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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Wii U Outsells Xbox One

Why not?

It might be the start of a momentum!

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I think we will know better by the end of this year.

You can't ignore the fact that this week Wii units sold were triple then Xbox one units.

We will need to wait to see who will reach second place.

Fusioncode said:
There is no battle. XBO has second place locked down.

This. By the end of the gen XB1 will be ahead by tens of millions.


Of course X1 will do better but I think  Nintendo and MS will be very disappointed by the sales of each console and MS especially will hate being dominated by Sony.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

Soundwave said:

Now that MS has admitted their mistake with the bundled Kinect, and are down to $399, I suspect their sales will gradually start to accelerate past the Wii U fairly quickly.

Without Kinect, I think you could conceivably see a XB1 price cut to $349.99 around November too.

Unless X1 is selling horrible numbers by then.  I really doubt this is going to happen.

That would be three price cuts in the first year of the console. 

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Seece said:
Fusioncode said:
There is no battle. XBO has second place locked down.

This. By the end of the gen XB1 will be ahead by tens of millions.

Assuming the changes they're making is sufficient enough to actually boost the XB1 out of its current predicament and that the Wii U fails to do so.  

MDMAlliance said:
Seece said:
Fusioncode said:
There is no battle. XBO has second place locked down.

This. By the end of the gen XB1 will be ahead by tens of millions.

Assuming the changes they're making is sufficient enough to actually boost the XB1 out of its current predicament and that the Wii U fails to do so.  

It will. There is a huge PS3/360 userbase and we're not gonna see PS2 sort of dominance from PS4, MS have too much for that to happen again.

They're not going from an 90m (eventually) install base to something like 20m when they're offering a viable product for PS3/360 owners to upgrade too. Especially as they continue to eliminate reasons to get a PS4 over XB1. Better multiplatform games (never stopped PS3 doing well) is not going to overcome Microsoft and their wallet.

WiiU on the otherhand will not react to any of Nintendos efforts because the problem is with the system itself not having a clear demographic to aim at.


i agree with the OP. the PS4 versus this or that talk is silly. PS4 is in a league of its own right now, the other two arent messing with it. Ill go with Xone for all the good points already made, but it will be close and go either way. It is still 3rd. I remember people swearing Wii U would have passed Vita by now...still waitng for that.

I think we need to wait to see which console reach second place.

Also there is E3 show that should also effect sales.

We will know better by the end of this year.

I see a lot of people defending the X1 (I'm a former X360 user, now Wii U). The reality is, for now, the Wii U is selling very wel, and the X1 is underperforming. Another reality is that multiplats just sell better on the PS4. Honestly, I'm not enticed to buy an X1, and none of my friends (most of which had a X360) are really enticed to buy a X1, most already have a PS4, Wii U or both. Microsoft will have to make a more energy efficiënt 399$ X1 WITH Kinect to get me on board again.