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Forums - Sales Discussion - Japan Sales 01/06/14 - Mario Kart 8 Week! (>325k SW, 19k HW)

Pavolink said:
So, Mario Kart 8 didn't move consoles?
Wii U bump beyond terrible. Can't even outsell 3DS.
Wii U outselling PS4 3:1.
Vita crawling back to sub 10k.
MK8 sold 60% of 3DWorld LTD and 300% more than DK LTD.

Not looking good right?

"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"

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NintendoPie said:
Seece said:

It was 9k the week before MK, before that it was below WiiU yoy, you need to look back more than 1 week. Also I don't know if you can assume any sort of permanent boost in Japan, sales are too volatile there. If the boost was this weak why are you expecting such a good baseline?

I heard exactly the last thing last holiday for WiiU "Cheaper, more games, will sell better!" it didn't, it sold worse, in every country.

So, do you think the Wii U will sell better during the Holiday season this year or not? 

I say A) sales are too low to call that and B) lets wait to see Nintendo's strategy.


Seece said:
fleischr said:

Except in NA.


Nov 12 - 425k
Dec 12 - 460k

Nov 13 - 220k
Dec 13 - 480k

I'm referring to Q1 2013

~ Quote tree shortened - TruckOSaurus ~

I predict NX launches in 2017 - not 2016

I see a pricecut after this summer....

ktay95 said:
Damn 325k sold, but only 19k HW? :(
Well now to see how much better it did than Eu. I presume Na make up like 600k or 50% Fw.

Well the Wii U in the just the U.K. did like 12,000, so I'm guessing better than 19,000 in Europe. Its a bigger makert so yeah I could see it selling 600k or more.


Around the Network
Seece said:

I say A) sales are too low to call that and B) lets wait to see Nintendo's strategy.

I say if it doesn't then the Wii U is the worst flop in history. With Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros. it should definitely do better.

fleischr said:
Seece said:


Nov 12 - 425k
Dec 12 - 460k

Nov 13 - 220k
Dec 13 - 480k

I'm referring to Q1 2013

Who was talking about Q1 being down worldwide? Admit it, you were talking about the holiday in NA, otherwise your post makes no sense.


Supply constraints? ahahahahahah
Just like the PS4.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

NintendoPie said:
Seece said:

I say A) sales are too low to call that and B) lets wait to see Nintendo's strategy.

I say if it doesn't then the Wii U is the worst flop in history. With Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros. it should definitely do better.

Why are you expecting MK to help holiday sales? 10k boost on launch week, why is it going to do anything in 30 weeks time?

I mean unless it's bundled with a meaningful price cut.


padib said:
Seece said:


Nov 12 - 425k
Dec 12 - 460k

Nov 13 - 220k
Dec 13 - 480k

You're comparing the launch Christmas to the 2013 christmas and expecting higher sales?

How does that even make sense?

When people say games and price will strengthen WiiU sales, they mean beyond the week sales seen in slump periods. This holiday should be stronger than 2013's, because 2013 was not a launch year and 2014 will have both MK8 and SSB.

Because. History. Do you even bother researching this stuff Padib. Pretty much every system has done better in their second holiday except WiiU.