advantage : PS4 in spades. By the time Destiny comes along it will be even more dire for XBO.

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Aerys said:

You forgot LIly Bergamo ;)

I hope they show this game next Monday

TheDrill said:
bananaking21 said:
XB1 cant be true. im calling undertracked.


and ps4 seems severely overtracked.

naaa. WD sold 4 million, from what we are seeing around half of that is on PS4 alone. numbers are believable, might even be undertracked actually. 

TheDrill said:
bananaking21 said:
XB1 cant be true. im calling undertracked.


and ps4 seems severely overtracked.

Hahaha, NPD will come and prove you wrong again. I do like how you've now backed off calling VGC accurate now, when you clung so hard to the broken XBO numbers previously. Now that they look even worse, you claim undertracked?

Btw, this PS4 boost isn't even all that big (less than the confirmed boost in the UK for example with data directly from retailers!).

What would you say if NPD comes out, and PS4 is undertracked, and XBO is overtracked. HAHAHAH. It will be damned funny, that's what.

MS made quite a stupid move (again) by removing kinect and reducing the price after WatchDogs : many people probably couldn't wait and went PS4 right away.

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ryuzaki57 said:
DolPhanTendo said:
ryuzaki57 said. The MK8 plot thickens : 480+350= 805. The 1.2m increasingly appear to be shipped. And depending on Europe + VGC overtracking Nintendo games as usual, it could be under 1m FW.

Anyway WatchDogs is the clear victor. Even Watchdogs One outsold MK8.

You do realize Watchdogs released THREE days earlier, right? 

So MK8 will overtake Watchdogs in week 2?

Yes i already thought Watchdogs would outsell MK8 during the first week because they have a three day head start, that is common sense. I also predicted during the summer the Wii U will lead overall for few weeks not during MK8 release. Thought PS4 after Watch Dogs has nothing for three months and Mario Kart will have legs during the summer because kids are out of school. 

Ucell said:
DolPhanTendo said:
jlmurph2 said:
DolPhanTendo said:
PS4 Overtracked for sure by this site pretty falling each week for awhile. Watch Dogs came out on PS3 too so why would people go buy a 500 dollar console for a game released on the older system.

PS4 is actually undertracked most tiimes.

Really? NPD was lower on both Xbox and Playstation then here. Plus this isnt including Japan's numbers yet

Do you think when Japan s comes WiiU will still behind. Im saying another 60- 70 000 in Japan while PS4 stays around 6.

Did you not see Media Create sales yesterday? Wii U sold 19k in Japan on the week of MK8 release. Many people bought PS4 last year for the cross-gen multiplatform games for better resolution and performance. Also the PS4 version was stated to be much better than the PS3 version by reviewers.

Sorry im a little retarded sometimes got a little over zealous but im wrong on this point. 

ryuzaki57 said:
MS made quite a stupid move (again) by removing kinect and reducing the price after WatchDogs : many people probably couldn't wait and went PS4 right away.


I am a MS hater, but I could easily build a plan to fix XBO in advance of this :

Instead of announcing a $399 bare console for June (IDIOTS!! lol)

Announce an immediate $399 Bundle price WITH kinect for all consoles currently in the marketplace (game of your choice via voucher, including watch dogs for the hell of it). Reimburse retailers for the difference.

Combined with : $349 Kinectless bundle w/1 AAA launch era title of your choice (Forza, etc), and $429 Kinect Bundle, same deal.

THAT would have jump started the damned thing, and headed them into E3 with some juice.

$399 bare bundle will fail harder than $449 kinect + Titanfall did. It's just a weaker PS4.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy watching them flail about.

mtachi said:

PS4's reactions to Mario Kart bump.

Seriously though, I had expected Wii U to be on top this week. Oh well, hopefully MK8 will give a lasting lift in sales.

If Bianca says it then it must be true :) 

Go PS4 and WiiU...anticipated games moving consoles, what a shocker!

DolPhanTendo said:
ryuzaki57 said: So MK8 will overtake Watchdogs in week 2?

Yes i already thought Watchdogs would outsell MK8 during the first week because they have a three day head start, that is common sense.

Definitely not. Besides, MK8 leaked earlier from many retailers. Here in Paris, you could get it the same days as WatchDogs.